A Thing Called School... Again

Why is the Universe so Cruel?

A week. That's how long its been since the first time I walked to school. I felt the same way as that day. Nervous and sad.

I left for school early. My grandparents packed me a lunch from last night's leftovers. I walked into school. There weren't many people there that early in the morning. I had skipped breakfast since I wasn't feeling hungry. The teacher was there reading the paper. He looked very surprised when I walked in and said good morning to him. I put down my bag before going back up to him.

"Sir, I would like to go to the roof to eat lunch today. Would you mind telling me how to get there?" It was easy for me to talk to adults. Make your voice slightly higher, but not too much. Then speak formally, slangs only make you seem immature. I always used this technique and was called the umma of my friends for it. It made adults like me.

This teacher was no different. He told me how to get there and to be careful of the wind when I stay there. I nodded and thanked him. I wrote down how to get there, in case I forgot. My books were out and I was ready for class when everyone else started coming in. I noticed that Ricky came in. He didn't come over to talk to me. I didn't look up at him. It was the way I knew it would be. They would start to avoid me, maybe thinking that I needed my space and time to mourn. My teeth clenched. They all think I'm so darn pathetic.

Class didn't distract me enough. I kept doodling on my paper. When the lunch bell rang, I went to find my way to the roof. I was hoping to find it empty, like in those dramas I watched. The girl would stay up there and think to herself. Instead I heard loud laughter when I opened the door. I looked up surprised, mainly because I wasn't expecting that many people. There were several small groups. It almost looked like this was a second cafeteria. I closed the door slowly before walking quickly. I sat down in a clean corner. I opened my lunch box and started eating. It didn't seem like the people were staring at me here. I felt much more comfortable.

A shadow loomed over me. I looked up. A girl stood looking kind of nervous and kept glancing back at her friends, who had stood as a group behind her. She looked back at me. "Umm.." she looked so nervous. "Would you mind if we sat with you?" She turned bright red.

I swallowed my bite. I nodded and smiled. Immediately, I was swarmed with girls on both sides. They all tried to introduce themselves to me. Finally, after a few minutes of confusion, a girl spoke out. "You're scaring her. Shush." They all silenced immediately. She shook her head. "Sorry," she said to me. "They get a bit overexcited sometimes. I'm Lee Min Jee."

I smiled back. "Hello. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Lee Hwa Young. I'm her sister." The girl on Min Jee's right.

"I'm Kim Mi Cha." Min Jee's left.

"Ryu Soo Jin." Mi Cha's left.

"Wong Yun" Hwa Young's right.

"Hello, I'm Han Yoona. Its nice to meet you all."

They all giggled nervously. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes. "So Miss Yoona. What brings you up here to the roof? We heard that you went down to the cafeteria all last week."

Boy does news travel fast. "Uhm, I just wanted a change in scenery. It gets boring looking around the cafeteria the whole hour you know?"

... silence.

Finally once girl gave an exasperated sigh. I think it was Mi Cha. "I give up. I'll just ask you straight out Yoona. How in the world did you become friends with Ricky and Changjo?"

This question stunned me for a minute. I was not expecting this. Especially when i came here to avoid the guys and all. "Uhh...I don't really know... We just started talking..." Oh goodness. Did they like the boys or something?

"Oh, I see..." Were they just looking for gossip? I tried to look normal as I continued eating. I swallowed my last bite and stood up. I had intended to leave alone but they all got up too. "Oh Miss Yoona. Let's walk to class together," Min Jee said. I had no idea she was in my class. The group of girls and I walked down the stairs and back to my classroom.

"Bye Miss Yoona. We'll see you tomorrow," Soo Jin said. "We're in the grade below yours so we have to go now. Bye~"

I nodded and waved bye. Hwa Young, Yun, and Soo Jin all left. Mi Cha was in the class next to us. We stood in the hallway for a little bit before the bell rang. Min Jee and I walked into our room. I sat down in my chair while Min Jee sat in hers at the front of the room. Funny how I never notice anything before its put out in front of me. 

At the end of the school day, I grabbed my bad to leave. Ricky and Min Jee both reached me at the same time.

"Miss Yoona-"


They stared at each other. I swear Min Jee blushed a little bit when Ricky mentioned her to go first. She turned back to me. "Miss Yoona, do you want to hang out today? The girls and I are going to the arcade. It will be fun."

I shook my head. "I have...work to do. You know, since I started the semester late. Sorry Miss Min Jee."

She smiled. "Its okay. I'll just go tell the rest you aren't coming. But one day you have to come with us okay?" I nodded, smiling a little.

She walked away, glancing back only once. I started to go too. Then Ricky stopped me. "Yoona... Why aren't you talking to us today? You weren't at lunch either. We didn't mean to make you upset yesterday. Please don't be mad~" He gave me the puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase Yoona?"

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I covered my mouth when a small giggle came out. "It's okay Ricky. You didn't have to pull the doggy eyes. You know I think you really look like a sad dog when you do it." I giggled again. "I wasn't mad at you Ricky. Really."

He grinned. "The puppy look works every time."

"Miss Han." Oh god. That dreaded voice. I didn't want to turn around.

"Uh, Ricky, I have to go home early today. I need to do chores. Bye..." I turned around without looking at him and ran off.

I got home without a problem. I slammed the door and said "I'm home." I knew no one would be here but it was a force of habit. I guess you can say I'm telling the house I'm home.

Imagine how scared I got when someone said "Welcome home."

I swear my heart stopped for a minute. A guy with glasses and arms to die for walked out of my kitchen and into the living room. I collapsed on the floor. I let out a breath when I recognized him as CAP. "Mister Cap. Why are you in my house?"

"Its not hard to make a copy of the keys before returning it to your grandparents. Don't worry, I do this to all the people I know."

How....creepy.... I stared at him wide eyed.

"Yea I know," he said. "But that's besides the point. Ricky just texted me. Why are you avoiding Changjo? He's been nothing but nice to you. He's not a bad guy."

" ... "

"Look Miss Yoona. Changjo is one of my best friends and I hate to see him get so worked up over a girl like you. Whatever you're problem is, its not my business. But if you are trying to get Changjo to feel like he owes you something, stop it. Remember, I have the keys to this house."

I gaped at him as he walked out the door and locked it behind him.

What the hell just happened?



This chapter is a bit...messy. Quite honestly, I didn't know what I was writing at first. But hey, it came together in the end. XD I hope you guys like it. I know it took me a long time to update. Sorry~ Don't be mad? -tries to pull the puppy face on you-

naaa. It doesn't work. Not like Ricky's. XD

comments are always always welcome~

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HAHA!! Please update soon ^^
NamHee #2
hehe update soon! xD<br />
NamHee #4
haaaa xD
OMG NO wonfer he was sooo suprised when she called him that lolz uipdate soon
awww i feel bad foe changjo though i dont know why lols update soon
hellokittyluvr143 #7
anyone, please follow, i follow back(:<br />
http://myloveeforyou143.tumblr.com/ <br />
<br />
errr what happened with changjo and mitchell?
Omg I feel soooo bad for her :( <br />
It'd cuz u like changjo more now <br />
Mitchel didn't even remember u!!! <br />
Update soon
NamHee #9
YAAAAH! i'm too excited and i dont know how to do////awwww eottokke????
hellokittyluvr143 #10
UPDATE OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!