C H A P T E R : 16

My Last Letter To You ~

Suyeon's P.O.V

"Unnie, i am Hyolin, any bells ringing in your mind ? " she said.

"Hyolin, Hyolin, Hyolin... Ah , the one that invited me to her 18th birthday party with myungsoo. " i mumbled and a smile curve up on my lips.

"Is there anything you need ? Why are you apologizing to me? Stand up first. " i helped her up and she acted out what i told her.

"Can we talk at the nearby park alone ? " she asked me. I nodded my head as we left the house. The guy followed us silently behind but was a meter away from us.

"so can you explain everything to me now ? " i smile a little and asked her.

"Unnie, if i tell you something, will you forgive me ? " she answered me and i bet i saw a tear slipped down her eye.

"i will try my best if it is something that can be forgivable. " i told her as we strolled along the pathway.

"Unnie, i am sure myungsoo haven't told you this before, but i am the one behind all those scars and wounds you once had. " she mentioned softly but was loud enough for me to hear it.

"bwoh?! I mean wae ? " shock ness seized me as i heard what she affirmed to me.

" i had a big crush on myungsoo, yes, your husband. I did all i can to make myungsoo mine. He was my only world back then. You might know that when i am obsessed to something, i will be addicted to it. I am willing to sacrifice my life to him too. To get things worked well, on my eighteen birthday, i turned him on by seducing him. He managed to get away at first, but i forced him before he gets a chance to escape. You should not what happened afterwards. I threatened him to abuse you because you were an eye-sore to our success relationship. If he did not act out the way i wanted it to be, you will be in danger and he will lose his only job as well. I was really happy for an exact of 2 years when he was mine. I know he didn't want things to develop this way but he was left with no choice. One day, he called me, he was crying hard and told me he lose you because of me. I admit i was a . I was speechless when i knew about it. I mean i never knew things would be like this. That was when i was half-awake. " she explained with tears flowing down.

Droplets of crystal clear water rushed down from my eyes continuously. Within minutes, i was lost of what was going on. Then, it struck me. I glared at her hard as i gritted my teeth and tears streamed down my face continuously. My eyes were red and swollen from the cries and my shoulder was shaking badly. A slapped was left on her cheek as she gasped. I didn't want to do it as it was immature of me if i slapped her but one do have a limit to it's tolerance right ?

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME?! YOU, FAMILY-WRECKER BI*CH ! HAVE YOU SPARE A THOUGHT FOR MY CHILD EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T FOR ME ?! SHE IS ONLY 4 AND YET SHE HAS TO SUFFER WITH ME! DO YOU KNOW HOW SELFISH AND THOUGHTLESS YOU ARE ? " i can't take it anymore and all those words just left my mouth as i squat on the ground Sobbing badly. She hugged me tight and cried hard too.

"mian-.." she started but i cut her off.

"Don't bother apologizing. It's no use. " i murmured as i hit myself hardly.

"why? Why ? " i hit myself hard on my chest and pulled her away, but she tightened her arms around me.

"Get lost! " i screamed at her as i pushed her with all my force and she landed a few centimeters away from me.

"Go away... " My sobs were getting louder as time goes by. " please.. " My voice was clearer this time but being the stubborn her, she refused until the guy came towards her.

"I am sorry for whatever she has done to you but please forgive her. " He kneel down and apologized.

"Leave me alone, let me calm down. " i explained and grit my teeth while giving them a cold look.

"okay then, we will look for you when your emotions are stable. " He replied and helped hyolin up.

"Woohyun oppa, andwae. I want to stay here until she forgives me. " she stubbornly shake her head and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Let's go. " He pulled her up and place one of his arm on hyolin's waist. Soon, she was dragged away by him and their shadows were slowly gone.

As soon as they were vanished from my sight, i stood up and ran as fast as my legs could carry me to no where. When i was running, all thoughts in my mind were messed up. It was just then, i realized, there was nothing i could do to pretend that this incident had never EVER happened. I wanted revenge BADLY but i can't bear myself to do it to others. I just knew i was hopeless...

Myungsoo's Predebut Photos ...


His Baby Photo...


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ifntoppa #1
Chapter 12: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 40: happy ending,,
Myungsoo and suyeon together again :)
Chapter 13: what a nice song thor,
i like it :D
AmyJihyun #4
Chapter 33: Nooooooooo, I want Hoya back!
Chapter 24: oooh the stories getting so much more interesting x.x
fatennq #6
Chapter 4: hiiiiiiiiiii
Chapter 1: Hey new reader here. The first chapter is already. I bet the next chap will be amazing :D
Chapter 40: thanks for the story. i enjoyed reading it. just a curious question tho. why does sungyeol and L call each other hyung? hyung is what one guy calls another older guy. so how can they both be older than one another? technically base on their real age, sungyeol is L's hyung and L is sungyeoi's dongsaeng but we all know they address each other as chingu.
I really enjoyed your story!! I like the fact that Hoya didnt end up alone, that would have been sad ^^