Chapter One

You're Me And I'm You.


My phone buzzed angrily on my bedside table, piercing through my dream and shattering it into a million pieces. My eye pop open and I am no longer in a five start hotel, being fed strawberries by a y American muscle man who smile could light up the whole of Seattle. I am now in my pitch black bedroom with my pillow over my head and my mobile phone making unwelcome noises. Groaning sleepily I push my arm from the warmth of my duvet and feel around for my phone. Feeling the cold metal on the carpeted floor, I pull it up to my face. Without thinking I flip the lid and a blinding light catches me by surprise, snatching away my vision. Blinking rapidly I hold then phone to my ear.
"What!?" I growl-whisper making my annoyance clear. I have no idea what time it is, but its dark, and I don't not like being woken up when its still dark.
"Ah~ Ae-Cha~." A failure pleasant voice assaults my ear loudly. "I'm glad you're awake!~"
" I'm only awake because you woke me up!" 
I almost shout down the receiver but manage to keep my self restraint. I don't want to wake the whole house up. My brother laughs down the other end of the phone. 
"Oh yeah, it'll be late there wont it? Miyanae."
Yes, my older brother, Lee Taemin is the only one that thinks its okay to phone me in the middle of the night. Well I supposed its not his fault, there is a time difference of sixteen hours between us.
With this though in mind my annoyance simmers. I take in a deep breath and then gently let it out again.
"It's okay. What's up?" 
He lets out a tiny sigh of relief and a small smile appears on my face. I cant stay mad at my brother, not when he didn't mean to anger me.
"I was thinking, remember what we did last year..."
He didn't have to say anymore. I already knew what was coming next.
Taemin..." I scratch my head and flop back onto my bed, my expression twisted into one of almost exasperation.
"It's that time again sis." I could piratically hear the amusement in his voice when he spoke the sentence.
"Yeah I know." I shut my eyes and held my hand over them.
"Can you survive this time without being caught?"
I cast my mind back to last year and the close shave I had then. But of course that wouldn't happen again. No way would I be that careless this time.
"Of course. What do you take me for!?" I growled challengingly.
His reply made a smile etch up both of our faces. I could piratically feel it burning through the phone.
I giggle gently and roll my eyes. "Fine fine. When are you coming over?"
Pausing his own giggling, my brother went deep into though.
"Um, I think Friday. Oh but Ae, this time might be a little different..."
"How different?" I question, letting the sterner tone re-enter my voice, memories of the last experience dancing around in my mind.
There was a silence, and then Taemin spoke again. "You... You might have to stay in my apartment for a while..."
"And what's wrong with that?"
There was another silence, a longer one this time, like he was putting off saying anything.
"Taem..." I was begging to get irritated. Lack of sleep did not do anything for my mood.
"And I just happen to live in an apartment with my four other band mates." He gushed all in one breath.
I opened my mouth to scream at him about how on earth he expected me to pretend to be him around his band mates, but I stopped. I was far to tired to care about anything anymore.
"I'm sure we'll get through it." I mumble gruffly.
His mood was then brought back to a happy giggly one."Really? That great! I really thought you were going to say no."
Well I probably would have if I was more alert...
"Oh sis I cant wait to see you again. It'll be good to catch up." He said happily.
I felt a yawn creep upon me, obviously my self conscious telling me its still dark, and that means it's still time to sleep. Time to put the phone down
"Yup. Well I'd love to talk more about this Tae, but I really need to go back to sleep. It's still early..."
"Ah I'm sorry! Goodnight Ae-Cha! Jal Ja~"
I smile as the phone call cuts off.
 I read the time and date on my phone. 
'Tuesday, 10th July - 05:40am'
I place the phone quietly at the side of my bed, being careful not to make a sound and then cuddle back under my duvet. The warmth washed over instantly and the comfort was overwhelming. I snuggled down, letting out a deep breath and feeling my limbs relax. Sleep was coming fast and it was well welcomed.
Then my eyes sprung open wide.
What the hell had I just agreed to do....
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