
While The Boys Are Away, The Girls Will Play


Ch.2 “Introductions”

Jasmina’s POV

“You packed all of your clothes? Toothbrush? Underwear?” Oh my god, these have to be the most embarrassing parents on the entire planet. “Yes mom! I’m smarter than you give me credit for.” She smiled and removed her hands from my shoulders and backed over towards my father. “Do you need anything else? Money? You have your phone right to call us incase anything happens?” These guys are ridiculous. “Yes dad I have everything that I need! I’m going to end up missing my flight if you guys don’t leave me alone.” My father laughed slightly to himself. “Okay well….you be safe okay?” What do they mean be safe? I’m the safest person in the world! “I’ll be fine” I said with a slight tone of annoyance in my voice. My mother buried me in a hug while my father stood strongly behind her. After what seemed like forever my mother finally released me.

My father brought me in for a quick hug unlike my mother’s which seemed to knock the air right out of my lungs. “I’m going now.” They both smiled and I smiled back hoping to reassure them. I disappeared through the security check point and was faced with the amazing task of finding my gate. This airport was huge! Luckily it wasn’t as busy since it was earlier in the day and the travel season was lower around this time. I grabbed my belongings from the bin and quickly put my shoes back on. I looked up and down, left and right and finally saw a sign that pointed in the direction of gate B23….where I needed to be. I made my way through the long and winding hallway. I looked at other gates and their destinations and found myself slightly envious but nonetheless I kept moving forward towards my gate. After what seemed like an endless hallway I finally reached my gate. Of course mine would be on the very end. Not many people were there even though the flight departed in ten minutes.

I readied my ticket in my hand and handed it over once it was time to board. I quickly found my seat and instantly sat down. I put my head phones in my ears and drowned out all of the noise. I just wanted to be there already so I wouldn’t have to worry about anything else. I leaned back and closed my eyes while listening to my favorite songs. I felt the roar off the plane as it took off into the air. For a quick moment I looked out and saw the fleeing ground. There was just something about being up in the air. I could feel my ears popping due to the change in altitude. I could feel a headache coming on so I laid my head back and shut my eyes once more….this time for a while. I tossed and turned off and on but finally woke up to the sudden jolt I received as the plane began to land. I looked immediately out of the window and saw nothing but other planes and the huge airport in front of me. I had hoped to maybe see surrounding buildings of the area but nothing. I undid my seatbelt and waited for the hatch to be opened for us to leave.

Once dismissed, I quickly grabbed my bag and made my way out of the plane. Once I stepped foot off I could already feel how different things were and how different they were going to be. I was completely starting over here; new school and new friends. I didn’t know what to expect or who I would meet. After spending many days locked up in my room….I had become grateful for this change; I welcomed it. The foot traffic was light so I was able to quickly retrieve my suitcase. Someone was supposed to pick me up but I hadn’t the slightest clue who I should look for. I asked around but no one was of any use. After about fifteen minutes of aimlessly wandering around…I found a short elderly woman holding a sign that read Madam Eve’s. I assumed it was for me so I headed towards the woman. “Hello….I’m Jasmina.” I extended my arm out to the woman and she looked over at me with a cheesy grin on her face. She accepted my handshake with her shaky hand and placed the sign down on top of her bag.

Ah yes! My name is Lillian and I’ll be escorting you to Madam Eve’s.” I picked my bag up and hers as I didn’t want her to strain herself anymore than she already had. “Thank you Lillian.” We made our way to the car and my mind was bombarded by millions of questions and comments from Lillian. She was such a sweet lady but man could she talk. We drove through miles of country side and it was breathtakingly beautiful. With the window slightly down I could an array of fresh natural grown flowers and the scent of grass as leftover rain laid gently on it. In the distance behind me there was a skyline of buildings. My guess was that the school was a little outside of the big city. As much as I loved the city I did prefer the quiet. I was hoping that my stay here would be peaceful.

“You’ll really love the place. It has anything you could think of. The architecture is old yet rich and beautiful. Why I went there myself when I was your age. Now I’m a proud professor.” I was brought back to reality by her cheery words. “Oh that’s nice.” I said enthusiastically. I didn’t know what else to say so I settled for that. We crossed a short bridge overlooking a beautiful pond with lilies spread strategically about it. Giant iron gates with stones walls surrounded what looked like a castle. I stared in awe as we entered the grounds and passed decorative buildings. This looked like something right out of a movie. I saw other cars with girls pouring out. Suitcases lined the drive as did hysterical parents. I didn’t have anyone to say goodbye to so once Lillian stopped the car I thanked her and grabbed my belongings. I didn’t know where to go so I followed the direction in which most people seemed to be heading.

Once inside I saw that there were huge tables with folders lined all along them with what I assumed to be the names of all of the attending girls. I searched the tables for my name and eventually came across it. It was full of various papers like my schedule, rules, dress code, and where my room was. I grabbed a small key that was tucked in between the pages and attempted to find my room. The halls were winding and the carpet was lush and red. It honestly felt like I was in some sort of palace. The staircases spiraled up and long paintings hung from floor to ceilings. Some of the windows were even stained glass. I finally came across a solid mahogany door with my number on it. I took my name badge out and placed it on the front of the door just like the instructions had told me to do. When I entered the room I noticed that it was completely empty minus the furniture. This room was definitely in need of decoration.

I sat my bags on the left side of the room claiming my spot. The other person wasn’t here yet so I might as well have chosen. I opened the windows to let in a cool breeze and began unpacking. I placed my notebook under my pillow for safe keeping….never know when you need to write something. I hung up some of my posters and set up my bed. We weren’t scheduled to do anything until tomorrow so I slipped into something comfy and within the dress code guidelines for dinner later. I heard a knock on the door and I turned around to see some guy standing there. He must have been lost or something…..but wait isn’t this an all girls school? “Hey uh…are you lost?” The person looked up at me with a smile. “No I’m your roommate. My name is Amber.”

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I haven't been getting any ideas for the story lately and I want it to be good for you all so i'm going to work on it....sorry!


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Chapter 8: ...shes...gone....T.T................*crying in a hole right now*

(thanks for the update!!!)
JayTOP #2
Chapter 7: f..........................m........................l
Awe thank you so much! And don't worry can never go to far haha.
OHMYGAWSH, you finally updated! I'm so happy! I was fangirling the while time..ahaha but thank you! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! (yesh, i went too far)
minnieLjoe #5
whaaa!!! you finally updated!! this story is running smoothly! :)) i really like it! XD update soon author-nim!
OOOOOOHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome stroy! Please update soon!
minnieLjoe #7
Oh good! You updated already! :D Omgeee!!! What'll happen next?!? Go amber! =)))) update soon author-nim.
kagaki #8
Amber, just take Jasmina already?