More Chaos

Love Happens ♡

That night, you couldn't sleep. When you closed your eyes, only L.Joe's face came to mind. When you opened them, reality hit you and you couldn't do anything but cry. You finally sat up and pulled your phone out of your pocket. You wanted to see L.Joe or at least talk to him.

You dialed in his number and put it to your phone. After the first half of a ring, he answered, "_________! Are you okay?!" Tears suddenly fell down your cheeks when you heard his voice. For some reason, you couldn't control yourself right now. You sniffled and managed to mutter, "Yeah. I miss you." He sighed relieved, "I'm glad. Your parents are probably more thoughtful than mine. You know what they told me?" You didn't even want to hear it. It was probably the same thing your dad told you.

But you asked him anyway, "What?" L.Joe laughed sarcastically, "They told me not to date you anymore. That's ridiculous right?!" You faked a laugh even though tears were streaming down your face. You had hoped that his parents wouldn't try to cut your love with him. But it seemed like both families hated each other too much.

"_________, hey ________? You okay? Why're you so quiet?" he asked worriedly. You shook your head and sniffled, "It's nothing L.Joe. I'm just a little tired now. I just wanted to hear your voice." He chuckled, "If you were tired, you should've gone to sleep instead of call me baby. Go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow." You didn't even want to think about tomorrow. You yawned and wiped your tears, "Night L.Joe. I love you. And I miss you." He laughed, "I love you too _________. Night baby." You hung up and laid hack down in bed. Tomorrow would be a GREAT day!

While with L.Joe...He hung up and held his phone tightly in his fist. He looked up at your window and winced as his heart tore apart. He knew you weren't okay, but he also knew he couldn't do anything now. He didn't want to burden you and ask about what your mom talked to you about. He didn't want to make you feel any worse about your relationship with him.

L.Joe sighed and put his helmet on before driving off. Hopefully, tomorrow, it would be a better day for the both of you.


The next day, you didn't get out of bed 'till noon. You just didn't have the energy to do anything or face your parents. Suddenly their was a knock on the door, "Noona! Appa and I are going to see umma at the hospital so bye bye."

After a few stomps down the stairs, you heard the front door shut. You sighed and slumped deeper under the covers. You just hoped the day would be over soon. After a while of toss and turning, you got out of bed and opened the window for some fresh air. You took a deep breath and grabbed a change of clothes before heading into the shower. No matter how depressed you were, you still hated being dirty.

You stood in the cold water and let it wash away all your troubles and tears. You didn't even have the strength to cry anymore. After the shower, you got out and got dressed into some comfortable clothes. As you opened the door and walked towards your bed, someone grabbed you from the back. With a hand clamped over your mouth, he roughly whispered, "Don't scream. It's just me." You looked up at L.Joe and sighed a relieved sigh. He released you and you threw your arms around his neck. He hugged you back tightly around the waist and pulled you close to him. He took in your sweet scent and pulled away. He pushed your hair out of your face and searched your eyes, "Are you okay __________? Your eyes are all red. Were you crying?" You looked down and avoided his gaze, you didn't want to tell him yes. But you couldn't lie to him either.

He knocked foreheads with you and forced a smile, "Pabo, don't ignore me. If you were crying just tell me. It won't hurt. I don't like it when you keep it all to yourself, that hurts me more." You looked him in the eyes and searched them, you had never seen so much pain in his eyes. You touched his cheek gently. He was burning! "L.Joe why are you so hot?!" you asked worriedly. He smirked, "Did you only notice now that your boyfriend was this hot?" You couldn't help but smile at his lame joke. But you weren't playing around. Suddenly he leaned onto you for support. "Yesterday, I was out all night," he softly mumbled as he hugged you. "I couldn't stand it so I ran away from home and stayed out all night." You pushed him away and looked at his face, "L.Joe you need to rest." You led him to your bed, but he refused to lay down. "Aren't your parents home?" he asked, worried that you would get in trouble if they saw him here. You shook your head and gave him a small smile, "No. So go to sleep."

He reluctantly gave in and laid down. Just as you were about to get up, he stopped you. He patted the spot next to him and smiled, "Sleep with me. You seemed to have gotten no sleep too." You smiled and scooted in next to him since you didn't really want to leave him either. You cuddled against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you tightly. With the covers over the both of you, you fell sound asleep in his arms.

Time passed and soon your dad was back home. Neither you nor L.Joe had heard him coming up the stairs since you both were sound asleep. Your dad opened the door to peek in on you to see how you were doing, but to his surprise, you were doing fine. So fine that you even had a guy in bed with you. He grew furious and stomped over to your bed. He yanked you out of bed. L.Joe and you immediately woke up from your dreams. Your dad furiously glared at L.Joe and then looked at you disappointedly.

"Appa, I can explain, I—" SLAP! You were immediately cut off by your own father's hand. Tears immediately burned in your eyes. You faced him and touched your stinging cheek, "Appa—" "Don't call me that! I don't have a daughter like you! My good daughter died long ago! You're just some girl—" "Shut up!" L.Joe shouted. He glared at your dad and your dad glared right back. "How dare you talk to your elders like that young man?" your dad asked. "Get up," L.Joe commanded you. You shook your head in fear and shook your dad, "Appa, I'm sorry. I did wrong. Please—" He pushed you away and looked at L.Joe, "You. Get out. NOW!" L.Joe didn't budge. He wasn't going to leave you alone with this man. Especially since it was his fault that he got you into this mess.

"L.Joe go," you mouthed pleadingly. L.Joe got up and glared at your dad as he jumped out the window. Suddenly your dad collapsed on the ground grabbing his chest. "Appa! Appa!" you cried. You searched for your phone and called for an ambulance. "Appa! I'm sorry. I was wrong. Please be okay!" you apologized.

Your dad raised a hand to touch your cheek, "Appa i-is s-sorry." You held his hand and shook your hand, "Appa I'm the bad one. I'm sorry." Finally the paramedics came in and took him to the hospital. You took a taxi trailing directly behind them. At the hospital, they rushed your dad into the emergency room. You stayed outside and grabbed the railing as your knees gave in. You sat on the floor and sobbed. Everything was your fault! Everything that was going wrong was all your own doing. Your mom had collapsed just yesterday because you wanted them to meet L.Joe's parents. Today your dad had heart attack because he found you in bed with L.Joe.

You cried into your hands and eventually lost it. You let out a spine-chilling scream that cause everyone to turn and look at you. But you didn't care, this was all too much for you to handle alone. After hours of waiting, the doctor finally came out. He took off his mask and gave you a bright smile, "Your dad will be fine. But let him get his rest. He's been straining his heart." You nodded and watched them transfer your dad to a room. Yo followed them into the room and held onto your dad's hand. He struggled to your head, so you helped him. Slowly he fell asleep and all that was heard was his soft snoring.

You broke into tears and tried to stop them, but they just wouldn't. That's when you made up your mind, you wouldn't cause your parents anymore trouble. You would listen to them. You would...

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Chapter 30: Lee Byunghun died---- for me ;;;;;;;;;;;;; </3 why whyy
Chapter 30: Aaaah. I found it !!!
This was one of my all time favorites.
Huhu the ending was aaaah so touching
Chapter 30: Awwww so cute but so sad. :(((
chloeaulani #4
Chapter 30: Romeo and Juliet <3 I love it ~
Congrats :)
huehuehue #7
congrats!! ^^
Congratulations !!