I Saw You Smileee ~ ;DD


I feel something weird to Kibum after the hug and he's been very kind to me since the first time we met, but I don't think he likes me because I'm not pretty and maybe he's nice to everyone and not just to me .. I'm tired so I have to sleep and tomorrow I'm gonna move to my new house. :DD


I called a taxi and put my things on the taxi  one by one and saw a muscular guys walking closer to me so I eagerly put my things and do not look to them like they were invisible to my sight.

"Miss, we can help you with that" One guy said stopping me from what I'm doing

"No Thanks, I can do this" I said with a smile

"We don't need any payment or money from you, so don't worry and let us help you" The tall guy said, well I thought I had to pay for them that's why I didn't accept they offer. HEHE! :")) *Just being practical*.

"OK" I accepted they offered help to me


"It's done" They said

"Thank You, Kamsahamnidaa ~" I repeated for many times and bowed to them.


I reached the house and it is actually bigger than in the picture I stared at it for 15 minutes and daydreaming and when I finally realize that I'm daydreaming again I'm back now to myself and saw a guy standing in front of me waving his hands to me.

"Yoona!" it's Kibum

"Kibum! Annyeong" I greeted him

"Why are you here? and why there are things & bags with you?" He asked .. wondering

"I'm actually living here from now on because I just bought this house to the old owners because I cannot endure staying in my old dorm for many years" I explained

"So you're my new neighbor now?" He asked with his killer smile

"Of course btw, where is your house?" I asked

"2 Blocks away from here" he replied

"Oh OK, I have to organize my things and decorate my house" I said

"Ok, LET ME HELP YOU" he said


While we decoratingn MY house we just asking and talking about our lives and I discovered new things from him and his very vocal with me because he's very silent  with others but to me he's just an ordinary guy with little stubborness.

We already finished in organizing and decorating my house and I prepared a meal for him and he bid goodbye to me.

Then, their is knocking on the door and I opened it and it was Kibum, I thought he already leaved.

"Yoona, can i get your number?" he stammered as he asked for my number

"Why?" I asked

"So I can check you and be  sure that your safe since your new here" he explained I thought there is other reason behind that

"But, your house is just 2 blocks away " I said

"PLEASEEE" He pouted and  I thought it was cute

"Ok, here" I showed up to him my cellphone

"THANK YOU, BYE ! SLEEP NOW" He leaved and reminded me .. LIKE HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND ..

I went to my bed and it was so soft and I fall asleep so fast. Zzzzzz . #BEAUTYREST Ö



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Yoonhae4Eva #1
update soon!!
atyqah #2
I love it but the font,make it a little hard to read..please change it..^^..keep updating!
ill make sure to add you on facebook!
1Denisse #4
@vvmykki223 : Thanks you :D
@Superyoongftw: Thanks . :D
Ok I'm gonna change the font color. Sorry :(
It's a very good story but the font makes it hard to read ! Please change the font. )':
It's a very good story but the font makes it hard to read ! Please change the font. )':
Hmmm this seems interesting..I hope you'll update soon !