Final Chapter

***Spec Of Dust (Two-Shot)***

_______’s POV

You sighed, “Can you just beat me and get it over with, I’m tired.’’ The guys were taken aback, hearing those words from your lips, “Man you’re pretty messed up.” The guy said and left, his friends also followed, disappearing within the darkness. You sighed again and went home. You were very tired from work, all you wanted to do was go to sleep. You kept walking towards home noticing someone was following you, you stopped in the middle of the road.
“You can come out now. Stop following me and just do whatever you need to do to me so I can go home.” You turned back to see the guy from before, the one who saved you back in the club. He stood still like a statue. He didn't seem interested in you, so you kept walking.

Yong Junhyung's POV
“Can you just beat me and get it over with, I’m tired.” she said. I was shocked, does anyone do that? The guys got shocked too and left.
“Is this girl even human? Why doesn’t she stand up for herself?’’ I asked myself, she started walking again, and I followed. She kept walking towards home but suddenly stopped in the middle of the road.
“You can come out now. Stop following me and just do whatever you need to do to me so I can go home.” She turned back and looked at me so I stood still like a statue. I wasn't interested in hurting her, I'm just curious about her personality. She stared at me then began walking again. She stopped in this crap looking building and got inside
“How can someone live here?’’ I stared at the building, when the cold wind hit me, I turned around and walked back to the club where my car was located and went inside my car. I started the engine and parked in front of her building. “This girl is really something, isn’t she?’’ I thought and fell asleep.

The bright sun hit my face, “” I groaned. I opened my eyes and looked around, I remembered everything from last night and sighed, started the engine and left. I stopped in front of my house, got out and went straight to my dad’s office.
“Dad." I said.
“So you came back"’ he smirked. “So what now?’’ I knew he was trying to make a point by the attitude he was giving me.
“I’ll try harder.” I said. “I'll put my all in my studies. I'll be a better son.” I stood by his door and looked at him, hoping for his forgiveness. I know I can't live without him, he is the only person I know.
“Good good, I hope to see some good results.’’ he said fishing his desk drawer, he pulled out my credit cards.
“But on one condition.’’ I looked at him and noticed him sighing.
He sighed, “I knew this was coming, what is it?’’
“I want to make my own money, have my own place, and the power to make decisions on my own.’’ I said.
“What are you out of your mind?’’ he chuckled.
“I’ll be a straight A student like you want me too.”
“But…..’’ he started.
“Isn’t this all you wanted? For me to not be an average person?’’ I asked.
‘’Yes, but…’’ he started again,
‘’I won’t be.’’ I reassured him.
“But what about the family business?’’ he asked, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.
“Dad, you know I don’t want to work with what you do, you love what you do don’t you?’’ I asked.
“Yes, but …..’’ he said.
“Then please give me the chance to do the same.’’ I said.
He sighed again then opened his mouth to speak, “I always hoped we could share at least one thing’’ he said.
“You’re my father, we share more than you think” I said smiling.
“Fine, I think you’re old enough, I can’t control you anymore, even if I want to.” he smiled, finally he was able to give in. I smiled, walked over to him and hugged him, “Thanks dad.’’ I said.
“Do what you want to do son, and come by the office once in a while, don’t forget your old man here.” he said and hugged me back.
“I won’t.’’ I chuckled.

- - -

Junhyung's POV

A week went by, I found a job and a place to live, my father insisted to help me with the apartment’s rent until I could manage it on my own. I’m keeping my promise, my grade is straight A, so things back home got less heavy. I come go by the house once in a while and we talk, he still tries to make me change my mind, I don’t really take it seriously, but just let him talk.
Somehow that girl’s face didn’t leave my mind, so I decided to stop by her place. She's so different, nothing I ever came across in my life. I want to learn more about her. She's something I can't let by.

_______’s POV

You just left work and was on your way home, when some guys stopped you,
“Hey there cutie, want to have some fun with Oppas?’’ a guy roughly chewing a gum said, while his friends smirked.
“No thank you.’’ you said not even looking at him and tried to walk away.
“Hey don’t you have manners, when someone talks to you, you look them in the face,’’ he said and caught your chin making you look at him.
“Just beat me and let me go home.’’ you said.
They too were shocked, but after a few seconds, they smirked again,
“Stupid , we were just going to play a little with you, show you some fun time, but since you want it the rough way, be my guest.’’ the supposed leader, nodded to the rest, they smirked, the leader took a step forward and slapped you, you fell down, he took you by the hair and dragged you to this dark alley and they started to kick and slap you, your cheeks and lips were bleeding and you were in a lot of pain, but you refused to cry or let out a sound, no one was going to come and help you anyways. After almost an hour of being beaten up. The guys stopped and looked at you.
“You’re really messed up, you know that.’’ the leader said breathless. “Let’s go guys’’ the leader said and the rest followed.
After they were out of sight, you tried to get up but groaned in pain, just moving was a excruciating pain, slowly you got up and limped your way home, you couldn’t walk anymore, so you stopped and sat on the swing to rest a little.

Yong Junhyung's POV
Around 1 in the afternoon I stopped my car in front of her house, when someone sitting on a swing caught my attention, I turned the engine off and got out of the car, locked it and made my way towards the small park. I walked closer and closer and noticed the person sitting on the swing was the lady back in the club. I looked at her surprised, how can she take so many punches to her face? Does she not really feel the pain? Is she really not a human? I sat on the swing next to her.
“What happened?” I asked pointing to her bruises. I looked at her for a response but she didn't speak but instead looked down at the brown sand. “Well if you're not going to tell me I'll guess. Some guys confronted you and wanted to have fun but you rejected them right? So they got mad and beat you up so now you're here sitting on the swings as if nothing is hurting right? Does it hurt, I mean the bruise?” Junhyung stopped to give you a chance to reply but you didn't so he went on. “I don't know who you are or what you went through but I know that you went through hell to become like this. You're like a lost soul trying to find a way out but since you've gone through so many bad things you quit, you stopped caring; you stopped living. You're just roaming the earth waiting to die aren't you? You know its easier to talk to a stranger so if you want you can talk to me.” Junhyung looked down at his fingers feeling a bit embarrassed.
“You don't know what I've been through.” You said, your voice was coarse from the beating. “You're just saying whatever you want. Its nothing close to me.” You said, knowing you were telling a lie. The truth is, he was point on about you.
“Well if I don't know, why not tell me so I will know.” Junhyung looked at you as you began to talk. You told him about your past but you didn't tell him everything. You stopped up to the part when your grandmother took you in because Junhyung stopped you.
“Go clean your wounds before they become infected.” You got up from the swings and walked towards your apartment as he followed. The both of you were now in the apartment, you walked into the bathroom and grabbed a couple of ointments and wet cloths. You dabbed the cloths to your face not caring about the stings. Junhyung sat on one of the chairs and watched you clean your wounds; flinching as you cleaned the blood from your face, arms, and stomach. Once you finished you sat on the opposite side from Junhyung.
“Can you continue with your life's story? I want to hear more.” You looked at him and gave him a little nod.
“When Halmeoni took me in she was very mean, but thats what I get for murdering my parents, she told me it was my fault. At the age of 10 I had to find a job so I worked at a salon by our house. The aunts and uncles didn't like me they treated me like trash. But thats how I should be treated, thats all I am, No one wants to treat a murder nicely. I lived with Halmeoni until she died. I killed her because of my bad luck. She died because she couldn't live with me anymore. So I moved here and worked at the club. Thats when everything got worse but it doesn't matter does it?” You stopped and let out a small chuckle. “I need to be punished for what I did to my family. I can't believe I lived for 20 years. I should be dead in a ditch already. No one wants me. I don't deserve to live anyways.” Junhyung looked at you as if you were a psychopath. His eyes burned with fury, his face grew red.
“Yah what type of are you spitting? What are you talking about? I know you lived a bad life but this is crazy, why are you like this? You are not trash. You're a human being like everyone else on this earth. No one has to live in your condition.”
“No one but me. I'm just a spec of dust everyone blows off, something no one wants on them. I'm not even a human being. I'm just-” Before you could finish your sentence Junhyung stood up and dragged you outside. He stood in front of you with his hand in the air ready to slap you in the face. You stood there like always waiting for his impact, but as seconds past you didn't feel anything. You looked up at him his hands was over his forehead messaging his headache that was forming.
“You are so....I don't even know if you're a human or a monster. Who lives like this? I know for a fact you deserve better than this. Do you see yourself? You're a beautiful person, your the toughest person I ever came across, you can take punches and slaps like their nothing. You can survive in the cold, you can talk back to thugs. You're braver than me by thousands. Someone like you needs to be acknowledged. If...I'm only going to say this once. If...If you let me, I can show you a new world.” You looked at him confused. Does he have another world for you to live in?
“What I mean is...I can take you in, I can show you what you deserve. I can give you want you never imagined. I...I can love you too. I don't know you, but I know you're something I want. You're something I need in this world. So if you give me permission, I'll take you to my world and treat you right.” Junhyung looked at you for an answer. You stood there and looked at the gray pavement under your feet. You didn't know how to answer to his proposal, the truth was you didn't want to answer him. He looked at you and waited for a response but all you did was hang your head down low.


Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoyed this two shot! Even if the ending is not what you wanted we appreciate your time! Comment!!! And once again thank you for reading from beginning to ending!

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Please make a sequel about this story!!<br />
I really love it <3<3
@shine_star<br />
Thank You So Much For Reading!!!!^^<br />
I Still Didn't Talk With BabyCopGurl, But I Promise I Will!!!^_^
it's soooooo coooooooool<br />
yeah plezaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase<br />
make a sequel
@k-popfan<br />
I'll talk with BabyCopGurl ^^<br />
Thanks For Reading!!!!^_^
can you make a sequel? :3<br />
<br />
this is so awesome, really good.
Omo!!! Junhyung just met her and now he is confessing already!!!! Wow, I like that though, he is so so cute and fine!!!! Great job Junhyung oppa!!!
this was good!<br />
its interesting how people can impact us
I freaken love this story please update update!!!!!