"One Fine Day"


I wrote this last week I believe (my second fan fiction ever written!) The day was absolutely beautiful … so why not write a fan fiction about it? ^^ It’s not everyday that the weather in California is acting normal instead of the usual bipolarity of rain one minute then sunshine the next. Here is an Onew/You story inspired by Nature’s beauty ... and Love:  


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ilabya27 #1
Chapter 1: Just adorable ^_^
@ Jileeah: Waaahhhhhh thank you :3 I'm glad you enjoyed it as well <333
So cute^^
@ babymichiie: Thank you. Glad you enjoy. (:
babymichiie #6
This story was okay.. haha..!<br />
It's sweet and simple!<br />
Very well written! (:
@ DubuSarang: Please don't be jealous! >< lol I really do struggle to write, it's taken a good amount of years to get where I am now but THANK YOU! I will continue to publish more fan fictions as long as I have amazing readers and supporters as yourself! Thank you again. (:
@ AyaMisa thank you so much! That means a lot to me considering you're my first comment EVER on this site! <br />
@ DonghaeILUVUFISHY (it was fun writing your name^^) thank you very much as well! I'll continue to try and if you have any suggestions please let me know. (:
Aww Cute! Nice job :D