Just The Way You Are

Just The Way You Are~ One Shot


Baek Roo slammed her locker shut. She sighed as she shut out her best friend, AeCha, who was talking about some band that she could honestly care less about. She wasn't feeling very well and her chest tightened. She tightened her grip on her backpack and held her head as she slightly stumbled to the left.

"Are you okay?" AeCha asked

Roo nodded, her eyes shut tight.

"Maybe you should go to the nurse" AeCha said, worrying about her best friend

"It's okay" Roo smiled weakly

"It's probably because you're gaining weight" AeCha shook her head.

Roo answered through gritted teeth, "I doubt it's that..H-Have you seen Yesung today?" she asked trying to change the topic she hated so much

"We were supposed to have 2nd period together" AeCha shrugged "He never showed"

"Oh.." Roo sighed. The only person who could make her feel better at the moment was Yesung and he was nowhere to be found.

"Well, hurry, we'll be late for 3rd period" AeCha grabbd her wrist and they both ran to their destination.



Roo heaved a deep sigh as she walked in her small house she lived in with her parents and smaller siblings. She dropped her bag in her living room and proceded to her room she shared with her smaller sister, Rose. Her sister was seven years old. Roo's headache was making it hard for her see. She walked in her room only to see Rose jumping up and down. 

"Hi unnie! Hi unnie! Hi unnie!" Rose waved at her sister excitedly as she jumped

"Rose.." Roo sighed

"Yes?" Rose smiled innocently at her.

"Do you think you could leave me alone for a second? I need to calm myself down. It's been a tough day"

Rose jumped out of the bed and pouted. "If ya need anything just calm me, kay?"

Roo nodded and sighed in relief when she heard the door close. She searched in her pocket for her phone. She took it out and texted Yesung.

"Hi.. You won't believe the day I've had ; - ; I missed you today :( "

She sat up and stretched. She walked out of her room and into the kitchen, her phone still in hand.

"Maaa~" Roo yelled

"Whaaaaat?" her mother yelled back

"I'm starving and I have a headache!" she yelled

"Fine, I'll be there in a minute, sweetie!" 

Roo took a poptart and placed it in the microwave. She turned the microwave on and sat on the counter, waiting for her poptart to be done. She checked her phone and frowned. Still no message from Yesung. This worried her since Yesung never took much time to answer back.

"Hi darling how was school?" her umma asked as she walked in the kitchen

"It was alright, ma~ But I have this killer headache. Could you possibly bring me some pills, please?" Roo looked at her mother with pleading eyes.

Her umma nodded and headed off to her room. A few minutes later, she was back with a bottle of painkillers.

"Where's appa?" Roo asked

"Somewhere getting drunk, probably. That good-for-nothing--"

"Umma, I'd appreciate it if you don't speak of appa like that in front of me" Roo narrowed her eyebrows at her. "He is my father no matter what, okay? I would defend you if appa was talking bad about you, too"

She was used to her parents fighting all of the time. She was only 10 when they started fighting. It had been 7 years and for 7 years she had to take the roll of a parent for her two siblings since her parents weren't doing a good job. She was honestly so tired of all of that. 

"Well, fine" her umma sighed "I'm making lasagna for dinner. How does that sound?"

"Yummy" Roo smiled at her umma "I'll go to my room" she got off the counter, poptart in hand, and walked off to her room. She layed in her bed and took the time to get the cellphone out of her pocket and check if Yesung had texted her back. She frowned as she stared at her cellphone screen with no new notifications. She decided to text him once again.

"Oppa? :/"

She layed her phone on her bedside table.

"Roo, darling!~" her umma called

"Yes, umma?" Roo yelled

"Take a small nap while dinner is ready. It'll help the pills" her umma yelled

Roo instantly got under the covers and shut her eyes. She started picturing her happy place with unicorns, her parents looking lovingly at each other, her siblings jumping and giggling around. But most importantly, Yesung with his arms wide open for her as she finally drifted off.


Roo was woken up by screams and items smashing. She tried convincing herself someone in her family was just watching TV. But she knew better than that. She pulled the covers over her head and groaned. 

"I don't need to be in the middle of it. Their fight is theirs. They brought it upon themselves. I--" then she cut herself off when a realization hit her. Her siblings. They were out there, and scared. She got out of bed and walked out of her room quickly. She saw Rose standing in a corner, her lips trembling and her hands covering her ears. Roo instantly ran to her and carried her to their bedroom. 

"Stay here, alright?" Roo asked her younger sister while looking into her eyes.

Rose nodded slowly.

Roo ran out of her room and into her younger brother's room. He was only 5. His name was ChingHo. Roo carried him and ran into her bedroom where she locked the door behind her.

"Rooooooo~" her siblings cried 

"Yes?" Roo asked, trying to hide her annoyed tone.

"What are mommy and daddy doing?" ChingHo asked. 

"They're.. playing a game." Roo said "I'll tell to stop playing that game since it's so loud. Stay close to each other and don't go out, okay?"

Her siblings nodded slowly. Roo walked out of her room and into the living room. She just stood there with her hands on her hips. She walked over to her umma.

"Go to your room" Roo ordered

Her umma scoffed. 

"I said go!" Roo yelled at her.

Her umma glared at her before she walked off to her room.

"Where were you?" Roo asked her appa.

Her appa sighed. "I was at work. She just started yelling at me. Your mom is going mad, okay?"

"I know umma is weird but she sure as hell wouldn't start yelling at you for nothing" Roo raised an eyebrow at him. 

Her appa sighed once again and walked away from her. He went for the front door and walked out of the house.

"Oh, well.. Okay?" Roo shrugged it off and walked to her bedroom, her parents' fighting not really affecting her anymore.

"Is the game done?" Rose asked

Roo nodded. "You can go watch TV again, Rose. You can go to your room, ChinHo"

"Yaay!" they both squealed and ran off.

Roo rubbed her temples. Her headache was not gone and that fight only made it worse. But maybe something could make it better.. She checked her phone with a big grin on her face only for it to turn into a frown when she saw her empty screen. She held the phone in a tighter grip and gritted her teeth.

"It's been 4 hours! Where the hell is him?!" Roo asked herself. She threw her phone across the room and layed her head in her pillow. She instantly let the tears fall. 

All she wanted was for the fighting to stop, her responsibilities to stop, the comments about her shape to stop, and most importantly, she wanted Yesung to show sign of being alive. She was so tired of everything.

"I never asked for all of this. All I ever wanted from this day was--" 

Her words were cut off from a few "beep"s indicating she had just gotten a message. She sat up straight.

"Could it be..?" she got off her bed and picked up her phone. It was indeed a message. But it wasn't from Yesung. It was from his friend, Donghae.

"I was passing by your house and I saw something amazing outside :o I'm outside. Come check it out :p"

She sighed. She didn't really feel like seeing whatever amazing things were outside. She just wanted Yesung to text her or call her. Was that too much to ask? 

"Wow!" Rose yelled. 

Roo walked out of her room to see her sister looking out of the living room window. 

"Rose, what are you--"

Rose ignored her and just open the front door and ran out. "Woooow!~"

"Rose! Get in here!" Roo ran out of her house and gasped. 

Her front yard was covered with all different types of flowers. It was ordered from left to right so it was from red, to orange, to yellow, to green, to blue, to purple which made it look like a colorful rainbow. And just in the middle of it all was Yesung holding out some red roses with his adorable little smile that Roo loved so much. She covered as tears came out. Yesung opened his arms for her. Roo just stood there. Rose rolled her eyes and pushed her to him. Yesung hugged her tight as Roo cried.

"Why are you doing all of this?" Roo whispered to him

"Three reasons. One, I love you. Two, I can. Three, you deserve it" Yesung smiled.

Roo laughed. 

"Now, if you may, our car is waiting" he motioned at his car.

"Where are we going?" Roo asked

"That is a surprise. Come on" Yesung carried her bridal style into her car. 

Rose waved at her sister with a big smile. 

"Don't worry, unnie! I know what to do if umma and appa are playing the game again!" Rose yelled at her.

Roo waved back at her with a small smile.

Yesung placed Roo in the passenger and then went to the other side. They both buckled up as Yesung started the car.

"Where are we going?" Roo asked

"I said I'm not telling you" Yesung said

"I was just trying my luck" Roo shrugged and Yesung chuckled.



Yesung was driving while Roo looked out of the window. She pondered where they were going. They were going pretty far away, honestly. They were nearly outside of town.

"Where are we going?" Roo asked

"I said I'm not telling" Yesung chuckled.

Roo just loved his voice. It was like a lullaby to her. She sighed softly.

"This is the part where I tell you to close your eyes" Yesung said

"This is the part where you tell me where we're going" Roo smiled at him

"How about no?" Yesung chuckled once again "Honey, we can do this the hard way or the easy way" 

"What's the hard way?" Roo asked innocently



The hard way was applying two blind folds on Roo's face. She hated it. They had gotten out of the car and they were now climbing some stairs. She was feeling dizzy. Yesung had tied the blindfolds a little too hard and her headache was not feeling any better. 

"Could we please sit down? I'm not feeling very well" Roo said breathelessly

"We're almost there. But if you're not feeling well then.." Yesung's voice trailed off.

"Then what?" Roo asked

Her question was answered by Yesung carrying her bridal style.

"You're kidding, right? Put me down!" Roo complained

"I'm not letting you walk when you feel bad. Now shut up and let me carry you" Yesung said

That shut Roo up for the next five minutes. Yesung had finally placed her down on a chair. 

"Can I take the blindfold off now?" Roo asked, annoyed.

Yesung took off her blindfold and Roo started looking around. She gasped. 

They were in a roof from what she could see. To her left she could see the entire city glowing in the night. It was a breathtaking view. In front of her was a table with two candles and a nice looking dinner. She had tears in her eyes and for a split second she could forget about her parents fighting, her siblings crying, the comments about her weight. Her responsibilities and worries seemed to have faded and in that moment it was just her boyfriend and her enjoying a peaceful and romantic dinner. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I skipped school today but I really needed to plan all of this and it--" 

Roo interrupted him by tackling him into a hug.

Yesung blinked in surprise. "So.. you're not mad?" he asked as they both sat up, Roo on his lap.

Roo shook her head as more tears streamed down her face.

"Why are you crying baby girl?" Yesung asked and wiped her tears away with his thumb

"Because I love you" Roo said while she layed her head on his shoulder.

"...And that's a bad thing?" Yesung asked nervously

Roo shook her head slowly.

Yesung carried her bridal style as Roo never let go of his neck.

"Since it's not a bad thing.." Yesung let her down so she could sit on her chair and then proceeded to go to his own, "can we enjoy our dinner now?"

Roo sat down and wiped away her tears. She nodded.

"Good." Yesung smiled "Now.. Tell me about your day"

Roo breathed in. "AeCha commented about my weight, Mrs. Park was being stupid in Geography as always, my parents fought again, I have this horrible headache, oh and I missed you today" 

"AeCha? I never liked that " Yesung muttered

"She's right. Maybe I should excercise but I'm so lazy.." Roo sighed.

"But you're flawless just the way you are" Yesung said furrowing his eyebrows

Roo was taken back by his comment. "Y-Yesung.."

"Kinda like that silly American song by that silly American singer" Yesung made a silly face.

"What are you talking abou-"

Yesung cut her off and start singing.

"Oh her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining" 

"Yesung what are you--"

"Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying. She's so beautiful and I tell her every day"

Roo raised her eyebrow. "You do?"

"I know, I know when I compliment her she won't believe me. And it's so, it's so sad to see that she don't see what I see" Yesung raised his eyebrow at her.

Roo frowned.

"But every time she asks me 'Do I look okay?' I say.." Yesung placed a strand of Roo's hair behind her ear. "When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change" he caressed her face. "Cause you're amazing.. Just the way you are.."

Roo smiled.

"And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while cause girl you're amazing.. Just the way you are" 

Roo laughed. "You can stop now" 

Yesung stood up and offered her his hand. Roo stood up, completely confused toward what was going on (not like it was the first time she was confused about something that day) and before she could ask what he was doing, he spun her around and pulled her close. Then, they started dancing slowly.

"Her lips, her lips I could kiss them all day if she let me" Yesung sang, their faces inches away from each other. "Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so y"

Roo laughed. "y? Is that seriously how the song goes?" 

Yesung smirked. "She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday. Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change. If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same"

Roo blushed and looked down.

"So, don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say~" Yesung sang and forced her to look into his eyes. "When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change. 'Cause you're amazing just the way you are~ And when you smile... the whole world stops and stares for a while" Yesung spun her around again. "'Cause girl you're amazing just the way you are"

Roo loved the idea of being serenaded and this was like a dream come true. Specially since Yesung's voice was so amazing. And she wasn't only being serenaded, she was also being told what she wanted to hear in the past 17 years of her life. Nobody had ever told her all of this things.. specially not in a song.

"The way you are.. The way you a-are.. Roo, you're amazing just the way you are"

Roo felt her face getting wet with tears. 'Oh God, not this again' Roo thought to herself.

"When I see your face" Yesung sang in a softer tone "there's not a thing that I would change. Cause you're amazing just the way you are.. And when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while" Roo layed her head on his chest as they continued to dance around the roof. "Cause girl you're amazing just the way you are.."

After Yesung was done singing, they just stood there in the same position. Yesung was holding her with both of his arms and Roo's head layed still on his chest.

"Did that make you feel better?" Yesung asked

Roo nodded slowly. "I think even my headache is gone"

"Good.." Yesung smiled

"Yesung, you just made the worst day of my life so much better. I love you, okay?" Roo said

"I'll always be here to make it better, love" Yesung said

"You know what? You're amazing just the way you are" Roo said

Yesung chuckled. "Thank you"


Author's Note

Guys this isn't even funny anymore. I'm crying. So let me be dramatic and cheesy up your asses :3

This is to my insecure friend Roo and all my insecure Yesung-biased people~

You don't need Yesung to sing Just The Way You Are to you to know you are beautiful. Cause you should already know. You're like a beautiful unicorn. The people who call you ugly just don't understand your beauty, that's all. So keep smiling cause that's when you look the best~

Oh and sorry you waited so long for such a crappy one shot :L But you actually waited patiently for it.. So that's why..

Saranghae my lovely readers~

Here have this:

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2425yy #1
Chapter 2: so sweet, make me smile to read their story...
waiting for your sequel author, and really like the title
samaj1 #2
Chapter 1: Aww :3 this is just cute and fluffy and I love it! And who cares if anyone gains weight? It's better than being anorexic...I'm maybe a few kilograms over weight for my age but I don't care XD
caffeinate #3
Chapter 1: rereading this because it's flawless.
;A; I love you.
this is great hahaha
but I thought you put poptarts in the toaster...LOL OKAY
caffeinate #5
caffeinate #6
but I changed the brother's name to roy because it seriously IS roy, LOL.
caffeinate #7