I Guess I Could Love You ♥

11:11 And I Wish For You


    Chapter 3:  I Guess I Could Love You

 This chapter is going to be shorter than the other so.. o:  I'll miss writing this.  Ah, my first ever fluff. :)  <3

Recap:  At the very same time, Kyuhyun stood at the front gate staring at the door for a long time.  The night was so dark consuming all no one could see the quiet rain drops of his heart dropping.  He was too late, but there was always tomorrow.  Wasn't there, he thought as he stared longingly straight ahead.

Eunha's Point Of View


              I woke up, that morning letting out a sigh, not frustrated, angry, or even impatient.  It sounded weary and sad, like an old man's last breath.  I seethed silently as I screamed into my pillow, muffling all my screams. 

              My trustworthy pillow, the one  I could yell at, lose my temper at, yet it stayed by me, loyal.  Just waiting until the next time I scream into it, my gushing river like tears bringing my pillow to life, making it seem as if it had been crying with me all along.  I turned my head my front resting on the bed, but my neck turned in a way so that my left cheek was resting on the damp melancholy pillow.

              Maybe, Kyuhyun wasn't the right one for me after all, I convinced myself, even though I felt the electricity and chemistry between us so clearly.  It was like denying that Valentine's Day wasn't Single Awareness Day, every time you looked around couples hugging kissing, occasionally a confession, once I saw a girl on her knees with a guys in front of him. 

              Yeah, I was pretty messed up, but wasn't everybody?  No, I sighed to myself, everyone else was perfect, completely wrapped up in their own life, their happy, flawless lives, I spat out bitterly in my mind, feeling the envy flood over me. 

                So what if Kyuhyun didn't care?  I probably wasn't even his best friend anymore, I thought sadly.  He was a guy, guys don't hang with girls.  Especially not hot guys.  If he cared at all he would have at least congratulated me, instead of walking out on me.  Jinki loved me, he loved me for who I was.  He loved me. 

              Kyuhyun didn't my mind inputted, I slapped myself rashly, my cheek now stinging.  "So what if he doesn't like you?  So what if you've been waiting for your whole life for him?  Who cares if the only thing you've ever cared about pushed you away?".  No one said anything in reply, which would make sense since I was alone.  Oh right, alone.  Alone, that's me.  The one in the corner with no friends, no one to share secrets with, no one to hold, no one to pretend to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with, no one to think about at night, no one to imagine when I practice kissing on the pillow.  No one.

               Absolutely no one.  Yeah, that's what I thought, said that terrible voice from inside me said.  I wiped the tears away on my worn Men's flannel pajamas, which I'd borrowed from Kyuhyun but had never returned.  He probably didn't want them since I touched it, I said to myself to make myself hate him, but instead I pulled the collar up, sniffing and taking in the familiar smell, that killed the turmoil in my head. 

              I hugged the shirt closer to myself.  "Don't be such baby.” I whispered hoarsely, sitting up and pulling my long gangly legs in wrapping them with my equally gangly arms.  My seemingly endless flow of tears stopped.  "Jinki loves me.  Kyuhyun doesn't.", I chanted this over and over.  Until I realized that, Kyuhyun and I would never be together.  I smiled; this made the decision much, much easier.  "I love you Jinki.” I said this, but even though it came from my mouth, with my voice, it felt as if they weren't my words, as if they didn't belong there.  It felt forced, but it was the only right choice.  I ripped Kyuhyun's shirt off, his baggy sweats came off easily and I marched practically to the breakfast table.


At school.  Eunha's Point Of View


              'I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.', I thought nervously as I marched at school like a soldier, no soldiers have feelings. 

              I felt like a robot with a few malfunctions one of them being an urge to jump into Kyuhyun’s arms and wait for him to make everything alright again.  I was afraid to stop thinking those four words; it was almost as if I stopped I would actually forget that I had chosen that I would love Jinki.  I saw him ahead in the halls, Kyuhyun?  I almost smiled, but when I saw the unfamiliar shirt I knew wasn't him.  Kyuhyun would never wear a button down shirt; he sticks to casual tee shirts.

               I turned around frustrated just as I felt a hand hold onto my wrist.  Like a puppy that had been kicked one too many times, I turned around still thinking it would be Kyuhyun.  I cringed slightly in disappointment, when I instead saw my love, Jinki.  He smiled brightly as if this were every other day, as if he had something to be excited over.  Right he was probably waiting for my answer, I smiled back at him demurely, unsure if I could actually let him into my heart. 

              "Hey there", he began awkwardly unlike Kyuhyun's smooth ways.  Well not everyone could be as perfect as him, I thought bitterly, but at the same time feeling the tender part of me stand up for him.  "I didn't know I'd see you here", Jinki continued, making absolutely no sense.  I still managed to keep the smile on my face, as fake as ever, it as if someone had put paste on my face, and put another girl who was better than me there.  Cut.  Paste. 

               "What do you mean?” I let out an atrocious giggle.  Other guys always found this attractive, I hated my giggles they were more like snorts, miniature guffaws that seriously pissed me off.  I couldn't get any angrier than I was right now, "Silly", I hit his arm softly watching his face turn a violent red, from embarrassment, "We go to the same school." 

              He rubbed the back of his head nervously as if he was expecting something.  From me.  Oh yes, of course, how could I possibly forget, later on when we had children we would look back, and we would tell this story to them.  About how their mother almost chose another man, than she didn't love nearly as much as their father.  Not nearly as much...   

              If only we could change our predetermined fate in our lives, these roles that we must follow.  "I have something to tell you.", I stared at him, my start slow, my smile had faded by now I could tell by the way, my cheeks didn't hurt by the artificial beam on my face.  "I, Eunha believe I can", I almost said learn to love you, but how could learn if I already knew, how I questioned myself.  I began again, my throat feeling caught on the mistake. 

              He looked at me exult, everyone in the hallways stood, not heading to homeroom, instead just waiting for my confession, to this young man.  "I, Eunha believe that I", there it goes again, that word.  The dreadful word, "I believe I can...", Jinki looked at me a little impatient and I felt my anger soaring, but I decided to keep it in, because I love him.  That's right.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  I love you Jinki.  "I have lo- ", just before I could finish the words, my mouth had a mind of its own.  "- ved dumplings for a long time now."

              I'm such a failure, everyone around me gave a disappointed sigh, except Onew who looked filled with rage, and Ae Young who smiled and gave me a great, big, thumbs up, flashing a smile at me.  I smiled weakly at her as well, wondering why I didn't confess.  I loved Jinki, remember? I started the chant in my head again.


Ominscent 3rd Point of View, Nearby.


               Kyuhyun smiled, walking away, he was hidden by an open locker door.  He had watched the whole scene, Kyuhyun just knew she'd come through for him. I just knew, she would always be there for me, he thought loyally.  It almost made him cry, he walked each step silent.  At that moment, Eunha turned around, looking for the endearing lovely face that she missed so much, she was almost certain she had felt his pair of eyes on her back.  She trudged to class and Kyuhyun, snapped his phone out of his pocket, smiling to himself, foolishly texting in front of the principal's office. 

Kyuhyun Meet you at your house 3 pm <3

              He smiled as he pressed the send button his touch screen.  H elooked up about to head to calss, stopped by the Principal Lee's glare, his haw eyes settling on Kyuhyun and his phone.  He walked in a stoic fashion saying like a drill sergeant.  "Detention until 4.", he said giving him a ticket.  The principal stuck his hand out, and Kyuhyun accepted the slip grumbling.  He looked up innocently when he saw the hand was still out, as if he was expecting something else.  "The phone."

              Kyuhyun's eyes widened, knowing this meant he'd be late for going to Eunha's house.  He couldn't disapoint her now, "Wait sir.  Let me just send one more te-"

              "The phone.", the principal said reprimandingly.  Kyuhyun, slumped knowng he'd only be held later.  "Okay.", he grumbled, putting the sleek, modern, mechanical thing that was now the key to his love life.  He looked at his schedule, would he have a class with Eunha?  He scanned the paper desperately, the bell rang, even though he was alreday late to class he stayed where he was, just looking, staring.  He'd find her.  He would open every door to each classroom if he had too.  If he had to stay afterschool, than he'd just have to confess.  Now.



One hour later.  Eunha's Point Of View.


              I had almost dozed off, listening to Mr. Chen's rant about North Korea, and how his grandfather had fought.  Bleh, no one wants to know about your family, I thought almost feeling like my self.  Maybe I just needed some time away from Kyuhyun, my heart and mind was yearning for him, but I fet released and much better.  It was like having some one unshackle you after being chained for seventeen long years.  I smiled widely, a drowsily.  Just as I began my short nap, my eyes drooping as if they'd never be open again, I thought heard someone call my name, it was quite loud and booming.

              I felt a hard nudge at my side that bothered me, I opened one eyes, seeing Mr.  Chen peering at me.    I sat straight up, my eyes wide and open shocked.  "Oh Mr. Ch-", I began explaining, when he silenced me with a finger to his. 

I repeat Eunha from class MR-17, please report to the office.

              This was clearly Kyuhyun's voice, I squinted my eyes, but Mr.  Chen motioned for me to go.  Warily, I stood up excusing me from the large class, "Thank you.  I'll be back soon."  I stood up from my seat walking down the asile wondering why I was called to the main office, hoping it wasn't because they found the pot I hid in my locker, (It was Kyuhyun's he claimed to be 'keeping' for a friend.)  Why the hell was he even on the microphone?  Ah, my queer life.  I took my time, walking down the stairs that were like a spiral.  I hoped he didn't get into trouble, it felt almost as if I had traded in my lovey dovey feelings for him for maternal ones.  Or I hoped I had, it'd be nice if I could go back into time and tell myself, not to fall for this boy even though he seemed great.  It'd only end up to be a disaster, I smiled, knowing this was all too true. 

At the Office (Sorry I'm skipping around so much.)

              I walked into the office, it was empty all was dark, I liked it like this, it was much better when there were no busy middle aged men walking briskly, holding their heads as if even with fifty asprins they couldn't take the pain.  It was quiet until I heard footstep, behind me, and with a flicker the lights came on.  I turned around surprised, no doubt it was written all over my face.  There stood Kyuhyun, smiling brightly at me, I turned around to see if anyone was behind me.  Usually only the smirk was reserved for me.  "Hey Eunha," he said sort of nervously.  For teh first time I noticed he was wearing a suit, holding a bouquet of flowers, and a box in the other.

              I gave him a smile, the kind you gave to your friends, "Hey watcha so dressed up for?"

              He shrugged  vaguely, "It's for a girl."

              Oh right.  I could tears welling up behind my eyes for no reason, for a moment I thought it was for me, "Cool.  Tell me about her."

              He smiled, "I specialize in her.  She's perfect.", he said staring at me.  "Sort of annoying.  But she sticks to you all the time and makes you feel like the most special person in the world."

               I felt the lump in my throat growing just like this morning.  "Perfect, huh?  You need girl advice?  Ask me anything." He smiled, breaking my heart.  He was really in love with this girl.  Where was I when he was falling in love? I said it out loud, "Where was I when you whne your were falling in love?"

              "By my side.", he dropped to one knee, "Shin Eunha.  I don't have anything to give you but this. ", he gave me the bouquet which was sort of crumpled, at the end. 

              "You want me to be your bridesmaid?", I asked tears threatening to fall down?

              "What?  No.", he asked confused.  He opened the bag, "It's a puppy you said you always wanted one.", he said smilingeven wider.

              "What kind of joke is this.", I asked fuming.  "It's bad enough you left me yesterday."  I pushed him away from me, angryily.  I wiped away the tears withmy sleeve, not caring how dirty it was.  He jumped to the microphone, grabbing it with one hand the other holding my arm.

Shin Eunha from class MR-17, I love you.  I repeat, I love you. 


No, there's nothing half so sweet in life as love's young dream.


Once in awhile,
Right in the
middle of an ordinary life,
gives us a fairy tale.

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Chapter 3: author-nim, how about a sequel ??? ^____^
LOL, alright :>
Ahhhhhh, that was so cute, ohmygoodness. <3<br />
Kyuhyun is super cute/ sweet/ amazing/ awesome in this, so thanks for writing and good job! ^^<br />
Now.... Sequel please? (;
LOL, wait don't melt yet! Wait until I at least start yuors xD!!!!
OMG OMG......i am melting!!!!..like seriously melting....i would take the last words as a quote to my life hahaha.....AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING STORY...i didnt want it to end though but it was really very good...i enjoyed whole a lot...both thumbs up chingu very good..^^v<br />
omo!!..i just realized...i have a request in your wall too...woow..cant wait for mine ^^<br />
but really...i am melting here...so aroused =)
@KawaiixCherri- ... Sequel. <3? I thought you'd never ask. :> I'll update this to give you guys the link when I get inspired xD<br />
<br />
@forever- asdgggjjhdfdv cPlease don't give me praise. LOL, I'm not good with compliments..
forever #7
Awwwwwz. So cute! Ohmy~ /rollsonthefloor That's soooooo sweeeeeeet! :3 <br />
ACK. It has ended? DD:<br />
Sequel? ^^
@KawaiixCherri- That's what I happen :) Next chapter, I promise.<br />
@seashell- I got unstuck. :) Hehehe, taht's what happened.
WUHOO~~.....(';')<br />
how come u r stuck u r doing an amazing job...keep up the good work chingu =D