Chapter Two - Jinyoung

Glittering Gold...



I slept well, probably due to my lack of blood - having had a vampire drain it for the first time. It was pretty amazing. Well it felt amazing and a smile played on my lips just thinking about how my father would react. How if the news spreaders found out that I, son of the ruler and his only heir was a feeder, feeding a vampire, a male vampire who was a legendary daywalker. My dad would freak out. My blood, my power in a vampire, keeping him strong, keeping him alive and keeping his powers going. My power for his. I loved it. I loved the fact my father would freak out when/if he found out. I loved the feeling when he bit me, I love the feeling when the other boy fed off me.  I rolled over in my bed and my eyes met Gongchan's. He opened his mouth and before he could speak. "I'm fine." I said. My power (and I use that term lightly) was that I can see things others can't and that includes reading someone's face and working out what they are planning on asking me.


He eyed me carefully. "Seriously Sunshine, I'm fine. Stop worrying. You'll get fed tonight." I teased, sitting up. "But really I didn't know you'd heal my scarring." I smiled. "I mean I'm glad that you did, I'd look really awkward walking around with holes in my neck. But I'd never read in any books that say vampires do that." I continued, Gongchan just looked at me and shrugged.


"Some vampires do it, some vampires like to see the holes." Gongchan shrugged. "It depends on preference so we don't write about what we can do. Because if you know we can do it, surely you will want us to do it." I looked at him slightly puzzled. "Think of it this way Jinyoung. No human wants to walk around with holes in their necks. It is shameful to be a feeder. Some vampires like the power to shame. I don't, like that." Gongchan shrugged. "And no one deserves to be shamed for helping another being."


"You mean like the new legislation the ruler is trying to put through, demoting  vampires." I sighed, I hated the legislation my dad was trying to put through, and he would if he didn't have to pass it through a council of elders. Even then out of the other 4 races only two had to agree to them. The shifters would because of their history of being enslaved. "I hate things like that. I mean the ruler forgets most of our doctors are vampires." I once had to have emergency surgery and it was a vampire who kept me alive. It seems my father had forgotten that.  


Gongchan eyed me carefully and I glared back at him. I didn't need to be analysed by a vampire. We all got up soon after and began dressing to go out. I smirked a little at CNU's cloak, I didn't realise they actually wore those. "What human?" he glared at me. "Never seen a robed warlock before? Surely you who knows everything knows that a warlock without a robe is not one who has honoured the celibacy rule."  I couldn't help but laugh.


"Is that what you dad is going to outlaw next? After vampires drinking blood and demotion to underclass is he going to ridicule the way of life of the warlocks and destroy their robes?" I whirred around to see Gongchan. I glared at him. "Just because of who your dad is does not mean you can look down on us."


"What Sunshine?" I scowl, "I look down on you guys? I don't. You don't know me, you don't know anything about me especially about my father and I, so don't even go there." I take a step closer. "Does it make you feel better knowing who I am and knowing you are drinking my blood? Does it give you some pathetic happiness to know exactly what my father stands for and how you are going against it by dishonouring me?" He looked at me speechless. "Like you said it is shameful to feed a vampire. So you have shamed me."


"You're dad is-" Sandeul said obviously reading Gongchan's mind. I turned and sighed.  I hadn't wanted anyone to know. I never wanted anyone to know who I am. I looked at Sandeul, I stood strongly the way my father had commanded me to when I was younger, the way that was drilled into me.


"Yes. My father is the ruler of the kingdom. Yes I am the heir. Can we get over it?" I roll my eyes. "I mean really guys yesterday Elder Taewon told us that my father had commanded me to go. Who did you think I was? " I turn to Gongchan. "But you, how do you know? And why must you assume that I am like him? What have I ever done to you, other than feed you and defend you from the others when they would not dare to feed you. That's right I brought it up because I knew none of the others would offer and because you would never ask. I can tell you were not taught in the same classes as Sandeul and Baro and I am sure it is because you did something grave. But I would never look down on you." my voice softened as he shied away from me. "You didn't have a feeder. There are only two reasons for that. the first being you don't take blood because you have not developed fangs and the other is because you killed." I breathed out.


"Stop Jinyoung." came the voice of Sandeul. I turned and looked at him. "He killed a boy in my school. I remember when the boy died." I looked back at Gongchan who was now looking away from us.


"I'm sure there was an explanation, just like there is an explanation for most things. I don't believe he meant to kill the boy, nor do I believe it was out of anger. I can tell that from his body language." I shrug. "And honestly I don't care. You didn't kill me and I don't think you will. But how did you recognize me? I haven't been in the press for years." I changed the subject.


"Your eyes." Gongchan said quietly. "I'd seen them before. In a text book. It was a childhood photograph." I looked at him and smiled a little, I'd had no photos taken of me in a long time. "I knew since I took your blood who you were."


"Wait" that was CNU, "You're the rulers first born son" I nod. "The illegitimate son. There is a prophecy about the illegitimate son."


"I'm an heir." I scowl. "I am not illegitimate unless you are challenging the word of the ruler so obviously you have the wrong man." CNU just looks at me and then looks down.


"Then you must have a brother, because the prophecy will happen this year, in the summer" CNU breathed out, "He will fulfil the prophecy. He has to. For the sake of Čaroban." I couldn't help but laugh. I mean really what could be so important. I knew I was the illegitimate heir but I didn't care for trivial things such as prophecies. CNU kept watching me as we packed up to go. "Are you scared of being the ruler?"


"No." I answer. "Jung men are never scared." I say the line I have been taught since I was little. I look at him and shrug "What is there to be scared of, what I say is law." I carefully pack up my things and start walking, I don't want to be a part of this conversation, I'd rather talk about anything but me. I turn on my heel when I hear Sunshine mumble something about me being cocky enough to be ruler. "What did you say Sunshine, go on say it to my face." he's taller than me but I lean up to get closer to him. "Or can you only speak behind my back? You killed someone so don't even try to put yourself better than me." I look over at CNU who's smirking. "And you, I already know this prophecy about the illegitimate son scares you. But not in the sense that if I was the illegitimate son I'm in trouble, you seek glory and if I'm the prophet you're not going to get it." I smirk, "And I hope you don't, because to seek glory is pathetic."


I laugh a little as CNU looks away embarrassed. I continue walking because we have a rough idea of where we need to go but little guide to get there. Most of it is from our own navigation and intuition. I look at the map with Sandeul, and we decide to get to the town on the edge of Mračan, the forest that is host to other creatures, the ones who did not wish to be part of our civilisation and have their own ways of life. Some say they are the native populations of the land but they have no written records of before us and we have none of invading.


When we arrive at the town people look at us weirdly, the news of us has spread to the far out reaches, I can only assume my father told everyone. I don't care really but at the same time the people are staring and they are making Sunshine uncomfortable, if I wasn't angry with him I might have said something, because I could hear the whispers about him being a daywalker. I felt him move a little behind CNU, the only one of us tall enough to near hide him. I turned when I heard someone say something about daywalkers being known for murder. "Hey you." I don't know what came over me. "Daywalkers known for murder? what's that in legends?" I knew that there were legends in the outer-reaches of the kingdom about daywalkers being responsible for serial killings. "I'm Jung Jinyoung." I said, walking over to the ignorant man who'd been the one to fire the comment. "And my father will  be hearing about you, trying to damage the party that is going to bring back Istina." the man shrunk back.


"Jinyoung, you don't have to do this." that was Gongchan, I took one last look at the man and then went back to the group, I was angry, I was defending the group and the rest of them are acting like I was trying to ruin our chances. We arrive at a tavern, it's not luxurious, but it will do. After we've eaten, I have to feed Gongchan. He was less nervous this time, and when his lips pierce my sin I don't flinch. The others aren't as concerned today because they trust him, and they trust me. Gongchan stops before I get light headed and presses his tongues to the holes to heal them, I smile but I don't really know why.


Tomorrow we start into the forest, and that scares me, in the forest I can't protect them with who my father is, that has no standing in the races that live in the forest and I don't know how they feel about daywalking vampires. I guess it's sunshine that I am worried about.

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