Because Of You

Just informing you that I wrote a new one shot called Make You Happy focused on Kwanghee but featuring Siwan and Heechul!

Go check it out, okay?



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glitzarr #1
Chapter 6: Ah! This was so good! Honestly, this is the best fic I have read in ages. There are not enough fics written about the ZE:A boys, especially our precious Heechul *blushes*
Thank you so much for writing this. It kept me up last night because I couldn't stop reading. It's just.... Amazing. Everyone is so accurate and that makes such a nice change. Just thank you again.
mepastah #2
Chapter 6: sorry for spamming your comment box but i just want to be redundant and repeat how perfect this fic is. i can totally imagine the two in everything you've described. i love this story. i love you. i love heewan. i love love live this.
thank you. so great. UNF!!!
mepastah #3
Chapter 5: ok, chapter three and four are awesome, ok?i love love love every single moment.
god you make me love heewan now uooooohhhhhh feeeeeellllllssssssssss
mepastah #4
Chapter 3: helo i just got into ze:a pairing and my immediate fascination is this couple. i just read up to chapter two now and i can't read chapter three unless i let you know this.
i am soooooooooooo loving this story i love you i love heewan i love you a lot.
now i'm going to continue the read^^
hongbeansdoll #5
Chapter 6: Wow...just wow. The thing is...this is so beautifully written and I really have no other words to describe my amazement other than wow. Author, please do continue writing even more grammatically enticing stories like this. I love the words you use. Very much. Thanks for writing this ^^
Chapter 6: Oh my god you so need to write another fluffy heewan!! I loved this author-nim~
nopethankyoubye #7
Chapter 6: I loved this a lot ! So effing sweet
hopelesswriter #8
aww, it ended....i knew that answer would come out but i'm still excited to see it...because each chapter hav been built up with the 'why' and 'because...'
Kevin was hilarious though....i totally LOLed and another LOL when Siwan said “You saw nothing.”
Kevin's hilariousness...i'd love to see what happens if he joins Siwan group of friends....
About Heechul's final round of answers...so Junyoung had been interested in Minwoo for sometime? Heechul...was possibly jealous? hmm...interesting to think of...
love the last part though...that leads to..."until all Siwan could sense was Heechul."
it has always been that way, Siwan^^....right from the beginning.

Thanks so much for this awesome written work and Congratulations on completing it. HeeWan is <3 n i love tracking down the dates of events and trying to imagine what happens in between the dates. been doing that from first chapter.xD
/picks us Heechul and runs/
so. awesome. ;A;
i'm back ;A;. jesus, my feels while reaing this chapter. they were like a magic ride of unicorns and rainbows and cookies and everything, BECAUSE HEEWAN. i mean, okay, the time gaps are a little bit annoying - but it's probably because i'd like to know more details about what is happening. since more details means more of your writing, what means more feels, what in turn means more Heechul and Siwan together. like, together together - but i still love every word of this, kinda? no, i really do. i just. i have so many feelings. i just. i don't know. i totally l o v e Siwan's behaviour and how he's kinda dense and the way he refuses, and the way Minwoo and Kevin ebarrass him. “I’m saying, the between the two of you is horrific, so just let him bend you over and have his way already.” i've already said that Minwoo is my bias but, GOD, why do you make him so epic? and can i hope for more of ZE:A members in this, with the same level of awesomeness?
anyway, back to the topic (though it's really SO difficult to comment on the plot when i have so many awesome personalities here to distract me o_o). this is awesomely real, the story itself i mean. everything's coherent and they're not over-anything, no stupid unnatural actions and such, this is just purely well written. ii love how they act when they're with each other and even though i love how witty Heechul is it'd be nice to see him releasing the tension between them, whichever way. bending Siwan over seems really appealing, though.