Baekhyun Oppa !

You are my Oppa (Brother) ! [EXO K Members]

Byun Baekhyun turned the knob and quietly entered the room. It was dark as the curtain was drawn. He reached the queen sized bed and leaned over. Your body was curled to the left and your palms were resting under your cheeks.

“My baby sister…” he cooed and your cheeks.

You stirred in your sleep and slowly opened your eyes. The sides of your lips curled upwards when you saw Baekhyun.

“Bacon Oppa.” You called his nickname.

Baekhyun smiled, which was identical to yours. “Good morning, my sweet sunshine.”

“Good morning.” You yawned and sat up on the bed.

Baekhyun went over to the windows and pulled the curtains away. Immediately, sunlight strayed into your room, making it shine brightly.

You winced and covered your face.

“Are you okay, ~~~~~~~? Do you want me to close the curtain back?”

You shook your head, hands still covering your face.

“My eyes need to adjust for a while.” You mumbled.

Baekhyun nodded and placed the paper bag that he had bought along with him.

You looked at the bag curiously. “Oppa, did you bring me food?”

“Yes I did. I bought your favorite Bibimbap and Kimchi Fried Rice.” He proudly announced.

You clapped your hands in happiness. Due to your condition, you weren’t allowed to eat any food. You were getting bored with the hospital food.

Baekhyun sat in front of you and feed you the Bibimbap. “Is it nice?”

You nodded eagerly like a child. “Did Oppa made this?”

“Yup, the guys helped made it too.” He chuckled. “Luhan hyung and Sehun were practically fighting over the making of Bibimbap.”

“Luhan Oppa and Sehun Oppa are always fighting like kids.” You laughed.

“I know right?” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “And Kyungsoo made you the fried rice.”

“Thank them for the nice food, Oppa.” You giggled. “They are really nice to me.”

“Of course they are nice to you.” Baekhyun said. “You are their little sister after all.”

After eating the food, you watched Baekhyun as he washed the containers in the attached bathroom in your room.

“Bacon Oppa….” You called out.

“Hmmmm….?” Baekhyun was drying the containers with a towel.

“When can I go out and play?” you softly asked.

Baekhyun heard your question. He walked back to your bed and sat at the edge.

“When you gets better, Oppa promise you that I will take you out and play.” He your long hair. “Kai and Xiumin want to play soccer with you.”

You know that Baekhyun was trying to make you feel better. You are older now and you understand what is happening to your body.

“If I get better…..” you trailed off. “But what if I don’t?”

Without knowing, you felt tears b your eyelids.

“Shhhh….” Baekyun pulled you into a hug. “You will get better, trust me.”

“What if I don’t, Oppa?” you whined. “If I don’t get better, I will die.”

“Don’t even say that, Byun ~~~~~~~.” He lightly scolded. “You will live happily and healthily.”

You couldn’t go against your brother's  words and you hugged him back.

*I am just scared, Oppa. I am scared that I wouldn’t see you ever again.*


Since you couldn’t leave the room, Baekhyun played with you. You listened to his stories about school, work and his friends.  The two of you played games with his IPad. In the evening, the nurse came by to give you medicine.

“Can I please don’t eat the medicine today?” you pleaded. “I don’t like the taste.”

The nurse who has been taking care of you for the past years shook her head. “Be good, ~~~~~~. Your brother is here and you have to show him that you have been behaving well.”

You poked out your tongue at her when she turned her back, causing Baekhyun to laugh.

“Baekyun-shii, please feed your sister the medicine.” She instructed. “I will collect the trays in an hour time.”

“Yes mam.” He saluted.

The nurse shot them one last look before leaving the room.

“Oppa… Oppa… Bacon Oppa…. Can I not eat the medicine, please?” you begged with puppy eyes.

Baekhyun softened. *I am sorry, ~~~~~~-ah. I know that this is hard for you. But I need you to get well and in order to get well; you have to eat the medicine.”

“Please…………..” you continued begging.

“No can do.” He shook his head and raised his eyebrow. “Oppa will buy you lots of books if you eat your medicine.”

Your ears picked up at the bargain. You love reading books. “Really?”

“Yes, now be a good girl and eat all this.” He handed you a small cup that has your pills inside.

You obediently swallowed the pills one by one. “Yuks.” You made a face.

Baekhyun laughed at your reaction and gave you water to drink. “Good girl ~~~~~~.”

You beamed.

As the medication took over, you started to feel drowsy and sleepy. You sway to the side while sitting on your bed. Before you could fall, Baekhyun caught you and made you lie on the bed.

“Oppa, I am sleepy.” You reached out. “But please don’t go yet.”

“Shhhh, I am here, princess.” He cooed. “I am not leaving.”

You nodded and slowly fall in a deep slumber. Your hand is still tightly holding onto Baekhyun’s. He made space for himself on the bed and lay down beside you. He your hair and kissed your forehead at times.


A few days later after visiting you, Baekhyun got call from your doctor.

“Can you please come to my office? I have something important to discuss.” Dr. Han asked.

Baekhyun rushed to the doctor’s office as soon as possible.

Knock. Knock.

“Come in.” the doctor’s voice boomed over the side of the door.

Baekhyun entered and bowed. “Dr. Han, is there something wrong with my sister? Is that why you called me here?”

“Please have a seat first, Mr. Byun.”  He nodded to the seat.

Baekhyun carefully sit down and studies Dr. Han’s expression.

“So, what’s the matter?” he impatiently asked.

Dr. Han scanned through Baekhyun’s face before speaking. “Do you still remember what I told you the very first day ~~~~~~~ came here?”

It took a moment for Baekhyun to remember. You were diagnosed with a fatal asthma condition. You can’t go out and play like normal girls as you will be out of breathe easily and would be needing a breathe inhaler machine.
“If I remember correctly, you told me that ~~~~~~~ have about half a year to live.” Baekhyun recalled.

Dr. Han nodded in concentration. “Yes. Now 4 ½ months had passed by since… Although her condition has been improving steadily, there’s has been still no cure for her.”

“So does that mean that…….” Baekhyun trailed off.

Baekhyun knew the consequences. But he was afraid to admit it. He wished that if he ignored it, that fact that you are going to leave will go away.

“You have 1 ½ months left, Baekhyun.” Dr. Han revealed. “Please spend as much time as you can with her. If her condition turns bad, she can leave earlier than that.”

“I understand.” Baekhyun replied softly.

He stood up to go. When he was about to turn the knob, Dr. Han spoke.

“Please prepare yourself, Baekhyun.” He said.

Baekhyun didn’t give a reply and walked out. Leaning against the white walls, Baekhyun sank onto the floor.

*Please prepare yourself, Please prepare yourself, Please prepare yourself.* That words kept running through his mind.

When he couldn’t take it anymore, Baekhyun broke down and sobbed hard.


It was Friday night. You are waiting for Baekhyun to come but there was no sign of him. He would usually visit you every Friday night.

*Maybe Oppa is busy with work tonight.* you thought. You sat up in bed and reached over the desk beside the bed. You opened the first drawer and took out your diary.

You scanned your eyes through the dates in the calendar.

“It’s been about 4 months since I was admitted.” You noted. “That means that I have less than 2 months to live.”

You knew that you are going to die. You were there when Dr. Han told Baekhyun that you have half a year to live.

“If I leave this world, wouldn’t Oppa be lonely and sad?” you mumbled. Unconsciously, tears stared falling down your cheeks. Your heart crumbled when you realized that you are going to die.

“Oppa, I am scared.” You sobbed as you hugged the photo of you and Baekhyun.


Ever since he gotten the news from Dr. Han, Baekhyun have been spending the days with you. You knew that he was trying to make your last moments in earth happy. He would take you out for a stroll at the park and let you see the kids playing with their friends.

“Bacon Oppa, they are so cute playing together.” You pointed at a boy who was chasing his sister.

Baekhyun smiled. “Yup, it reminds me of us when we were little. I was chasing you all over and you were screaming loudly.”

You giggled. The memories seem fresh in your mind.

“Sadly, I can’t play anymore.” You shrugged. “I can’t see kids playing in the park anymore.”

Baekhyun softened and he tried to hard not to break down in front of you. He doesn’t want to appear weak in front of you. He wanted to be the strong brother whom you are always proud of.

“Oppa, can we go back?” you glanced back and touched his arm. “I am tired.”

“Sure ~~~~~~~.” Baekhyun pushed the wheelchair back to your room.

You are so tired that you couldn’t move a muscle. Baekhyun has to carry you to your bed and make sure that you are comfortable.

“Do you need anything, ~~~~~~~?” he asked worriedly.

You shook your head tiredly and you mumbled. “I am fine, Oppa. I am tired. Let me sleep.”

“Okay, go to sleep, princess.” You heard him cooed. “I love you, my dear sister.”

That was the last words you heard from him before drifting off to dreamland.


Day passed and your condition worsened. You could not get up from the bed. Baekhyun was by your side 24/7.

Finally, the dreadful day arrived. You knew that it was time for you to go as you left the energy draining out of your body.

“Oppa….” You croaked out.

Baekhyun looked at you with wet eyes. He couldn’t contain his tears. His heart broke when he see your fragile body on the bed. Your face and your lips were plain white and you are shivering.

“Are you cold, ~~~~~~~?” he enveloped the blanket over you.

He even took off his jacket and gave you extra warmth.

You smiled weakly at him. “Thank…you…..”

“How can you smile at a time like this?” he lightly scolded.

“Oppa…” you reached out for his hand and grasped it. “Please don’t cry. You are making me sad.”

Baekhyun roughly wiped his tears. “I will not make you sad. Oppa will not cry. Please, stay with me.”

This is the first time you have seen you brother desperately begging you.

“Oppa, this is God’s will.” You whispered. “I can’t stay with you Oppa.”

“No, please, don’t leave me.” He sobbed. “Don’t leave Oppa, ~~~~~~~. I will be alone and sad without you.”

“No, Oppa.” You touched his face. “If I am gone, you have to be happy. You still have your friends, Oppa. You can’t let them down.”

“But…” he couldn’t continue as he was crying hard.

“Promise me Oppa.” You held out your pinky. “Live life normally after I am gone."

Baekhyun refused and shook his head. “No……”

You grabbed his hand and laced your pinky with his. “You have to be happy, Oppa. You can do it.”

That only led him to sob harder and causes his vision to blur.

“Hold me Oppa.” You started trembling. “I am really cold.”

Baekhyun hugged you tightly as if he does not want to let you go. He kept calling your name over and over again.

“Baekhyun Oppa, i…i….have….to…go…now…” you raised your hand as if reaching for something. “Goodbye Oppa.”

“Goodbye ~~~~~~~-ah.” He whispered.

“I love you, my big brother.” You closed your eyes forever.

Your hand slumped to the side and you lay lifelessly in his hug.

“Saranghae, dongsaeng-ah.”  He kissed your forehead and cheeks for the last time.


Author's Note: This is the first sad oneshot. I don't know why but as i typed the ending, i get emotional and cried. What do you guys think of this? Comment please. : )


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I need more ideas... Anyone?


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rilakkuma0313 #1
Chapter 2: 위....카이 오빠...
rilakkuma0313 #2
Chapter 1: Awww sweet 세훈오빠...ㅋㅋㅋ
Awwwwwwwwwww very nice one-shots! I love them all! U made me cry with Baekhyun oppa story :(
Pandas_and_bacon #4
I love Baekhyun's one shot!!
-flips table-
That was so sweet. I read this after EXO M's collection and you really outdid yourself! Baekhyun's story made me cry. I wish the ending was different somehow... I would love to have any EXO member as a brother. They seem so caring and sweet. :-)
*crying* so sweet nd cute but I believe I cried more on Baekhyun's story u did an amazing job.