2 - When I Couldn't Sleep

Escape to Neverland ☆ A Shared Dream ☆




Trust, is the most fragile ‘thing’ that humans could ever keep.


Once broken, it takes forever to mend. Even if it does, the crack will still remain.


Thinking back, I was immature for taking trust ever so lightly. I never considered the people who were closest to me were the important people in my life. Since I felt shun from everybody else, I thought nobody would care for a person like me. I labelled people according to my desire; I criticize them… Feeling it was OK since they never said anything but by saying nothing caused me to afloat in stupidity. That stupidity brewed hate in people’s heart for me.


I know I was wrong, but it was all too late to make things right… isn’t it?


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“How was filming 0330 turned out?” asked the interviewer to Soohyun.


“It was a really great experience! AJ wrote the lyrics and we grew even closer with the two members throughout the recording,” said Soohyun enthusiastically.


“Can you tell us more about the new members?”


“Well, AJ was our sunbae in our company but as a U-Kiss member, he just fits right in. Meanwhile, Hoon is really confident with his singing as well as talented at playing the piano,” explained Soohyun as he brought the interviewers closer to Hoon who was at the piano.


Hoon demonstrated his piano skills while Soohyun and Kiseop sang a little to his song. They showed good teamwork as U-Kiss had already became friendlier since the first time meeting. Soohyun was getting more adapted to his ‘leader’ title but he does misses a little of his ‘power vocal’ title in interviews.


The rest of U-Kiss was busily monitoring the outcome of their recording on the Music Video they recorded earlier.


“Wah~ Soohyun hyung is really good at acting,” said Kevin admiring Soohyun’s visual in the recording.


“That’s not acting. That’s expression,” said the confident actor maknae Dongho.


“Arraso Dongho ya~” said Kevin ruffling Dongho’s soft hair.


“Ah! Hyung~” grumbled Dongho. He didn’t like the contact Kevin made on his head.


“He’s obsessed with acting, that’s what,” said Kiseop slowly so the maknae wouldn’t hear him.


Soohyun still smiled at the members’ comments. They all had satisfied looks on their faces for the recording. They all had a long day; after tons of practice, it turned out great.


“Is it me or does Soohyun looked completely in character in this recording?” asked Hoon.


“He is the main vocalist. Projecting his emotions could be his thing,” said Eli.


“What were your thoughts during recording, Soohyun ssi?” asked the interviewer, clearly showing interest after hearing their chat.


Soohyun explained the song to the interviewers. It was a song in being incomplete and missing someone. He also told them, Dongho portrayed the boy who lost his loved one and couldn’t accept the fact she was gone. The interviewers nodded understanding his answer. They thanked U-Kiss for their attention and left.


“Amongst us, I think you portrayed the song’s feelings the most,” said Kiseop.


“Hey, it’s AJ’s song,” said Soohyun teasing the visual.


“I don’t mind,” said AJ.


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Soohyun opened his eyes into another dream within the blue. He ended up in a never ending forest of sparkling trees. Just like everywhere else, the trees were also in the colour of shades of blue. At some rare sights, parts of the barks were turquoise and it reminded him so much of the 0330 MV.


“Where have I seen this before?” he asked himself realizing this was all a dream.


“I thought I told you not to find me,” you said appearing behind a tree.


Soohyun was surprised when you appeared. He gave to ‘that’ look but soon he softens and went up to you. “I was here by accident… I guess we are meant to see each other again.”


You weren’t at least a bit intrigued in what he said pouted.


“This place is sorta’ cool. It reminds me of the MV we’re working on,” said Soohyun to you.


“We? Who are we? And what MV?” you asked.


Soohyun was in glee when you asked and clapped in an instant. “You’re curious, aren’t you? I knew you were human!”


“What’s that? That was rather insulting. Who did you think I was?”


“Oh mian~ Sorry to hurt you feelings. I was just checking. Because this is a dream, I thought you were and angel or something,” said Soohyun.


Angel? Who…? Me?” you asked.


“Yes you. Who else is here? You are so beautiful so I mistook you as an angel.”


You felt your heart was about to burst in so much happiness being called an angel by Soohyun but who held it all back because this was all too fast for the two of you be acquainted. Before you could say anything, you turned around hiding your flushed face. You can’t face him with your blushed face.


“Angel…” he called you. “What’s wrong My Angel? Are you OK?”


You took a deep breath in and replied to him, “I’m OK.”


“Angel, do you think this place is beautiful? I think it is… but it’s rather sad because it’s so blue, don’t you think? I never seen a blue as sad and lonely as this; it feels like this place is crying…”


“Soohyun ssi,” you slowly turned to him. “It has always been blue.”




“This place is a reflection of my past memories.”


“You mean, you’ve been hurt?”


“Let’s not talk about it,” you said when you slowly walked away. You avoided him again but he quickly embraced you from behind.


“We have all the time in the world to talk about it. Nobody deserves to cry alone. It’s the biggest crime in human history,” said Soohyun tightening his arms around you. He remembered so clearly his first encounter with you. Since then, he was mentally disturbed for disabled to do anything when you cried so much... alone.


You had one hand clasping your own mouth in disbelief at his words. Suddenly you had tears rolling down your cheeks and without holding back, you cried so hard in his hug as much as all the years you held back your sadness and pain.


Soohyun let you stay like that for some time and patted your head as you continued to cry. He knew what you always wanted and let you do as you pleased. “I’m so sorry… You were suffering. How long have you been here?”


“A… ve –very… long time…” you said muffled in his strong chest.


You two broke the hug as he faced you puffed up face and we wept the remaining tears in your eyes. “Then like I said… We have all the time to share our problems, pains and sufferings. I won’t ever leave you alone.”


“But there’s no guarantee you’ll be here forever! What’s the possibility for a next time?” you spurted out. You were afraid, so afraid that ‘this’ person; such a warming person would ever see you again.


“Then I’ll promise you I will come back for you. I am here for the second time, I’ll be here for the third time, fourth time and so on…” said Soohyun.


His eyes were filled with determination that you believe in. So you took a sapphire necklace you wore and put it around him. It was beautifully crafted and Soohyun couldn’t be any more thankful for it. “I hope I can trust you.”


“Of cause. I’ll be back my Angel.”


Soohyun kissed you forehead gently as he slowly fades away from the dream.



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[UPDATE] I'll be having a new series named TLC. Pls find subscribe it it. Kamsa~


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Chapter 1: Lool I used to read this before (a while ago) and I didn't have my username shown up in the story: it was just "---" aka imagine your name there!
Now I accidentally came across this fic again and Soohyun calls my name! Cool~^^
love2laugh9311 #2
Chapter 1: lol okay so i just died 'cause my user name showed up as the name...so i was like "wtf...why is that like that?"...i didnt know you could make it where the user is specifically shown for the name...thats pretty cool
hellopanda23 #3
Chapter 17: Five years is a long time.. But I am glad in the end things worked for th. Better... Aww so sad its over but it was cute. I thank you for taking the time to write this story!
UkissMeMasimello #4
Chapter 16: for some reason im reading this and my username UkissMeMasimello shows up how is that even possible 0.0 anyone get the same thing??

I cant wait for the last chapter ^-^
hellopanda23 #5
Chapter 16: Five years... Ahhh ur story is ending.. But it was a beautiful story and I'm gonna missit.. Thank you so mmuch . Gahhh. My heartstrings and feelings.. Gone
Chapter 16: i am crying TT^TT i dont know whyyyyyy *sobsob* such a good story
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 14: Gahhh my gosh... He has such a huge burden and responsibility... Omg I can't believe it's almost overrrrr
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 13: last chapter i didn't mention it but i thought about why aj was so different and it was probably because he was going to school...
but why...did he get hit...sdlkfjsdfsdf

like seriously..i am going to hit you with my car. ha ha ha jk..but wahhhhhhhh
Chapter 13: What???

What the ____ just happened??

Soohyun gets hit by a car just after he was told AJ's leaving?

What the ____?
Chapter 12: ...it's that Seungho guy from Chapter 3, 4 & 5, isn't it..?
If it's him, i bet he wants forgiveness...

But oh, Soohyun, why didn't you stop them..?