Our Plane Ride

Ordinary Girl Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 평범한 소녀



You sat on the plane just antisipating, hoping your new start would be a good one. If your going somewhere new you might as well hope for good things, right? You looked over at JaeSon who was washing his face with a wet towelette. "Hmm?" he said while patting his face, looking at you, as you looked at him. You smiled, and he replied,"Hey, not everyone can have such flawless, nice skin as you do... Noona." He finished the sentence, and you smiled at him, "you have nice skin too JaeSon. Really." He looked away smiling, while you turned your head to look out the window. 

"12 hours to go...." you thought to yourself, "might as well review some Korean." You pulled out a small book your mom had made for you when you were very young, it was just a book with hints on how to pronounce certain words, and read better. "Aish, it's been forever since I've used any Korean." You said outloud.

You'd say the korean word, and your brother would repeat it in English. Just to refresh some words.

Kamsahamnida = Thank you

Gomawo = Thankful

Gomaseumnida = Thank you very much.

"Aish, so many words for thank you!" JaeSon whined. You smiled and patted him on the head. 

"It'll be easy as son as we refresh our Korean, and here it. It'll just take time for it to become second language." ^^

You spend 5 hours eith your brother practising your Korean pitch and pronounciation. But finally your brother was tired and didn't want to do anymore studying. You put a pillow on your lap and he laid down. You sang him a soft song by one of your favorite idols, U-Kiss, 'A Shared Dream'.

 "Becoming slightly uneasy... I was depressed

When you’re always watching with your smiling gaze
I’d just standing and sing

 I’m here, and you can hear me
Even when you are far away
As long as you wish my voice will deliver to you from underground
Shining brightly, bathed in light."

You sang in Japanese, when you went there with your brother, you were young and thought this would fit the sictuation well. After both of you slept well, you woke up to notice you were only 30 mintes until you'd arrive in Seoul's international airport in, in Incheon. 

"JaeSon... JaeSon," you spoke softly in Korean. "Dongsaeng... let's get up and prepare...." your small smile broke whe you saw the tears falling from your little brothers eyes. He was shedding tears in his sleep. You wifed them away and kiss him on his forhead. "It'll be okay, I promise." you said, before trying to wake him a second time.

Sorry, I'm trying to build on the relationship of the two. We,ll meet everyone eventually! ^^

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great storyline!