Chapter 6

Mister Mystery

I walked up to school absently, acting like a drunk kiddo nursing a hangover. Yes...I was nursing my own heartache. Maybe that's why I didn't see her foot and tripped. I saw spots as I registered the pain from my knee. "I'm sorry." I mumbled and stumbled on.

Oppa won't evem come to fetch me to school now. I trudged to my locker and held my breath. Did Mr Mystery Romantic guy see my note? A note fellout.


"My dearest Jihyo,

I don't care if you love someone else.

I just need you to know that there's 

someone who love you and you'll never,

ever be alone.You can leave messages

here for me if you want. I'll send all my

love to you. I love you."


a hard lump rose in my throat. Who on earth would be that nice to someone they haven't even talked to? My vision turned blurry and I bent my head, hastily wiping my eyes. I love you. No one has ever told me that before. Scrounging for paper, I quickly wrote a note.


"Dear Mystery man,

Thank you for your loving words.

It's really good to know that someone 

loves me because the love I have is

unrequited. It pains me to love and lost 

but I'm happy to know that someone

loves me too.


The bell rang and I quickly stuffed my note back inside,

Class was a quiet one. Seoyeon rarely spoke to me, now that I don't hang around the boys anymore. I didn't know what to do. I became absorbed in my books and studying was my first priority.

At the end of class, he didn't come to pick me up, which means I had to walk home alone. I sighed as I scooped up my things and pushed past my way through a group of rowdy girls.

I walked slowly, out of school, looking up and down the road with a trace of hope, maybe to see him. My face fell when there was nothing and I continued my slow trudge home.

"SNAP!" Hm? What was that? I peeked over my shoulder, only to see the same group of girls as before, walking behind me. Were they following me? I chewed my lip nervously as I attempted to walk faster. I hastily turned and saw them advancing on me. Oh..god. What did I do to make them follow me? I quickly went into an alley.

That was my first mistake.

They came in, in clusters, surrounding me. My heart pounded and my breathing sped up. What were they gonna do?

"Jang JI Hyo...." one drawled.

"You have sinned..."

"You tried to take Jaeseop oppa when he dumped you already!" another snarled furiously.

I took a step back nervously.

"I-I'm sorry?" I tried nervously. One laughed crazily. "Oh please. You're sorry? ! You could have thought of that when you first tried to get close to Jaeseop or anyone in their group you moron! " she snarled ferociously.

I whimpered helplessly. Why did it come to this? I tried to backaway but then, I felt an excruciating pain in my kidney. I gasped.

"SAY YOU'LL LEAVE HIM!" they screamed right in my face. I fell to my knees i agony as they kicked my stomach, causing me to double up in pain. 


"SAY IT, . " Pain. So much pain. Please stop. Please...

"SAY IT NOW!" My body slumped to the ground, my bag lay a few feet away. I tried to reach it. When....

"Araahh!" I cried out in pain. MY hand! They stepped on it, all of them. Spots danced before me and I finally gave in.

"I...I' him" I panted, painfully.

They looked down at me in triumph. "Yes, just be a good little girl and stay away from him." One spat before they left me, ehaving with pain on the floor. I slowly dragged myself back home, trying to numb the pain, both in my heart and on my body.

Pain. How much hurt can cause that?



Uh oh.. Jihyo's getting bullied >< oh no..what's gonna happen next? Curious much?

So do keep a look out for the next chapter! ^^





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hello! a hoon fic wil be coming up soon!!


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Chapter 7: Omg !!! so it's mean....the mr mystery is Jaeseop ???!!!!!!!!
or...someone else ???
omg omg please update !!!!!!!
i guess the mr mystery correctly heh. anyway OMG THEY NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EACH OTHERS' FEELINGS QAQ
omg so curious, who's that boy ><
sutekitty #4
No...dont steal it let her know you did it xD It's been a while mr mystery
@rion_01 yeap :( sigh..
okay~ updated ^^
@sutekitty gahh,okay thats sad :(
@Kiseop_Biased XP
@veenacava yeap! sorry ><
rion_01 #9
omg~ bully again? lol update soon~
sutekitty #10

Every girls who close with AJ always ended up being bullied (this is kinda similar to my plot! xD)
Well shall we stop to bully them in the story? Lol xD