
Dear Diary
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The dorm was quiet. The members were still out, doing their individual projects. They’ve been doing concerts and schedules as a group, but they still allow themselves to grow as individual artists. There was not a single person inside. Or so it seemed.

Sungmin was on his bed, sitting and hugging his knees. In front of him was his diary. He stared at the blank page. Somehow, seeing the page without any writings made his mind drift off somewhere.

He touched the notebook. It was pink, just like his other things. It was also decorated with cute bunny stickers, making it look more girly. The other members often about having a diary, telling him that diaries were only for girls, but Sungmin knew better.

Slowly, he reached for his pen and placed the book on his lap. He began writing, eyes fixed on the page. It was not only a diary. For him, it was a friend. A friend he can tell his secrets to, a friend he can share his feelings with.

Sure, he had lots of friends; both in and out of their group, but there are things that he couldn’t make himself to share to them. Things he could only keep to himself, and say to his diary.

His eyes were now becoming glassy, but he kept on writing, trying to understand the words that were becoming blurry in his vision. He needed to write. He had to. If there is someone, someone who can understand and listen to him, it was his diary.

He had shared lots of memories to this pink-covered friend of his. Memories that made him laugh, cried, and mad. With every single event that happened to him, his pen would race through the pages, getting his diary up-to-date. And today was no exception.

He tried to gather his thoughts, which were all starting to get muddled. He stopped writing, his hand shaking. He could feel his head going numb, his heart clenching, giving him an immeasurable wave of pain.

He looked at the empty bed across his. He tried to envision its occupant lying there, trying to imagine his strong arms wrapped around him. He shook his head.

He started writing again, this time more focused in what he’s doing, putting his heart in every single word he wrote. He tried to recollect what happened earlier that day. It made a stab in his heart, but he continued writing, ignoring the pain.

And as his words became a phrase, and his phrases became a sentence, his story was told. Sungmin narrated what happened, and what he felt after it happened. Every word is like a knife, piercing his heart again and again.

And with a last dash of his pen, it was finished. As soon as his pen left the paper, the crystal drops of tears he tried so hard to fight back fell. The tears wetted the page, but he didn’t care. He wiped his eyes and stood up. And with a dazed expression, he left, leaving his friend lying behind.


It was already late that night. Eunhyuk was the first one to arrive. His schedule was called off to the last minute allowing him to go home earlier. He felt grateful though, for he will have more time to rest his tired body.

He was about to enter his room when he saw the lights in Sungmin’s room , with the door slightly opened. He decided to peek in, thinking that the pink-loving member was inside. To his surprise, no one was there. He entered the room completely. It was very unlikely of his friend to leave the lights o, since he knew him as frugal and economical.

He was about to leave when his eyes caught the sight of the diary, lying innocently on the bed. Eunhyuk walked towards it, eyes fixed on the diary. Sungmin never, ever forgot to keep his diary whenever he finished writing something, preventing the other members, including him, from snooping.

Eunhyuk took it and turned the pages, going to his friend’s latest entry. Marks of tears can be seen on the pages, implying the person’s crying while writing. He read the entry.


May 8, 2010
8:01 PM

Dear Diary,

I just got home from taping. I immediately went home. As expected, no one’s here. The members still have other works to do. It was better though, that I’m the only one here. So that one will ask about me, how my day went.

I was in the middle of taping a show when Kyu called me. My heart did a somersault. He’d been in China for almost a month now, promoting with the other members there. I excused myself and answered his call, too excited to hear his voice. I greeted him and asked how is he, telling him that I missed him. He said he’s fine, and asked me what I was doing. I told him I’m on a taping.

He asked me if it was okay to leave for a while. I don’t know why but I still a

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venzsuju #1
Chapter 1: aishh :'( can u make a sequel??
seriously.. why Min always be the one who get dumped! DX
adreana164 #2
kyuhyun you bastard! why you break up with him on your anniversary! and with zhoumi? sorry i don't approve your relationship with zhoumi! sungmin be strong! thank you eunhyuk for being his best friend at a time like this!
bedhairrrr #3
That bastard! :/ breaking up on your anniversary! Seriously kyu is a heartless jerk!
poor minnie :( why didn't he lashed out at him? He should have slapped him or something! He shouldn't keep all his feelings to himself! I know he's trying not to burden others but still... Aww minnie :'(
thank god, there's hyukkie such a wonderful friend :D love you hyukkie^^
Nice story :)
tiyan_mute #4
in usual, i will hate the stoy that contain broken kyumin... but i think i like ur stry because u put enhyuk in the good way to be sungmin's bestfriend :)
thank you ffor writing this story :)