Doojoon and I

My Sister's Fake Boyfriend

Once I got home from bowling, I waved bye to my friends as they drived off and I walked inside. I turn my head to see EunHee and Jiyong cuddling and sleeping on the couch. Dang! Doesn't that boy ever go home?! I sighed and went to grab a blanket from the closet. After I got the blanket, I unfolded it and placed it over Eunhee and Jiyong. Hmm...Jiyong is pretty cute when he's asleep...WAIT...what am i saying?! I quickly ran off to my room when I heard my cell phone ring.

You have a text~ You have a text~ 

I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen. Doojoon! I opened the text and read it.

From: Doojoonie Oppa!
To: Jaehwa-ah :)
 Jaehwa-shi! You busy tomorrow? :P

From: Jaehwa-ah :)
To: Doojoonie Oppa!
Nope. Why? Planning to ask me 
on a date? ;)

From: Doojoonie Oppa!
To: Jaehwa-ah :)
Actually...yes....Wanna hang out
tomorrow at 7? :D

From: Jaehwa-ah :)
To: Doojoonie Oppa!
Sure! ^^ See you then :)

I closed my phone with a smile and cheered quietly. Yes! Doojoon asked me on a date! Okay I admit, I like Doojoon....a lot. I have to tell Soojin and Nichkhun. I my computer and logged on into AIM. Perfect! Their online. I clicked their names and put them on conversation.

[JaeJaeHeart21 enters]
[Sweet_Soojoon enters]
[Thai-Prince enters]

Sweet_Soojin: What?
Thai-Prince: hmm?
Thai-Prince: Omg! No way girlfriend~
Sweet_Soojin: lol Im so happy for you :)
JaeJaeHeart21: Can you guys come over at 5:30 tomorrow to help me get ready? ^^
Sweet_Soojin: But thats soooo earlyyyy. D:
JaeJaeHeart21: You have a ed up sleeping schedule
Thai-Prince: Ignore her. We'll be there.
JaeJaeHeart21: Thank you :D

[JaeJaeHeart21 leaves]

I turned off my computer and got ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a great day.

-the next day-

I hopped off my bed and ran downstairs when I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and before I could say anything, Soojin and Nichkhun dragged me upstairs and into my room

 "The sooner we get started, the sooner we finish" Nichkhun smiled

Soojin started taking out a bunch of clothes,shoes,hair products,and makeup. She then started examining my face and body then smiled and snapped her fingers. Turning to Khunnie, she started to whisper something and he smiled and looked at me with a evil smile. Oh no...what have I got myself into... They attacked me and sat me on a chair

 "What the heck!?" I growled

 "Okay. Just sit and relax. Everything is going to be fine" Soojin pinched my cheeks

-2 hours later-

 "DONEEEEEEEEEEE!" Soojin and Nichkhun screamed and jumped up and down

I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror.....WHOA! Is that really me?! I was wearing a white long shirt with a pink polka-dotted bow on it, faded blue ripped skinny jeans, pink high tops, a long angel wing necklace, and hoop earrings. My makeup was light and pink. It made me look more girly then usual. My glasses were replaced by contacts and my hair was put up into a side ponytail.

 "You look hot Jaehwa!" Nichkhun patted my head

 "You think so?"

They both nodded and patted themselves on the back. I looked at my watch and it said 6:58! Doojoon is going to be here any minute! I quickly checked myself in the mirror one more time. I hear the doorbell ring...its time! I hugged Nichkhun and Soojin goodbye and ran downstairs.

 "Jaehwa?" I heard Jiyong's voice and I stopped in my tracks and turned around

I faked a smile and waved. 

 "You!" He eyed me up and down

 "Thanks. I have a date. Bye!" I bowed and ran to the door and opened it

 "Hi Jae...Whoa, you look beautiful!" Doojoon smiled and handed me a single rose

AWWW SWEET! He was wearing a white button down shirt with a bowtie, WE MATCH, a red and cream baseball jacket, blue jeans, and converse.

 "Shall we head out?" He smiled. I'M GOING TO MELT!

I nodded and grabbed my bag, put it over my shoulder and closes the door behind me. He took me to his car and opened the door for me. What a gentleman! I hopped into the car and waited for him to get into the driver's seat.

 "I have a special day planned for us." Doojoon grinned.

The rest of the car ride was basically us talking about our morning and our week. He pulled over at a gas station and looked at me. Why is he looking at me?! Oh girl! He's so dreamy!

 "If you stare any longer, your eyes are going to pop out and THAT would be dangerous" I smiled at him

He laughed and told me to put on a blindfold

 "Why?" I blinked

 "Because I said so...." 

I pouted and put on the blindfold. I felt the car starting to move again. 
15 minutes later, the car stopped. 

 "We're here!" I hear him take the keys out.

I was about to take off my blindfold until he grabbed my hand. OMGD he is touching me! 

 "Not yet" 

I nodded in response. Next thing I heard was a door slamming and another door opening a couple of seconds later. He grabbed my wrist with care as he guided me out of the car and we started walking.

 "Okay I'm going to take it off now. 1..2..3" He took off my blindfold and my jaw dropped.


 "I know you haven't been on a yacht before, so I wanted to be your first." He smiled

I just jumped up and down, cheering with happiness. I grabbed his hand and we ran towards the ship. Once we got on the boat, I gasped as the boat started moving. I went to the edge of the boat to look out into the sea and I felt Doojoon's arm snake around me. I started blushing as he laughed.

 "Your so cute" He smiled at me as he held me tighter.

Today is going to be perfect.... 

 "May I have this dance?" He bowed liked a prince

"Of course you may" I grabbed his hand and started dancing. 

After 30 minutes of dancing and messing around, we sat down and watched the sunset 

 "Its so pretty" I sighed happily

 "Not as pretty as you"

AWWW HOW CHEESY! I looked into his eyes and we made eye contact.... we both leaned in and....


We looked towards a pole and we got up and walked over to it... JIYONG!? WHAT THE ?

 "What are you doing here Jiyong?!" I growled

 "Umm...Uhh....y-your sister wanted me to look after you" 

I just rolled my eyes. Stupid sister. She always gets in my way!

 "Well I'm fine." 

 "Okay....I'll be with the captain" I watched him run off

Ugh! That ruined my date! As I turned back around to say sorry to Doojoon, he cut me off with his lips... OMG IM KISSING DOOJOON! After a couple of seconds, he pulled away and smiled.

 "Best kiss ever. Be my girlfriend?" 

I was so happy, the only thing I could do was nod. I HAVE A BOYFRIENDDDD


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RainDrop124 #1
who is the girl in the pgoto
pabo0624 #2
Pleasee update soonnnn!!! I excited for the next chapter!!
jonginyo #3
wow update
Beruchi #4
Chapter 6: Update please? ^•^
wahhh this is interesting!! update soon~~
SuNia_ #6
woaaaa~ so cool please update soon
Update please :D
Yannna #8
revenge is sweet lol