CHP03. Moving Day & New Uniform :D

Can You Unlock My Secret?

-Your Pov-

You rubbed your eyes as you heard knocking on your front door. Yawning, you looked at the clock. What the actual ? Who would knock out your house at 5:30 AM? Then, something clicked in your head. Siwon Oppa is here to pick you up. You ran downstairs and opened the door. Before he could yell at you for letting him wait out in the cold for so long, you glomped him and you both ended up falling on the lawn.

"Oppa!" you screamed, "I missed you! Good morning!"

Siwon was horror struck. 5:30 AM and you were going to wake the neighbors up. "Aish. Be quiet please? It's 5 in the morning! You do not want angry neighbors knocking on a door of a vacant house now would you?"

You pouted and glared at him, "I do not care. I will yell to the word that my brother is back and not give a beep about who gets mad about it."

Siwon stared at you for a few seconds and bursted out laughing, "Oh... there's my baby sis..." he ruffled your hair.

"Are we leaving now Oppa?" you asked as you led him inside. "Yup, you packed last night right?"


"Okay well, get your things. I have to meet the other members today for rehearsals for Inkigayo next week."

"Arasseoo. Arasseeoo! Let me get my things..."


After 15 minutes of moving your luggage into the truck, you were finally able to move out of that crummy place. "Oppa, what are you going to do about the other items in the house? I still need those....."

"Ah you mean the furniture? Well, I already bought you new furniture..but just soo little to fit the big house I bought you. So, I will be hiring someone to pick it up and send it to your new home. They'll be sent by next week. You smiled and nodded. Somehow, you felt tired again and drifted off to sleep.


When you arrived, you were awe struck. Siwon wasn't kidding when he said he bought you a luxurious house. It looked somewhat like this:


After an hour of Siwon helping you get settled into your new house, you were sad that he had to leave again. Super Junior was definetly the biggest boy band in the world and work was non-stop for them. You sighed and thought about your best friend, Lee Hyukjae. You missed him so much. You met each other when you were in 6th grade and he was in 8th grade. Even though you were already 19 and he was 21 years old, you still act like kids around each other.


After taking a shower in your new bathroom, which looked something like this:


you decided to un-pack and decorate your new house. It was pretty quiet so you the radio.

"Now, we wil be playing our new song right Roomie?"

"Yes Mrs. Fung we will. The next song that was requested is What Is Love by Exo-M!"


"Exo-M?" you thought, "Why does that sound so familiar.."

-Song starts playing-


For the rest of the day, you were re-decorating the house. When the time hit 5PM, someone knocked on the door. You opened it and saw Super Junior's manager.

"A-Ahjussi? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with my brother?"

"Ah, I was but then your brother requested me to bring this for you."

You took the package and opened it. Inside was your new school uniform. You looked at it in disgust.

"Ugh. I forgot about the deal. Stupid private school.." you muttered.

The manager laughed at you and ruffled your hair, "Siwon told me you might say that."

"So, when do I start?" you glared at the uniform wondering if you should rip it up or not.

The manager had an un-easy laugh and you noticed. You shot up and glared at him, "Don't tell me.... tomorrow?"

The manager gave you an apologetic smile and nodded. "SHEEZUZ SIWON IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" you cursed.


When the manager left, you decided to make dinner and sleep early because school was already in session -_-

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update soon
asia_lor01 #2
I wanna know what happens next!!
Love your story! **^^

Please check out this KRISBER FIC too~**

Kamsahamnida~! **^^
aznfen #4
i love it!! :) can't wait for the next chapter XD