Meet the NU'EST Part 2

Accidentally Meet You

Kim Ye Eun POV: 

They are right in front of me!! RIGHT IN - FRONT - OF - MEEEEE!!!

I think I'm gonna to got a heart attack when Ren choose to sat beside me!

" Anyeonghaseo, Ren  imnida " Ren said with a smile on his face.


" I forgot to ask what's your name?" Ren said to me.

" Kim Ye Eun imnida."

" Ye Eun- ssi please take care of me for one hour later." Ren said again and with a smile on his face again.

I just smile, I can't said anything again, OMO I'm melting.

I looked at HyeMi, her face turn red as rosy as a bride when JR sat beside her.

HyeMi looked at me and smile.

One hour was really fast to our class.

After we finished the class NU'EST perform 'Face' in our class.

All of the class shouted in joy, after they perform, they leave the class.

Today was the greatest day in the school.

" Ye Eun-ah let's go home. " HyeMi said. " Ne.. " 

Minhyun POV :

" Why we must to go to girls' school? "  I asked to JR hyung

" We must to promote our new song and we are a new boy band so we must to promote to the girl's school."

" And why must in the girls' school? We can promote on the mall or the other place but why must girls' school?? " I said.

" Because, girls like to gossip. They will said to her friends that NU'EST went to her school, for the one that don't know us they'll search who are we and they'll be our fans." JR hyung said.

" Fine" I said.

Now we arrived at the school, the girls crazily shouted.

We must to attend to music class, my ears gonna sick. 

When we came to the class all of the students shouted and jump crazily, I just relies that one of them doesn't shouted and jumped crazily like that, she just smiled and laughed.. She isn't our fans?

" Show time NU'EST time, anyeonghaseo ! " we said.

Now we must choose a seat, I want to seat beside the girl- that - not -shouted like the others.

But Ren already took that seat, so I must took another seat.

After the class over we perform 'Face' and then leave the class.

" Minhyun, the girls nice right?" JR hyung asked.

" Not really, they made my ears sick."

" If the girl beside you? Is she nice? " Aron hyung asked.

" Still the same she made my ears sick."

" Ren, who's the girl beside you?" Baekhyo asked

" Her name Kim Ye Eun, she is a nice girl. She is a playful and active girl, " Ren said.

" Let's go, we still have another schedule. " JR hyung said.

Kim Ye Eun POV:

We talked many things while we went home, " Ye Eun-ah, JR oppa talked many things to me!!!!! Oh, he said they will perform at Music Bank this Saturday! Do you want to go? No! YOU - MUST - GO - WITH - ME ! No but! "

" Okay, okay, why don't you ask your eonnie to go with you, why must me?"

" My eonnie? She ? She is V.I.P! "

" You can tell her about NU'EST so she can like NU'EST"

" So you are going with me to Music day this Saturday or not? "

I chuckled and said " I'll go, I'll go."

 " Okay then, Saturday meet me at the park, so we can go there together, kay? "

" okay, okay.." then we separated to go to our home.

" Bye, bye" we said it together and we separated.

When I arrived home, " Welcome home. " my oppa, Kim Ye Sung, said while sit on the sofa.

" How is the school? " my oppa asked.

" Oh, oppa! Today is the incredible day at school!"

" Oh, waeyo? " I sat beside him and said " Today, NU'EST came to my school! They came to the music class! And Ren sat beside me! " my oppa just chuckled. 

" Oh, oppa, this Saturday may I go to Music Bank with HyeMi? " I asked.

" Yes, you may. But you still have ask to umma kay? "

" Okay.." After my mom came home from work, I hurriedly asked her for the permission to go to the Music Bank.

" With who you go there? "

" With HyeMi "

" Okay, okay you may go, "

" Yaaaay kumawo umma! "

" But don't come home too late, kay? "

" Arasso," There's nothing special at school day, so here we are, we are at Music Bank.

Before the performance start, suddenly I feel I need to go to the toilet, " HyeMi-ah, I want to go to the toilet first."

" Okay, hurry up, you must here before they perform kay?" HyeMi said.

" Okay, okay. " so I hurriedly go to the toilet, when I came out from the toilet I bump someone.

" Mianada.. " I said as I bowed my head.

When I look up to the person, it's Minhyun from NU'EST!

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Updated! Chapter 18, is it too short? If it is, comment on the story, I'll try to make it longer ..


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 22: Awww poor Taemin and Ren :( But I still love this story :)
yuxuan #2
Chapter 22: poor ren he will be very sad
Dangerousluv1 #3
Chapter 22: *claps* job well done! The ending didn't seem weird to me. Oh, when you do make the sequel can you message me?
Dangerousluv1 #4
Chapter 21: T~T oh my gosh, it's already coming to an end. Great chapter! I can't wait to find you who she chooses in the end ^ ^
Dangerousluv1 #5
Chapter 19: I realized that I didn't comment on this chapter but I don't really think I need to because you already know how entertaining and awesome your story is ^ ^
Dangerousluv1 #6
Chapter 18: That convo in the end, awesomeness.
Oh my god who will she choose in the end? I can't wait to find out!
Dangerousluv1 #7
Chapter 17: I love this story! I'm sorry that I didn't comment on the other chapters T~T I was too busy reading that I forgot. I'm such a bad reader for that :( by the way, the conversation in the end was cute ^ ^
Chapter 17: nice convo guysss~
nice update too!!!!
Yeohana1733 #9
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! Even though it's short:)))
Kpop_Loverx3 #10
Chapter 15: AHH~ update soon > n <