
Love Happens ♡

The next morning, you woke up in a great mood. So great that when you went on your morning walk, you said hi to everyone and anyone! Even though some people gave you a weird stare, it didn't effect you one bit! You continued on your walk and bought all that was on the grocery list your mom had written for you.

Today would be great! You could feel it in your bones. After buying groceries and heading home, you cooked brunch with your mom and headed out to meet L.Joe. He parked right in front of the gates and you couldn't wait to see him. For some reason, you felt closer to him. Maybe it was that kiss.

He greeted you with a tight hug and peck on the lips. You took your helmet and hopped on behind him. You wrapped your arms around him tightly and let him drive off. He said that you were going to go on a date with him and his friends to the ice rink.

When you got their, his friends and your friends were already there. MinJi and Chunji were holding hands which made you confused. Changjo was with a girl and they seemed to be dating also. Do Hyun seemed to have been the new addition to CAP, Niel, and Ricky's group. You followed L.Joe over as he held onto your hand. CAP nodded at you two, "Look, another couple." Ricky, Niel, and Do Hyun all looked up at you two. You waved to them and they turned away from you two. You weren't surprised by the other two, but Do Hyun turning his back on you?! You were completely speechless.

L.Joe laughed and pulled you over to them, "Are you guys jealous?" They didn't answer, only ignored him. He grew annoyed, but didn't dare attack CAP, so he went for the three younger ones. "Yah! Niel, Ricky, Do Hyun! Why aren't you saying hi at all? If you're all that sad, go get yourself a girlfriend," L.Joe teased. CAP glared at him, "Shut up traitor." He dramatically pointed to L.Joe, Chunji, and Changjo, "You're all traitors! Especially you!" He said, emphasizing it on Changjo. Changjo raised his hands in surrender. CAP continued, "How dare you find yourself a blind date and not hook any of us up?!" Changjo, his girlfriend, you and L.Joe, Chunji and MinJi laughed at them.

The four single ones huffed and tossed their head up as they walked into the ice rink. You all followed them in and paid to rent the ice skates. You and L.Joe walked your own way and sat on a bench. He knelt down in front of you and took off your shoes. You stopped him, "L.Joe you don't have to." He smiled, "It's fine. I'll do it." "Stop flirting and let's go!" Ricky yelled at you two.

L.Joe sent him a glare that said 'I'll-kill-you-later'! He turned to you with a smile, "Ignore him. He's just jealous." You laughed and watch L.Joe carefully tie on your skates. He told you to stand up, "Is it too tight? Or too big?" You shook your head, "Nope. It's perfect L.Joe." He smiled and put his own skates on. You waited for him patiently as you swung your feet back and forth. L.Joe stood up and held his hand out to you. You smiled and took it willingly.

He led you onto the ice and once he had a stable step on it, he pulled you on. You easily stepped on and glided a few steps. "Yah! Be careful!" L.Joe yelled as he held onto the railing. You laughed and skated by him, "I am careful L.Joe." He tried to grab you, but you were too fast for him. You laughed and skated around your friends.

You skated over to CAP, Ricky, Niel, and Do Hyun. They were just posing against the railing looking cool. You stopped in front of them and smiled, "You guys know how to skate?" CAP scoffed. Niel and Ricky nodded, "Yeah. Why wouldn't we?" You looked at Do Hyun and he looked away. You laughed and nodded to the ice, "Let's go then." Niel and Ricky looked at each other and followed you. You sped up and away from them as they followed you swiftly.

"Y-Yah! __________! Be careful!" L.Joe yelled from his same spot. You rolled your eyes and did a twist in the air just to show L.Joe that you were perfectly fine on the ice. His eyes widened at you. You couldn't help but laugh. Niel scoffed and followed your lead, doing a flip in mid-air. Ricky smirked and skated towards you two in a fast motion and jumped over the two of you, landing on the other side of you perfectly balanced. You clapped in amazement, "Wah! Ricky jjang!" He bowed and laughed. Niel huffed and turned away as he linked arms through yours and pulled you away.

L.Joe looked up from his spot and saw Niel holding onto you, "Hey! Ahn Daniel! If you don't let go of her right now, you're so dead!" Niel stuck his tongue out at him and yelled back, "If you can even get here hyung!" Ricky smiled and joined the fun. He linked arms through your other one and stuck out his rogue in a mocking manner. L.Joe huffed at his failed attempts to skate over to you.

You and your two new best friends laughed out loud as L.Joe took a step and almost slipped as he quickly grabbed the railing again. Ricky and Niel lead you around people and talked to you about everything. You couldn't help but laugh at all their lame jokes and how childish they were. Niel sighed with a smile and purposely said loudly as you three passed by L.Joe, "It feels so great to have a girlfriend!" Ricky couldn help but add, "I know right? _________ is so soft!" You blushed and looked back at L.Joe who's face was red and fuming with anger.

The three of you stopped by CAP and Do Hyun. Niel and Ricky released you and went back to their hyungs' sides. Just as you were about to leave, CAP grabbed your shoulders and held you back, "Uh uh uh! Not so fast _________. My turns not done yet." You looked up at him in a confused manner and he just smirked mysteriously. He held onto your hand and led you through the crowd to L.Joe. L.Joe glared at CAP as CAP laughed amusingly. You were just plain confused.

"Aww! Our L.Joe doesn't know how to skate like everyone else," CAP cooed mockingly. L.Joe continuously glared at him silently. You shrugged CAP's hands off of you and turned to face him, "You're weird." CAP's jaw dropped, stunned from your sudden remark. L.Joe bursted out into laughter. CAP huffed and glided away from you two. You scratched the back of your head confused and turned to L.Joe, "What happened L.Joe?" L.Joe shook his head with a wide smile, "Nothing...But I'm getting tired of standing here, so you wanna go?"

You nodded and took his hands. You skated backwards and led him. His eyes widened in horror, "This isn't what I was talking about _______!" You tilted your head in confusion, "Then what were you talking about?" He nodded to the food courts, "I meant go as in get out of here!" "Oh!" you nodded. You led him to the exit and stepped off the ice with him. He sighed in relief and sat down to take of the skates. He put his nikes on and stood up. He took a few stomps and smiled, "This is more like it." You rolled your eyes, "It's just 'cause you don't know how to ice skate." He smiled and hugged onto you, "And I like being in shoes because you can't run fast enough to get away from me." You blushed and pushed him away as you took off your skates.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was about 5 o'clock. You and L.Joe left early to go get ready for the dinner. He dropped you off at home and went to his house. Inside your house, you helped your mom cook a delicious dinner and then went to take a shower. You dressed yourself in a white dress that had a top layer of yellow lace on it. You smiled in the mirror and fixed your hair into a side ponytail. Hopefully, L.Joe's parents would like you!
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Chapter 30: Lee Byunghun died---- for me ;;;;;;;;;;;;; </3 why whyy
Chapter 30: Aaaah. I found it !!!
This was one of my all time favorites.
Huhu the ending was aaaah so touching
Chapter 30: Awwww so cute but so sad. :(((
chloeaulani #4
Chapter 30: Romeo and Juliet <3 I love it ~
Congrats :)
huehuehue #7
congrats!! ^^
Congratulations !!