The battle of good and evil

"The heir"

Eun Mi still couldn’t digest everything that Seung Gi has confided in her. Her heart and mind is having a tough time accepting the truth; it feels as if the battle of light and dark is going on inside her. Apart of her wants the right thing to be done for Seung Gi’s sake, even if doing things right makes her feel uneasy, and the other half of her desperately wishes things don’t go right for her own selfish sake so that he can remain this rich dreamy guy that she has literally fallen head over heels for.

As Eun Mi was deep into thought and lost in her chores in the kitchen she begins to hear laughter echoing from the living room as if a higher power was laughing at her internal suffering. Out of curiosity she went to go see who was there. It was her father and the pretty woman from the day before sitting quite closely together. But who is she and why are they here in the maid’s house giggling with each other like this is some place for a fancy date. The more questions of this woman pops into her mind, the more Eun Mi became more curious of this woman. She approaches her father to get a closer look and to her surprise, the woman began to start looking more and more familiar.

“HeeYoung??!!” Eun Mi was in shock. “Father..and..Ajumma..? Why?How??” Eun Mi was still trying to get her words together. Suddenly a feeling of jealousy and rage overcame her. She turned to her father,” You take away my money for shopping and you spend it on her, I was sincerely trying my best to gain back your love and all of my beloved possessions and here you are showering our maid with gifts and laughing as if you’re rubbing it in my face. Father..seriously..HER???” The atmosphere of laughter quickly became filled with anger and awkwardness. The ends of the smiles on her father’s and Hee Young’s face immediately were pulled down by the gravity of Eun Mi. Her father with great disappointment was speechless. He knew he had to let Eun Mi cool down before things heat up. Eun Mi was just so angry that she stormed out the door. She’s so angry at her father and HeeYoung that she did not want to be at home. She’s still having mixed emotions about Seung Gi that she could not immediately go to him. So with no money in her pocket she still heads out to the one place that was able to return sanity back into her mind, the mall.

@the mall

Eun Mi walked into the mall and looked into all the stores that she once shopped at to see all the employees who once feared her. When they’d see her they would hide behind counters and wouldn’t dare to look at her in her eyes. But today, in worn out dirty clothing and out of style or never was in style pair of shoes all the workers only glared back at her with a satisfied smirk. At first Eun Mi didn’t notice it, she was just excited to be there, then, she started noticing people smirking and gossiping in the stores. Although people were looking at her funny, it still didn’t stop her from going to her favorite store. Even if it is just window shopping, she just needed a little something to make her feel happy inside. Eun Mi was staring at the clothing in the windows like a starving woman who hasn’t had a meal in 10 months. She hears a woman rudely tells the sales clerk, “It’s about time that Kang EunMi got what she deserved, with a personality like hers she’s lucky God let something as evil as that continue to live.” The sales clerk just giggled. Eun Mi was so offended she stormed inside the store with anger and rage so great wrinkles were forming on her forehead. Before she can even scream and shout, both the sales clerk and the customer looked at Kang Eun Mi up and down before the sales clerk rudely refused service and adding, “We don’t serve those who obviously cannot afford these things.” The other woman continued, “ She must’ve had a sugar daddy to buy her nice things but even that pretty face of hers cannot make up for all that ugly personality she has. I feel bad for the guy.” As much as Eun Mi wanted to fight she knew that things would just be even more embarrassing on her behalf. She now knows how it feels to be on the other end. As she turned around, the customer called her,” I’m not done talking to you” Eun Mi turned around glaring at the woman as the woman glared back at her. The woman began to smile at her, “I’ve waited a long time for this moment, you don’t remember me don’t you?” Eun Mi began to search into her memory to no end. The woman continued on, “ It’s okay, you see, I didn’t look like this before and I didn’t have much to look like this. Let’s just say, I became so lucky after the wrath of Eun Mi and now, I am better than you, richer than you, and prettier than you. How does it feel to be.. ‘me’? My name is Hana, and I used to be the girl that worked here until the notorious Kang Eun Mi got me fired. Now, I own THIS store! Now, get out!” Eun Mi leaves the store furiously.


Ahhhh!!! Why is everything sooooo unlucky today!!! EunMi thought to herself as she’s sitting on the bench outside the mall to rest her legs before she begins walking to the bus stop. As she’s trying to calm her down she sees a very familiar car, with a very familiar driver stop in front of the mall waiting for someone. Then, the evil wench Hana walked out the mall turned and gave Eun Mi one last smirk before she got into the car. Then they left together.

Eun Mi’s heart dropped.

What is Seung Gi doing with Hana??? How do they know each other???

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Chapter 6: update soon please
Chapter 6: poor Seung Gi! and wow, she already got over him to JYH
Chapter 5: Oh, please update, I like the story so much, and I have a feeling that person is his real father, right?
Chapter 5: I'm so happy you updated!! \o/
please don't give up this story and update more often. I so wanna know what happens next!
Please, add a "leeseunggi" tag so that your story can be seen.
Chapter 4: Please update soon, totaly love ur story!! Please please please.
I fell by chance on this one, It doesn't have a leeseunggi tag that's why. Sounds interesting. I'll read it and then comment what I think of it. I hope u update soon.
ilabya35 #7