Rainy Day


Leeteuk and Kyuhyun walked together side by side, they had just been at the store buying some food for the dorm. Since the other Super Junior members were away on their schedule (Leeteuk and Kyuhyun are left at the dorm together often (I have no idea why~)) They were only about half way home. Leeteuk was holding 2 bags in one hand while Kyuhyun held nothing at all. Why wasn't Kyuhyun carrying anything? Because Leeteuk wouldn't let him. Kyuhyun did insist on carrying a bag as well (since there were two), but being the type of leader Leeteuk was, he refused Kyuhyun's kind offer. Kyuhyun couldn't help but smile at Leeteuk happily, he was always treated very well and with great care by him. Well, I guess he did need it as well. Kyuhyun was rather sensitive (both physically and mentally) and weak in his own way. After the near fatal car crash in 2007, his body has never been the same. There was a limited amount of work and physical activity he could do.

The skies were dark and somewhat gloomy looking. It gave off a rather sickening colour, like it were dying from something. Believe me, it wasn't a pleasant colour to look at. The strange yet somewhat common cloud shapes slowly filled the seemingly broad skies, not that the clouds actually fit into shape. It simply looked jaggered and odd. The dark clouds overlapped each other. It was as if they were fighting, pushing each other to create space for themselves. Wow, who ever knew clouds could be selfish.

In the far yet somewhat close distance, a silent ring of thunder could be heard. It was almost like a shouting in a rather rasp tone of voice, aggressive and rude. Powerful and strong, yet no knowledge of anything else going on around it. The thunder hissed with venom, the sound being taken by the wind and thrown everywhere else. It seemed that the thunder had been rejected by its peers.

As an instinct or reflex, Kyuhyun grabbed a hold of Leeteuk's hand when he heard the thunder. Kyuhyun shivered slightly, putting his own hand on his stomach to try and keep warm. The heat was slowly escaping him. The cold and gruesome breath of the Winter season wasn't being kind to him today. Just like some sort of snake coiling around it's defenceless victim, the breeze engulfed his body whole, soon digesting him into it's stomach. The wind made a rough howling noise, echoing through the seemingly dead trees.

Leeteuk sudden;y felt Kyuhyun suddenly hold his hand and squeeze it tightly. Leeteuk turned his head in surprise. He saw the way his beautiful boyfriend Kyuhyun bit his lower lip slightly, Leeteuk stared at Kyuhyun for a moment before smiling at him gently. He had momentarily forgotten about Kyuhyun's little fright of thunder.

"Don't worry  Kyuhyunnie. We're nearly home anyway." Leeteuk spoke gently as he began to walk just a little faster, seeing how Kyuhyun was shivering from the cold.

"Hmm... we should hurry up a little more. It's going to start raining soon." Kyuhyun muttered quietly, his hand still glued onto Leeteuk's. With a loving gaze, Leeteuk nodded.

"You're right. Let's go." Leeteuk replied. Sadly, as they spoke those words, the rain began to gently fall onto their bodies and the surrounding area. Kyuhyun mentally cursed, rainy days weren't his favourite.

The rain fell on Kyuhyun's delicate and soft skin, damaging and bruising it slightly. It was just like having little pins and needles being dropped onto skin repeatedly, but not leaving any scars for anyone to see. It made his pale skin go cold and numb, he really didn't like the feeling he had at the moment.Kyuhyun really just didn't like rainy days. The rain was making his fine hair messy, water slowly flowing off the strands of his hair and falling onto his eyes, blurring his vision and making them sting slightly. In just a couple seconds, Kyuhyun was completely drenched in raindrops, the smell of them was giving him slight nostalgia.

The same went for Leeteuk, the rain caused his hair to be messily disformed, but somehow it still looked rather appealing. Since he was worrying about Kyuhyun, he almost couldn't feel the way the rain falling onto his body. His thoughts were simply clouded. Well, it was rather heavy rain. It increased and increased with every passing second.

With the midst of rain, Leeteuk ran, never letting go of Kyuhyun's hand and the bags in his other hand. They were about 3 quarters home, it wasn't that far if the distance was measured. After a couple of minutes, they finally reached their building. They entered the building soaking wet, ignoring the stares they were recieving. Slowly, they entered their dorm. Luckily, no-one was there.

Leeteuk put his bags down before turning back to see Kyuhyun. He was shivering, thankfully the room was heated. The water was gently dripping off Kyuhyun's rather pale skin. Due to the water, Kyuhyun's thin shirt was almost completely transparent. Kyuhyun let go of Leeteuk's hand and hugged himself, trying to keep warm.

"I-I'll go get some towels." Leeteuk said, stripping his shirt off and leaving it on the floor. Even though he was freezing, he couldn't let go of the fact that Kyuhyun looked absolutely adorable like that. So innocent and helpless, like a stray kitten on the side of the road. Leeteuk ran to his room and quickly changed into a warm set of clothes, grabbing some of Kyuhyun's as well (Yes, Leeteuk has some of Kyuhyun's clothes in his room) and a couple towels to dry themselves off from the rain.

"Emm.... I'm so cold." Kyuhyun breathed icely, his breath short and fast paced. Leeteuk took the towels to Kyuhyun and put the spare clothes on the table beside them.

"Baby, dry off first." Leeteuk mumbled as he took the towel and began to dry Kyuhyun's wet hair a little roughly. A groan escaped Kyuhyun's lips, it must have hurt slightly.

"Ah, I can't believe you made me get wet in the rain." Kyuhyun muttered in a rather annoyed tone, taking off his shirt to reveal his milky skin. Being somewhat used to the sight of Kyuhyun without any clothing, passed him his clothes.

"Here's you're clothes." Leeteuk said as he took the towel and helped Kyuhyun to cry off the access water on his skin. A gentle silence filled the room. Leeteuk helped Kyuhyun get dressed, being the caring hyung he was.

"Hyung, I'm still cold." Kyuhyun whined in a child like manner, the shirt he was wearing didn't warm him up at all. Leeteuk gave Kyuhyun a sympathetic yet somewhat apologetic smile.

"You'll get warm soon. Do you want me to make you something to eat?" Leeteuk asked. Kyuhyun didn't reply. Instead, Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around Leeteuk, his hands gently gripping Leeteuk's shirt and wrinkling it.

"Hm..." Kyuhyun simply let out a humming sound as he felt a warmrh. As an instinct, Leeteuk wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun. He couldn't help but laugh at Kyuhyun's behaviour.

"Warmer now?" Leeteuk asked.

"Yes~" Kyuhyun sang.

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Chapter 1: cute *ㅈ*
miniaaaa #2
Chapter 1: Aygo it was so sweet*_*