There is more to him than what meets the eye

"The heir"

The very next morning…

                EunMi woke up before her alarm clock and immediately went to the address she swore she saw Seung Gi at. “Ugh. No one yet?” She kept pacing back and forth with her arms crossed. Her hands were well tucked under her long sleeves and under her arms. It was freezing cold. But she couldn’t sleep last night because she couldn’t make any sense of it. “Why was this poor man driving a car, not just any car, an expensive car?” There was no one. She glanced at the time and realized it was time to go to the store and buy some groceries for the meals prepared today. It wasn’t too long before the bus arrived and she got on. She peers out the window and starts to think she’s going crazy. “Kang Eun Mi! You can be so ridiculous at times. Why are you so obsessed with this guy? You never cared what anyone does with their life before!” She closes her eye for five minutes and then opens them back up. Right out the window she sees the same exact car she saw last night. “Omo Omo Omo! Bus driver!! Can you go a little bit faster?!” She shouted in hopes to see it is her Seung Gi driving. “Ah! Just a littttttle bit faster please?!” she continued shouting. Then a voice in the background asked, “Hey, why are you shouting so much? What’s the big deal?” “Shush! I’m onto something. I am trying to focus!!” “Okay, can I sit next to you and watch?” Eun Mi shouted at the stranger,” I don’t care what you do!! Just don’t bug me!” a few minutes later the car made a turn and she did not see the driver. *Sigggghhhh* “So close!”:/ “Bummer. You were so much cuter when you fell flat on your face,” the stranger casually stated. Eun Mi was confused. * I never met this dude in my life……or* her eyes opened wide and her finger automatically pointed to the person next to her without having to see his face she knew who he was. She started to stutter. “Yyyyyyoouu you you’re here???!!!” she pointed at the guy and out the window towards the car she was so focused on not too long ago outside. “No. I’m inside that car you were so focused on.” He started laughing at his own sarcasm. Eun Mi felt a little embarrassed. How did he know that?-___- “Is that the kind of car you like? You were so focused on it. Maybe your ‘rich’ realtor dad can buy you one.” He giggled again. He was really on a roll this morning. Eun Mi still embarrassed and yet still trying to act casual,” well, I guess you can say that…” Seung Gi continued “Actually, I have a car like that at home. If you’d like maybe one day I can take you on a ride”. EunMi stared at him in shock, “What…do you mean?” he stared back at her and then finally responded with a smirk,” It’s my job. I’m a chauffeur. My boss had a bunch of different cars. He’s a collector. I am sure he wouldn’t mind letting you come along some time. For some reason EunMi’s hopes went down. She was kind of hoping he was rich so that they can be at the same level. “Oh.” She realized she started to look sad so she tried to hide it with a smile. “Sure.” (: As long as she was spending time with him. After all, he did see her as a little sister. They both just sat in silence on their way to their destination.


Seung Gi flashback

                Seung Gi age 7. A man bending down and puts his hands on both of my shoulders with a wide grin on his face,” Are you ready to go to your new home?” It was a major upgrade from the little orphanages I kept being passed down to, to a big mansion with lots and lots of rooms with just me and this ajussi that I have never met in my life and had to learn to live with. One day after gathering much courage I finally asked “Ajussi. Why do you live alone?”Ajussi was reading in his library that day. I was playing with his favorite toy car and caught the Ajussi’s attention. He took off his glasses and had a sad face. “Well, when I was younger..I fell in love with the most wonderful woman ever she was very beautiful. But out of the blue, she left me. I never met her again. Not too long after, I went to the states and decided to give love a chance again. This woman turned out to be a very wicked woman. Anyways, unfortunately I didn’t have any children. But I am happy. Do you know why?” “Why, Ajussi?” “Because I get to have you!!” he answered and giggled as he tickled me. Afterwards, he looked at me and that was the day he told me,” I am not going to force you. But I would really love it if you called me dad. To me you are my son.” I smiled at him,”Appa!” That was the first time I’ve ever called anyone dad. I miss my Appa.


End of flashback

The bus stopped and a tear rolled down his cheek. Eun Mi stretched out her arms. She saw him wiped away his tear. “Are you okay?” I’ve never seen a boy cry. He just stared at her and then responded,”I’m fine.” Then, he gets up and walks off the bus as Eun Mi followed from behind.

Seung Gi POV

Are you fine Seung Gi? Are you? Ever since father passed two years ago, you just hide your emotions with hobbies like collecting cars.

End of POV

Eun Mi’s POV

From walking behind him

He’s acting so quiet today. What is going on in that mind of his? I can’t believe he’s a chauffeur! If only he was rich! I would so date him. But I have my standards.

End of POV

Meanwhile at home

EunMi’s dad and Heeyoung’s convo

“So how does it feel being the madam of this house?” He asked Heeyoung jokingly. “To be honest Mr.Kang, it feels good to make all the demands,” Heeyoung responded sweetly with a smile. Mr. Kang looked at HeeYoung with a serious look, “That doesn’t mean that you have the right to be lazy HeeYoung!” HeeYoung’s smile quickly disappeared from her face “No! Of course not Sir!” She responded in fear. Mr. Kang continued to open his eyes and stared at her and then burst out with laughter. HeeYoung looked confused. “I am just joking. You’ve lived here for many years now. Don’t you know me by now?” HeeYoung just looked down. “I know what would cheer you up. How about I give you some money to go shopping? If you’re going to play the role of the madam, you also have to look the part!” “I am not sure Mr. Kang. I have no sense of style or updated with the latest trend.” HeeYoung’s wardrobe consists of her maid’s outfits and a simple black dress for occasions. Mr.Kang looked at her as if an idea had just come to mind (in which it did). “How about I go with you?” he said with a smile. HeeYoung had no choice but do as he pleased.


At the mall

“Go try all of this on.” Mr. Kang handed HeeYoung several outfits. “All??” He looked at her and saw that she looked a bit unsure. “Oh. Don’t worry we’re not buying all of em.” She sighed in relief. He continued,”…just most of them.” Her face was back into her shock expression. Today was going to be a busy day. After all the clothes were chosen out, he took her to the salon and had her hair cut off up to her neck and into a bob with side bangs. Afterwards, she went to get her make up done and was taught how to apply it on since she doesn’t wear much besides some blush and red lipstick which is too bright for her age. They used natural colors and tones to make her look younger. Voila! “Are you ready to see her?” The lady asked Mr.Kang after several hours of waiting. He casually nodded. HeeYoung walked in looking like a brand new person. She actually looks her age (38) maybe even younger! She looked classy and stunning. Mr.Kang’s jaw dropped. HeeYoung nervously looked up at him. “Do I look okay?” She softly asked. After a few more moments to grasp this new HeeYoung, all he can think of doing is giving her thumbs up. “Breath taking…” He gazed into her eyes. HeeYoung started to blush. “I you look the part.” He looked away so he can put his jaw back into place.


Back home

Mr.Kang and HeeYoung are talking over a hot cup of coffee when EunMi comes in. The door slams followed by another door slam.

“I guess she’s going to bed early. She didn’t see that you prepared dinner tonight.” “It’s okay. She’s probably tired. She woke up very early this morning.” “I wish she can see how gorgeous you look tonight.” HeeYoung shyly smiled. “It’s okay. I will play the role again tomorrow.” They both giggled.


HeeYoung’s POV

Why is Mr.Kang acting so different today…could it be…?


Mr.Kang POV

I never thought HeeYoung could be this beautiful



Is father dating a new Woman!!!????? No way! And What is wrong with that Seung Gi! He’s acting so weird today.


Seung Gi

Is life worth living if I have to live it alone??? I don’t deserve all of this. I should be happy to have all this money but why do I feel like I don’t deserveit?????



Author’s note: Is there a flame burning between Mr. Kang and HeeYoung? Even though Seung Gi is just a chauffeur (or so EunMi thinks) why can’t she stopped thinking of him?? Why is Seung Gi acting so Emo??

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Chapter 6: update soon please
Chapter 6: poor Seung Gi! and wow, she already got over him to JYH
Chapter 5: Oh, please update, I like the story so much, and I have a feeling that person is his real father, right?
Chapter 5: I'm so happy you updated!! \o/
please don't give up this story and update more often. I so wanna know what happens next!
Please, add a "leeseunggi" tag so that your story can be seen.
Chapter 4: Please update soon, totaly love ur story!! Please please please.
I fell by chance on this one, It doesn't have a leeseunggi tag that's why. Sounds interesting. I'll read it and then comment what I think of it. I hope u update soon.
ilabya35 #7