The Story...

Sweet Temptations

Once upon a time, God made Eve from Adam’s bone in the Garden of Eden,” Joon began.


                “I know that story,” piped up Yoona happy to recognize something familiar.


                “Do you remember what happened in the Garden?” Joon prompted her to keep talking.


                “The Devil tempted Eve to eat the bad fruit, and she did. Then Adam did too and they were kicked out of the garden because they didn’t listen to God, and ate the forbidden fruit.”


                “Exactly,” Joon said relieved that she seemed to know all the important details. “Now, I need to tell you that you and every girl in this world is a princess. You are all born with great destinies, some greater than others, but you are all meant to be great. But Lucifer sends out Devils to tempt girls to do wrong like he did to Eve in the garden. Guardian Angels are there to make you not follow the Devil and to protect you from the bad things in the world. Does that make sense?”


                “So you are my angel, and Jang Goon Suk is my Devil?” Yoona asked inspiration slowly dawning in her widening eyes. Both boys nodded simultaneously. Yoona turned to Jang Geun Suk and her eyebrows puckered into a worried line, “But you won’t make me do anything bad right? You’re a good Devil right? Because we’re friends,”


                Jang Geun Suk looked protectively down at her worried face and his voice was deadly serious as he replied, “I will become a dark angel who protects you, Yoona. I will never hurt you. Never.” Satisfied at Jang Geun Suk’s words, Yoona sat back on the carpet completely accepting the fact that she had a Guardian Angel and a Devil, and that every girl did too. She was only five years old and so it was easy for her to simply accept things that grown-ups would question and find ridiculously impossible.


                “Now Yoona, Jang Geun Suk said softly causing her to refocus on him, “You are very special. You can see and touch, us right?” In response, Yoona got up and gave him a big hug clinging to him as tightly as she could. Then she moved over to Joon and sat in his lap since he was facing her ‘Dark Angel’ and listened as he continued, “Only you can do that in the entire world. Girls normally can’t see or touch us. So if any other Angel or Devil finds out that you can see us, they could hurt you. That’s why you can’t ever acknowledge their existence and pretend you don’t see them. Understand?”


                Yoona agreed quickly. Joon, cuddling her in his lap, realized that she was getting scared and so he quickly hugged her to him tickling her and making her squeal as he finished, “And the Princess went up to Heaven to live happily ever after. The end. That wasn’t such a bad story, now was it?”


                Yoona just squealed and ran over to hide behind Jang Geun Suk. Since the mood was suddenly lightened due to Joon’s quick thinking, the rest of the day, passed in companionable play. But the Angel and Devil both knew that the next few precious years wouldn’t last. Joon looked to the dangerous future with excitement and a mixture of nervousness. He vowed to himself that he would keep in shape and practice regularly so he wasn’t taken unawares when danger struck. Likewise, Jang Geun Suk promised to watch over the Princess and let no harm come to her.


They acknowledged each other as allies at that moment, because they both wanted her safety. But they also realized that the other might think of Yoona as more than a charge, a mission to complete. With a slight hint of surprise, they also acknowledged each other as…potential rivals.


Sorry this chapter is short. I am super busy lately and this was the best I could do. I will try hard to do better. Mianhe.~Luvjpop

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VipSoneBLackjack4eva #1
Chapter 8: Ohh the keeper of destrustion is coming
LoveKpop21 #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon~!!!
I love this story very much ^w^ !!!
Thank you for writing this story and please update soon >_< !!
VipSoneBLackjack4eva #3
Chapter 7: nawww lee joon so cute i imagine lee yoon sung as lee minho cant wait for your next update
leelee78982 #4
Chapter 7: haha g.a and devil got scolded!
leelee78982 #5
amazing! now the devil and angel r workin together! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uniekorn89 #6
I love this!
leelee78982 #7
dude keep it up! love the starting of the boys liking her! :) its just so cute!
Oh yay finely a story with Sukie!! Absolutely love love love Jang kuen Suk, (even though i always mis spell his name lol). and I love you for writting a story with him in it. * hugs*
Aww I like it :D And you used Max!!! :D :D I loved his character, even if it was a small part :) I really like this dongsang, keep it up! :)
LOL "jealous little babies" huh? :P This is very interesting Mariah. I'm interested to see more :)