The Diary

The Diary


The Diary


Jonghyun’s p.o.v

It had rained heavily today while Kibum and I were outside at the park, talking about really random stuff. Kibum and I were drenched with rain when we got home and I really hope Kibum doesn’t get sick. 3 hours had passed and it was now 11:55. I walked passed mine and Kibum’s shared room. The lamp was on and Key was secretly writing in his diary… again. There is not a day that you will see him without writing in that diary of his. I am dying to know what he writes in there but whenever he sees me while he wrote in his diary, he would slam it shut and hide it pretending that the diary had never existed. I am going to find out what he writes in there and I will find out soon.

As Key finished writing in his precious diary, he hid it in one of the drawers of his bedside table. I silently entered the room pretending that I hadn’t noticed him writing in his diary.  It was night time and I was getting tired. I gently laid on my bed and stared at Key who stared right back at me with his breathtaking eyes… wait… I’m not in love with him am I? …maybe I’m just tired…   “What?” Key finally said, breaking the awkward silence. “What do you mean?” I asked him with a confused expression. “Why are you staring at me?” Key chuckled making me blush. “I… uhhh… nevermind…” I said embarrassed. Why was I blushing… do I have feelings for him? … I should really sleep now… I’m having really weird thoughts.


Key’s p.o.v

I… uhhh… nevermind…” Jonghyun said blushing. Why was he blushing? Is it possible that he could like me back? Well I hope so. “Well I’m going to sleep now. Goodnight Jonghyun.”     I love you…  I’ve been dying to say those three words but never had the courage to because he might not have the same feelings for me… “Goodnight…sweet dreams.” Jonghyun finally said, ending our conversation. I laid in bed thinking happily about Jonghyun before I drifted off into sleep. I had really sweet dreams that night. I guess I should say Thank you to Jonghyun for saying ‘sweet dreams.’


Jonghyun’s p.o.v

I woke up the next morning. Hmm… That’s weird. Why is it so quiet? Key should be the one to wake me up by talking endlessly. Maybe he just went outside for a bit. I decided to walk around the house looking for everyone but unfortunately (fortunately), Key and I were all alone since everyone else wasn’t home.

Key was lying on the couch with a blanket and a tissue box while he watched TV. He looked really cute just then. …What did I just say in my head?!... Am I falling for Key?   … I don’t know...  “Key, where did everybody go?” I questioned him as I walked closer to him. Omg… Key looked horrible! I mean he does look cute and all but he was really sick! I could tell he was cold because he was shivering. He looked as pale as a ghost! “Key, are you alright?” I asked him with a shocked expression. “Oh Jonghyun, *cough* you’re awake. Oh I forgot to cook you breakfast! I have to do it now!” Key exclaimed as he jumped up and headed for the kitchen. I grabbed him by the wrist and turned him around to face me. “No Key, you are not going to cook breakfast ok? You need to rest. You are really sick Key.” I concernedly told him. I pulled him to our bedroom and carefully tucked him in bed. I felt really sorry for Key, he must have caught a cold from being drenched with rain yesterday. I felt really guilty since I was the one who decided to go outside yesterday. “I’ll be back ok? Wait here and rest for a bit. You really need it.” I said as I walked towards the kitchen. He was still shivering.


Key’s p.o.v

Jonghyun is a really caring person. That is one of the good reasons why I am in love with him. He was right, I do need to rest. It was so cold and I was shivering to death. Well, I wasn’t really dying though. The door opened as I was snapped out of my thoughts. Jonghyun came in with a hot bowl of soup in his hands. “Here, eat this. It will make you feel better.” Jonghyun said as he took a scoop of the soup and blowed it before carefully putting it in my mouth. “I can feed myself Jonghyun.” I told him nicely as I took the spoon from him and ate. He sat next to me and we talked for a bit as I finished my soup. “Jonghyun, can you come back later? I need to do something.” I told him kindly. “Sure” was his simple reply. I took out my diary and started writing the date at the top right corner.

Dear gay diary,

I’m joking. You’re not gay. I am really sick today and no one is home except for a caring Jonghyun. Have I ever told you that I love him? Yes I have everyday. He cared so much for me and that is another reason why I love him so much. Jonghyun is always there whenever I need help. He is always there to help me whenever I have a problem. I don’t know how life would be without Jonghyun. He is probably waiting at the door getting bored now so I think I should stop writing now. ^_^


Jonghyun’s p.o.v

Here I am sitting on the floor in front of our bedroom door waiting for Key to call me back in the room. I wonder what he is doing in there. He’s probably writing in his diary again. I should probably go in and check up on him. I was just about to stand up when I heard him call my name. “Jonghyun! You can come back in now!” He shouted. I stood up and opened the door. He was still shivering so I decided to lay beside him in bed. We cuddled for a while before he drifted off into deep sleep. “Sweet dreams Key.” I mumbled quietly, his soft hair. I sighed. If only we could be like this forever… cuddling… I now realised how much I loved Key. We cuddled for a little more until something caught my eye. On Key’s bedside table was an open drawer and in that drawer was… His diary! I stretched my arms to reach for it. I hesitated a bit. Should I read it? Key would kill me if he found out. But I’ve waited so long and this might be the last chance for me to read it. I grabbed the diary and the diary’s key which was also in the drawer. I don’t care what Key will do. I just wanted to find out what was written in the diary. I unlocked the diary using the key and read the first page filled with Key’s neat handwriting. Key… loves me? I kept reading until I got to the end. I was shocked. I was shocked and happy at the same time. Key has the same feelings for me! :D I was so happy that I felt like my heart had exploded. I searched the room for a pen. Luckily, Key had one in his drawer. I wrote something in the diary before I locked it and put it back in the drawer along with the pen. I tried pushing the drawer closed but it wouldn’t budge. I tried pushing it harder until… BAM! The drawer slammed close, waking Key up from his deep sleep. I felt so guilty for waking him up.

Key’s p.o.v

I woke up to a slamming sound. I opened my eyes to see Jonghyun. “I’m sorry for waking you up. I really didn’t mean to.” Jonghyun apologised. “It’s okay Jonghyun.” I told him, accepting his apology. He didn’t really have to say sorry for waking me up. “I’ll be back. I just need to do something.” Jonghyun told me as he got out of bed and walked towards the door, leaving me alone in our room. As I heard the door close, I opened my drawer to find my diary. I had nothing to do so I decided to read everything I wrote on the diary. Minutes had passed by and I was reading the last page that had writing on it. Well at least I thought it was the last page with writing on it. I turned the page to make sure I haven’t written anything on that page. What I saw made me scream. On the page, it read:
          I Love You Key…
                                       …Jonghyun <3

I was so happy. If this is just one of my sweet dreams, please don’t wake me up. Jonghyun feels the same way as I do! I was so happy! I was shocked as the door slammed open. “Key! What happened? Are you hurt? I heard you scream!” I laughed as I saw Jonghyun’s shocked face. “No Jonghyun. I’m not hurt. I was just happy to see a message that ‘someone’ left on my diary.” I glared and smiled at him as I said the word ‘someone’. He giggled and walked closer to me and sat on my bed. I leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the lips. It was probably one of the best moments of my life. Soon we broke apart to breath. “Now why don’t we confess our love without writing it in your diary?” He told me and I smiled. “I love you Kim Jonghyun.” I said as he pulled me into a tight hug. “I love you too Kim Kibum.” He told me. The door slammed open again and the both of us had a shocked expression once again. Onew, Minho and Taemin stood at the door. “Jonghyun! Key! I need to tell you…..nevermind” Taemin said and left the room as soon as he saw us hugging. “So you two finally confessed your love for each other…” Onew said as he left the room to go and get some chicken, while Minho gave us a wink as he closed the door shut. I soon found me and Jonghyun blushing. “Well that was embarrassing…” Jonghyun said as he pulled away scratching the back of his neck and we both laughed.

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Chapter 1: yieeee!! that was so sweet! *fangirling*
aww that was just sweeet.. i love love love it... <3

<3 i seriously adore your story... <3
susumiya08 #3
hehehe dear gay WTF! diary??? hahahaha
Thanks for all the compliments! :D I really appreciate it! :)
Awwws that's really cute!! Love the storyline ^^
jongkey248 #6
Lol awwww that was so cute!
LeTurtle #7
Awwwww that was adorkable! :D I loved it. What a nice, short little story <3 Very cleverly and cutely written, too! Tee-hee, so sweet ;)
Aaawww how cute >//<
omg I almost lost my mind because I was so happy...thx for the compliments... :D i sure will make more fanfics like this one ^_^
That was cuuute ~ Please more oneshots like this :--)