Dark Sunlight



Dark Sunlight

Bright sun streaks collided to create a spotlight for the two bodies who are entangled in each other’s warmth but signalling that dream land is still in process.

Kikwang’s eyes slowly fluttered open as he stretched his arms. Suddenly, his knuckles brushed past soft locks of hair. Confusingly, Kikwang turned his head to the right and immediately his eyes went wide.

Almost falling out of the bed Kikwang slightly moved away from Yoseob. He slowly started to remember what happened last night and sighed in relief. For a second there he thought something naughty may have happened.

Slipping out of bed first, he kissed Yoseob’s forehead and headed towards the kitchen. The rest of the BEAST members minus Dujun were already seated around the breakfast table.

A sudden loud noise startled him.

“HYUNG HYUNG GUESS WHAT!” Dongwoon beamed yelling in Kikwang’s face.

“Woah what?” Kikwang said slightly taking back by the maknae’s outburst.

“I asked the president for a break and we get 2 weeks off!” Dongwoon yelled jumping about.

“Really? That’s great!” Kikwang said jumping from joy too.

“How’s Yoseob?” Hyunseung said interrupting their fanatic jumping.

“What?! How di-“

“Well number one he’s not in his bed and number two there’s no crying” Hyunseung replied without having to hear Kikwang’s question.

“No crying? What crying?” Kikwang asked already worried like hell.

“You didn’t know? Go see for yourself” Hyunseung said.

Kikwang dashed back into the bedroom and found Yoseob curled up in a ball sniffing.

Immediately he ran to his side.

“Why are you crying?” Kikwang asked.

“What? Oh it’s nothing just had a bad dream” Yoseob lied.

“Don’t play with me, Hyunseung clearly said you cry every night. Why?” Kikwang asked.

“It doesn’t matter” Yoseob replied, sitting up and looking away.

“DOESN’T MATTER? So I don’t matter now. Do you have any idea how much I care for you?!” Kikwang yelled.

Suddenly, he put his hands around his mouth. He didn’t mean to say the last bit.

“Well I mean it’s not good if you don’t tell th-“ Kikwang got cut off.

“My mother’s in hospital” Yoseob said.

Kikwang froze.

Yoseob’s mother was in the hospital?

“She has lung cancer but she can’t undergo surgery because of money issues” Yoseob said bluntly.

“Wh-what?! But Yoseob we’re idols we have plenty of mon-“

“She doesn’t want me to pay for it because she’d be living with regret is what she told me. She never agreed for me being a musician in the first place. Mother said if I even dared to pay she wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt for the rest of her life that her son who she was against of becoming a musician uses his money to pay for her surgery” Yoseob said blankly.

“Bu-but Yoseob that’s absurd! You can’t let her die” Kikwang whispered.

“DO YOU THINK I WANT TO?! She’s literally mental now. She said she wouldn’t be able to even see me if I paid for it! I don’t know what’s gotten into her!” Yoseob screamed pulling his hair out of his head.


After Yoseob’s outburst about his mother Kikwang took more care of Yoseob especially that Dujun wasn’t here for him.

Christmas Eve came soon and all the Beast members minus Dujun were seated around the Christmas tree ready to give out their presents.

“Alright Kikwang your turn” Dongwoon said.

Everyone began giving Kikwang his gifts. He received a new pair of headphones from Junhyung, red leather jacket from Hyunseung, and a video game from Dongwoon.

“Yoseob?” Hyunseung asked.

“I thought it may be a bit cheesy but Merry Christmas Kwangie!” Yoseob said shyly and kissed Kikwang on the cheek.

Kikwang blushed furiously while the rest of the members just laughed.

He opened Yoseob’s gift and gasped quietly.

Inside the box there was a glassed snow ball with a picture of Him and Yoseob hugging. The snowball had snow flying around once you shook it and had a gold plate underneath saying ‘Forever’. He noticed there was something else there.

Yoseob just watched him open the gift and play around with it like a child smiling with his eye smile. The rest of the members watched in awe as Kikwang opened the gift.

The other gift was a silver locket necklace. But the locket was shaped in a star. Kikwang opened the locket and couldn’t help but tear up when he saw the inside.

There was an encrusted message saying:

‘Because you’re my star during my darkest hours’

Kikwang looked up at Yoseob and didn’t know what to say.

“Seobie I..I...”

He didn’t finish his sentence but took out an envelope and handed it to Yoseob.

“Merry Christmas Seobie, and please don’t be mad at me” Kikwang whispered.

The members were curious what Kikwang gave Yoseob, but Yoseob was probably the most curious.

Yoseob opened the red envelope and took out a white letter.

It was from the hospital.

Yoseob immediately started crying as he read over and over what the letter said.

The members were worried what the letter said. Yoseob crying on Christmas Eve was a first.

“Yo-you WHAT? YOU PAID FOR IT?!” Yoseob yelled.

“I know you didn’t want me to bu-“

He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Yoseob hugged him throwing his arms around Kikwang’s neck and sobbing to himself.

“How did you get her to agree?! Kikwang thank you so much!” Yoseob cried.

By that point everyone was crying.

Kikwang explained to Yoseob how his mother agreed because Kikwang convinced her that it would be Yoseob’s Christmas gift.

Everyone was cheerful and celebrating.

“We can all go visit her tomorrow!” Yoseob chirped.

“Yeah and buy some flowers too” Hyunseung suggested.

“I’ll be right back I have to tell Dujun!” Yoseob said happily as he walked into the kitchen digging for his phone from his pocket.

Kikwang’s smiled dropped but he was happy to see Yoseob’s smile again.

“Oh Mrs Yoon is Dujun there I want to tell him something” Yoseob said to Dujun’s mother through the phone.

“Dujunie? Yoseob-ah he’s not here, I thought he went to Busan” Dujun’s mother replied.

“Busan? By himself? But he said you was sick so he had to visit you” Yoseob said confused by what was going on.

“No I’m fine, he called me telling me he won’t come home for Christmas because he’ll be in Busan with Bang Mir” Dujun’s mother replied on the receiver.

Suddenly, Yoseob dropped the phone and slipped to the floor.

The air got knocked out of his lungs instantly.

“H-he went to Busan with his ex- boyfriend?” Yoseob whispered to himself.

B2UTIES! I just got back from my holiday and finally got the chance to update this!!!! It's probably the worst chapter I've written so far but I just wanted to get the plot line going and so on! MORE KISEOB FLUFF IN THE NEXT CHAPPY! PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!



PLEASE READ MY NEW ONE SHOT!!!! VERY ANGSTY AND Y!!!Give some feedback please!!!! Kamzahmnida!!



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beastysusie #1
hey its susie we need 2 talk ive read the whole fanfic and u decide to not carry it on ........ U better do .... Lol . Btw so far this is amazinggggggggg hehe lol
Chapter 13: i got it author-sshi..
i'm waiting for another kiseob fanfics expecially M rate,,,
gomawo for your fanfics ,,,
Ah, almost forgot ~good luck for your exams..! Don't be too stressed. Hwaiting~
Oh wae...this story was one of the few ones I really adored. D.
And you're sure you don't know what to do with it anymore..? Not maybe a little final chapter, because the end is just so open?
I'll definitively read and anticipate your oneshots as well, but to be honest I'm a bigger fan of chaptered stories, so I will miss this one for sure. D,
Well, of course I accept your decision, no choice at all. +_+ And I understand you, it's hard to write a story when you're not really into it anymore...and it must be bad to run out of ideas. (though this won't ever happen to me I guess.. XD *rather has too much ideas* )
Anyway, thanks for the story so far, kk.~ Kiseob is the best, and I'm so glad you wrote such a good-written longer FF about them.~ *throws glitter at u*
Don't feel bad 'n just focus on your new stories. You're talented, nor problem, k.~

Ahw, and thank you so much for the recommendation as well..! .D *happy*

Yessir, I'll spread it. ♥ XD
Chapter 13: I'll be looking forward for your kiseob one shots ;) i'll miss this fanfic D,:
imhaeyeon #6
Chapter 13: awww, so sadd.. :‘(
but i won‘t unsubscribe, in case you‘ll have inspiration to continue when beast comeback.. hehe..
anyway, thanks for the recommendation.. :D
Chapter 12: Ahw, I already feared u could stop writing the story, though I knew u're just busy. But it's fine, take it easy, writing an FF isn't a duty, u have to do it for fun and such, no stress. D. *pat*
Anyway, I'm glad the story goes on~ ♥
Kiseob are coming closer to each other so smooth and nicely here. *approves* kk, and I like teasing Seobies, since it suits him so much imo. XD
Then there's adorable Woonie who is worrying, but.. Junseung...at least Junnie.. how can he even consider his own words. D. They have to trust their friends...and Doodoo...for me, I still hope very badly that he isn't really this bad, but was just...dunno upset and didn't think for a moment.. or so. D.
Hm. So. A twin. Huh.. XD
I'm curious to where it leads, kk.

However thanks for updating, dear.~
alternateB2st #8
Chapter 12: A twin brother??? Seriously??