The Race


Lee Jooae (You):

You're pretty, nice, caring, rich, smart, warm-hearted.


Kris Wu:

Your senior, Byunghun's rival, rich, has an interest in you.


Lee Byunghun:

Your bestfriend, loves telling funny jokes, protective over you, Kris' rival.


Park Chorong:

Your bestfriend, caring, very nice, clumsy, rich, a happy person, smiles a lot.



What does it feel

being loved by 2 persons?

When you know that one of them is someone who always makes you happy and cares a lot about you.

While the other one is someone who just accidentally bumped into you, and suddenly became the most important person for you.


hello~ *bow*

i decided to write this story about OC, Kris and L.joe.

this is my first fanfic, so i'm sorry if i make a lot of mistakes OTL

and also about my grammar, because english is not my first language e_e

hope you guys like it~


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