Mission Completed



Joon’s POV

                       Quickly and swiftly moving around, I hurried and cleaned the store. I was trying my best to hurry and get out of there before the boss gave me more work to do.

                       “Woo~,” he said as he came up to the front. “Where’s the fire Joonie?”

                     I chuckled and shrugged. “I just have somewhere I have to be soon,” I replied and it was true. I couldn’t be late either.

                    “Aw~ what? You got a date?”

                   “You can say it’s something like that I guess,” I chuckled again. I finished dusting and wiped off all of the selves and records and I was more than ready to leave. “Hey~ Can I go now?” I asked my boss as I looked outside of the store

                    “Have you vacuumed?”


                   “Clean off all of the records and selves?”


                  “Mop the floors? Organize all CD’s and records? Make the-“

                  “Ne. Ne. Ne~~ I did it all boss. I really have to go,” I said taking off my head wrap. “I’ll see you Wednesday,” I added and I dashed out of the door.


                       “Damn, took you long enough,” Sanghyun said as he jumped down from the roof.

                      “I knew you were out here,” I said with a sigh as I shook my head.

                      “Of course you did. If I didn’t want you to know, you wouldn’t have had a clue!”

                     “Yeah right,” I smirked.

                      “It’s so true!” he said, dusting himself off.

                      “Anyway~, what’s the plan for tonight?”

                      “Stockbrokers,” he whispered, handing me a picture.  “Mr. Lee and Mr. Chu. Boss had a run in with them back in the day. They are sending threats so… he wants us to finish the job,” he informed me.

                      “What kind of threats?” I questioned.

                                     “Trying to get rid of him before he gets rid of them,” he said. Sanghyun is a straight-to-the-point kind of guy. “You got my back in this right?”

                  I handed him back the picture. “Don’t I always?” I replied. Since both of us became a part of this clan, Sanghyun and I have been partners. He was the brains of the situation and I reeled the prey in. I know I said I would have his back however, I’m regretting my decision.

                  When we finally got to his car, he gave me a bag that had what I was going to be wearing.

                                     “They both will be hosting a party tonight at the hotel near our warehouse. Meet me outside of the hotel. We strike at 9,” he informed me.

                                     I gave him a quick nod and just like that we both went our separate ways just as if no words were exchanged at all.



                                    When I pulled up to my house, I quickly began getting ready, both mentally and physically. It’s not easy to stay sane doing the job I do. Killing is never easy. I don’t even know how I got myself into this mess. Yeah… Killing people is what I d for a living. However, I wouldn’t call myself a killer nor a killing machine. If I had to choose a term, I guess it would be assassin. Don’t get me wrong though! I don’t go around and just shoot people for fun. No way, it’s way~ more than that. We go after the bad people. The people that try to cause harm to others.

                                     Living this kind of lifestyle is completely dangerous and sometimes tiring. You never know what to expect so you have to be on your guard 24/7. I got initiated in the clan when I was 14 and been in it ever since Sanghyun and I are two of the faithful few. However, I think it’s time for me to retire.


                                   With the bag that Sanghyun gave me in hand, I swiftly made my way to the bedroom. The time now was 7:30 and I had to meet him before 9 o’clock so I had plenty of time to prepare myself for this mission. I laid the bag on my bed and began my routine. 

                     Once relaxed, I began to clear my mind. Killing is never an easy thing to do, especially when your conscience comes into play. I’ve learnt that freeing my mind from all thoughts; having a clear mind allows me to kill without feeling guilty afterwards.

                     After I was done “freeing my mind”, I began to get ready. The long black bag that lay across my bed struck confusion. With an apple in one hand and the zipper in the other, I stared at the bag. “Should I guess what it is first?” I asked myself as I chomped down on the apple for the third time. I smirked as I eye balled the bag some more. “Better not be something stupid~.”

                    As I slowly ped the bag, the colors black and white came into clear view. With no more anticipation, I quickly ped it, discarding the bag, leaving nothing but the hanger and the tux on my bed.  “Eh~” I huffed as I flopped down on my bed. I’m really not one to actually dress up. Not to this extent anyway.

                         For a moment or so, I admired the tux. From bow tie to handkerchief, button to button, collar to the end of the pant legs. Nothing but fancy. I signed in exhaustion as I picked myself up from the bed. As much as I didn’t want to do this, I had to.

                         I looked at the time and notice that the time for me to meet Sanghyun was near. I quickly hopped in and out of the shower and began to get ready.

                         I touched the corner of my bed and it automatically flipped over.  Once the bottom was facing up, I removed the planks that hid my weapons.

                         After looking through my selections, I decided to go for my two nine millimeters. This isn’t a major mission, so it should do the trick. However, I took a knife and extra bullets, just in case.

                         I after everything was in place; I put on my tux and gazed at my reflection in the mirror.

                         “Eh,” he huffed with a glare as I fixed my bow tie. “This isn’t going to work out.”

                          I smoothly took off my jacket and yanked my dress shirt out of my pants. Topless, I shuffled to my closet and got out my sleeveless black shirt and put it on. After giving it my approval, I put on a necklace and the tux jacket and dusted myself off. “Yeseu!”



                        “Took you long enough,” Sanghyun said as I walked up to the hotel entrance.

                        “I don’t trust the ballet to park my car, so I did it myself,” I informed him and he chuckled.

                        “What an outfit you have on there. Nice way of trying to blend~ in~” he said as he flicked my necklace.

                          I gave him a smirk. “I’ll blend in,” I said as I buttoned up my jacket.

                         He laughed and nodded. “Whatever you say, now let’s just go,” he said as he showed the bouncer our fake invitation. Luckily he bought.

                         Once inside, our whole demeanor changed. With eyes filled with determination and fake smiles plastered on our faces, we pushed through the crowd. Sanghyun hooked arms with me and got a bit closer and put his hand in my pocket (of course I felt violated none the least).

                          “I’ve slipped an ear piece in your pocket,” he whispered. “Go Mingle. I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”

                          I nodded and once we let go of each other, I made my way to the bar, unseeingly putting my earpiece in. ’s about to get real.


                        “Nice time to have a drink isn’t it?” I said to a man that looked about in his forties.

                        He looked at me and smiled. “It’s never a nice time to not have one,” he replied and we both laughed.

                         “My name is Hwang Chansung.  I work for the partners of Luka Industries,” I lied. I don’t even think that’s a real industry O_o.

                          “Ah~ I see,” he replied. Obviously he bought it. “My name is Alex Chu. I’m one of the stockbrokers that are hosting this party.”

                            Jackpot. “Oh~ well, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you not up and about?”

                           He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. “Parties aren’t of my interest.

                           “Ah~ I see,” I replied but then my phone started ringing. “Ah, e-excuse me. This is an important call,” I replied. Once I was a safe enough distance away from him, I answered the phone. “Did you hear anything?”

                           “Ne, “Sanghyun replied.  “This isn’t going to be easy. There are so many people. We’re going to have to get then both alone.”

                           “I agree,” I replied and I quickly hung up and made my way back to Mr. Chu. “Sorry about that,” I said as I came back to my seat.

                            “Eh gwaen chana,” he assured me. “However, I must get-“

                            “One moment, I have another question,” I interrupted, receiving his undivided attention again. “If you’re not into having parties, then why did you agree?”

                             “Because of my beloved best friend,” he said to me in a sad tone. “Though he has caused me a lot of stress and turmoil, I don’t believe I can abandon him.”

                             “Ah… I see,” I replied. “Will you take me to meet him?” I asked and with no hesitation he agreed.



                             “Where are you,” I whispered to Sanghyun as Mr. Chu and I pushed through the crowd.

                             “12 o’clock,” he quickly replied. I darted my eyes up and there he was. “Nice job. Mr. Lee, 10 o’clock. I’ve been keeping a close eye on him.” I smile and nodded as if I was greeting someone so Mr. Chu wouldn’t suspect anything. “Once you’ve been formally introduced, I will make my appearance as well,” Sanghyun continued.

                             “Alketsseubnida,” I replied and no other words were said from there.     



                            “Tim~ Mr. Chu called out as we approached the other side of the hotel lobby. E caught the attention of a hair, thin and tall man. His features matched the picture Sanghyun showed me earlier in the day.

                            “Alex~” he replied with a smile as we approached him. “Enjoying the evening?”

                             “Well, you know me,” Mr. Chu replied and they both laughed. “Ah~ there’s someone I want to introduce you to,” he added as he gestured over to me. “This here is Hwang Chansung and he’s working with one of our partners,” he informed him.

                             Mr. Lee looked at me with an unfavorable expression however, it son softened and he extended his hand towards me.

                             “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Hwang,” he said.

                             I quickly shook his hand. “You as well Mr. Lee,” I replied.

                             He nodded and smiled.  “I’m glad you could make it t our event. Um... did you come alone?” he asked as he looked around.

                             “Well I did bring along someone. I don’t know where they are though,” I replied, giving Sanghyun the cue to come in.

                             “Oh~ well I’m pretty sure they will pop up pretty soon”

                              “I hope so,” I replied as I looked around, although I already knew where he was. I just wanted to make this look believable.  “I wonder where he could be.”

                              “Would you like for us to help you look for him?” Mr. Chu asked

                               Perfect opportunity.

                               Obviously, Sanghyun felt the same. “Bring them to the roof,” he replied.

                              “Yes please, I’m really worried,” I replied to Mr. Lee and Mr. Chu. This all seemed too easy.



                               “Do you see him yet?” Mr. Lee asked when we met up at the elevator.

                               “Aniyo,” I replied with a sad expression.

                                “Maybe he got lost and went to another floor,” Mr. Chu said.

                                “Let’s go and check,” I suggested. “I’ll call him when we get on the elevator,” which was just what I did. I even put him on speaker.

                                 “Yeoboseyo?” Sanghyun answered.

                                 “Yah! Eodieyo? You got me worried about you!” I fussed.

                                  “Mainhae Hyung, but it got too crowded. I went on the roof to get some air,” he replied.

                                 I punched in the last floor and the elevator carried us. “Why couldn’t you at least tell me that’s where you gone?” I continued.

                               “I didn’t think you’d be this worried. I didn’t mean for-“

                              “Don’t worry about it. I had some people to keep me company.”


                               “Um… Mr. Lee and Mr. Chu” I replied. “But we are approaching the last floor now okay? Stay there.”

                               “Geulae,” he replied and we both hung up.

                                “Why, you two seem like a very caring couple,” Mr. Lee commented as we stepped out of the elevator.

                                I laughed and nodded. “He's my childhood friend and he’s the eldest by two years. Didn’t seem like it though… did it?”

                               “Not at all,” Mr. Chu replied and they both laughed.

                               “However, it’s good to have someone to be like that with,” Mr. Lee added. “I don’t know what I would do with Alex.”

                                “You’d slack off,” Mr. Chu joked.

                                Before we knew it, we had reached the roof.


                                “Junho?” I called out Sanghyun’s code name. No reply.

                                “Come around to the back,” he whispered into the earpiece.

                                “Junho~~… Junnie~~,” I chimed as I walked around the roof. Mr. Lee and Mr. Chu did the same.

                                After a couple of minutes, Sanghyun finally came out. Show time.


                               “Ready?” he asked, leaning against the building.

                               “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied, quickly removing my guns from my holster.

                               “Mr. Hwang, did you find him?” Mr. Lee called out to me. I heard the patter of their footsteps coming near.

                                When we knew they were close enough, we both stepped out.

                                “Sorry about this,” I said as I held up both of my guns, aiming for both of their heads. And with no hesitation, I pulled the triggers.

                               “Nice~” Sanghyun said as he slipped on his gloves. “Someone’s getting quicker when it comes to pulling the triggers.

                               “Just hurry up so we can go,” I said as I put my guns back on safety and back in my holster.

                                 We continued our routine and he checked their pulses. “Instant kill~” he chimed with a smile on his face as he put the bodies together.

                                 “Now let’s go,” I said and we made our way to the latter on the side of the building.

                                 Another clean getaway. Mission completed.


Whoop! Joonie is a killing machine lol. Hooray for long chapters ^_^. Later on in the story Suzy's and Joon's side of the story will begin to mix together... Stay tuned :D Please subscribe♥


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Chapter 7: ASSA ! The date was still on *O* Wonder what's going to happen next x) Please update soon
Chapter 9: So he canceled he's date with her ! Aigooo...I was anticipating the date TT
Joon is a MEEEEEN ! Protect Suzy please <3 Update sooon
I will stay ! I love JoonZy couple ! <3