Blood Feud chapter 1

Blood Feud, War of the vampires

Chapter 1

As all tales go, there is always a good and an evil. As such, the vampires too have a sworn enemy; the elves.

The elves are a group of human like beings with the ability to control magic. With sharp ears and long oval faces, these creatures are one of the main reasons vampires rarely go south.

They possess a deep hatred for vampires after the late Emperor Yamahito banished them to the southern end of the vampire world. Therefore, when the war broke out after Emperor Yamahito passed on, the elves started to terrorize the vampires living near the borders of the elf territory. They thrived during the centuries of unrest and managed to slowly expand their small territory. Thus they would stop at nothing to ensure that the vampire kingdoms do not have peace.

Which includes sabotaging the quest for the Female Royal.

The sons of the two kings were very good friends with each other despite the fact that they come from different clans and different sides in the war. They all wanted peace, and that was what enabled them to put aside their differences.

The eight Royals gathered in their secret meeting place for a rendezvous. It was a place unknown to everyone except the eight of them. A place that would be safe from spies and elves.

 They had a very important matter to discuss that day. It was regarding the quest for Keito’s mate.

Every two centuries, a Royal would be sent out to roam the human world for four decades in search of their mates. After four decades have passed without finding a mate, they would return to the underworld to rest for another two centuries. The cycle would continue until the Royal had found his mate.

Keito has already been through three of such cycles. The eight Royals were getting desperate.

“Keito, you must succeed this time. You are our only hope for peace. It you fail, the war will go on and we need to wait another 200 years for you to try again. Either that or until our children become mature enough to embark on this quest as well.” Pleaded Prince Yuto.

“Yes you must. I am tired of this constant warring. Our fathers should learn to keep peace or there’ll never be prosperity.” Remarked Prince Inoo.

“Another factor would be that the Elves are expanding. If both our fathers do not resolve their differences and put a stop to it, the Elves would invade at the most crucial time.” Prince Ryosuke chimed in.

“Both our kingdoms are weak from the war. In order to strengthen it, we need to unify both kingdoms.” Prince Chinen agreed.

“Keito, we cannot afford to lose anymore time. You must succeed, or our world will be doomed.” Declared Prince Ryutaro.

“Keito, go with our blessing. The fate of the underworld depends on you.” Commanded Prince Hikaru, the oldest amongst the eight.

Keito nodded and gave each of he Royals a jaunty salute before he made his way out of the small underground chamber.

The remaining seven Royals watched his retreating back as it slowly faded from sight.

“I do hope he succeeds.” Whispered Ryutaro.

“I’m sure he will brother, don't worry. I know we can count on him.” Murmured Hikaru.

The journey to Toguchi wasn't easy. Keito had to make many detours as he skirted around the various war zones. Soldiers dressed in the yellow armour of the Osoreru clan clashed with the soldiers dressed in the red armour of the Zetsubou clan.

Many a time Keito had to use his powers to deflect arrows that were aimed at him by the Zetsubou soldiers. Sometimes swords were even thrown at him. If it weren’t for is instinct and fast reaction, he might have already been killed. Then there would be no chance of him fulfilling the prophecy.

Vampires of Royal blood are more superior in the sense that they have magical powers equivalent to the elves, and in rare cases more powerful. Once such example would be Emperor Yamahito who banished all the Elves to the South.

Keito rapped on the door of a small shrine in Toguchi. It swung open of its own accord. A soft tinkling sound echoed throughout the empty room. Keito took a tentative step into it, and in a blink of an eye he was transported to another familiar looking room.

He knew he had arrived… At the Human world…

“My Queen! The boy has set out to find his mate once more. Should we go after him now?” reported the elfish General Satoshi.

“No… We will wait a little more. When he finally finds a mate, then we will interfere. I do not like sending my best general on a wild goose chase.” Smirked Saki, Queen of the elves.

“Well said my Queen. We shall wait for you orders.”

“We will crush the vampires and regain our rightful place as the rulers of the underworld!” cackled Saki, her evil laughter echoing throughout the great hall.

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gotler #1
Interesting plot.
miszchlahiie766 #2
i love it!! update soon please... i'm SO looking forward for the next chapter... :))
musicai03 #3
what an agenda! :)<br />
I LOVE your fic because I Love Keito also.:))<br />
Update soon, my Queen :DD