teaser three | what is our problem

~♡~ happily ever after | apply open
Kwon Janeul was stumped—to be honest, she wasn't really stuck, her mind was just drifting to other places instead of the math lesson she should be focused on. Slowly, she flipped a page over and absentmindly wrote down the solution to the problem. Math was her best subject and even only paying half attention to it, she could solve the equation. 
What was her problem?
She didn't know why her eyes kept on finding its way to the digital clock every five minutes or so for the past ten hours, but it did. She pretended to not know why, but she did...
Did dates even last this long? Slowly, she got up from her desk and stretched before reaching for her phone before replying to a few texts Suzy and Sehun left for her. Once finished replying, she plopped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She wanted to hear from—Key, her childhood best friend who was two years older but still stayed by her side as her closest friend. They grew up together because their mothers were also best friends since their diaper days. Since Key and Janeul were the closest in terms of age out of their lot of children, Key and Janeul were expected to become good friends—which they did, and possibly date—which they were not and probably never were going to. 
Her eyes found the clock again and she sighed; he had been out all day with his "romantic date" with Nicole., his new girlfriend. Janeul didn't know why, but it irked her to see him with Nicole more than any of his exes.
Maybe because it's serious this time
Nicole was a different type compared to Key's exes who were all too girly and too clingy. Nicole was friendly, upbeat, happy, pretty, athletic, and impossible to hate. Janeul was jealous of her perfection. She blew up her cheeks a bit and sat up just as SHINee's "Sherlock" came blasting out of no where. Her eyes widened and she scrambled for her phone before quickly picking it up—she knew who it was; Key made sure to have a different ring tone for himself. 
"Oppa?" She greeted the blonde haired diva in a heartbeat. 
"Eullie? Are you still awake? I brought you some dessert if you're up for it." 
"Girls aren't supposed to eat after nine; we have to stay in shape—" Janeul said with a teasing smirk as she played with her.
"Please Eullie, don't be all stick and bones." She heard him say and she imagined a pout that went along with it, "and besides, it's a green tea cremé brulee baby; if you don't want it, I'll be happy to finish it for you." 
"I'll be right there." Janeul hung up and scrambled for the door while grabbing a hoodie and throwing it over her t-shirt. She slipped into some flip flops and opened the door to see Key standing there with a proud smile.
"I knew I'd get you to come out." Janeul rolled her eyes and closed the door to her house.
"Appa and umma are asleep. Jiyong and Yuri are coming back from their vacation in Japan tomorrow and they're picking them up."
"You're not going?" Key asked, raising an eyebrow as they headed for the porch swings. They took a seat and Janeul snatched the plastic bag out of Key's hands and took the goodie out.
"Aniyo, I have classes tomorrow and my parents is housing a new student and they want me to go pick him up." Key's eyes bulged out at the latter part.
"Wh-What? You're sponsering a student in your house?" Janeul nodded and Key's eyes narrowed, "How come you never said anything about this?"
"It's not that unusual. Appa and umma has always wanted to house a student." Janeul rolled her eyes, "And this person is the son of one of Appa's friends."
"That makes me so much more relieved; you're living with some creeper." Key said, his voice rising and Janeul shot him a look.
"What the hell is your problem?!" Janeul had wanted to sit back and relax with Key, but his attitude was getting on her nerves. It was okay for him to disappear for over six hours with his girlfriend, but she couldn't show her father's friend's son around? Key was confusing; these days, he always seemed to be getting angry every time a boy was mention, including Sehun who was her best friend since her middle school days. 
Key opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. Janeul heaved a sigh and tossed the half empty container back into the bag and sat up, "It's late; thanks for the dessert. You should go back to your house." Janeul glanced at the house next to hers (Key was her next door neighbor too), "Your mother came to our house an hour ago wondering where you were. You should at least have told her you were out with Nicole unnie. 'Night."
Without a further word, she entered her house. 
Nichole Here!
Okay, sorry for the lack of updates 3 I've been busy role playing
* laughs *
I haven't updated the status list yet so chill if you don't see your name on it.
And yesh, this is my character's story so I inserted names.
PSeeuuu, I changed my rival from Hyuna to Nicole, hope you don't mind ♥
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07.08.12| status list is updated + please read the note at the end because there is something important!


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So youre not doing this anymore :c i was really hoping for this. Found my application when i accidentally opened my blog.haha. oh well :c
applied as Park Ji Ah~~~ engjoy~
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Hatsune Miyakozuka's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
Woah she more of the smart one ^^
Hahaha this is DAEBAK !!!
Totally DAEBAK ^^
I guess a smart play girl we have here XD
I'm so happy you updated !!
Anyway can't wait to see the rest of the teasers >.^
Girl four is great! :D
I was so happy to see you updated! I was starting to wonder where you went!
wow~ girl 4! I love your style XD
thelucifer #7
teehee - that always seems to happen lol when a girl who's been hit on a million times meets a guy who doesn't automatically start hitting on her - she's bound to notice him;)
Waah~ Teaser four was.. ;A; .. I have no words. I feel breathless. It's very beautiful and serene (Notice, I have no idea what that word means but I'm going to use it because it sounds cool. Jeah.)

Update soon~!
Awesome teaser 4 ^^
i started an aff profile making story
and my applications from you guys got washed out
so please pm me again if you do not see your name up there
and if you're wondering about chocostars
that's my other account ♥