Just for Girls

Just for Girls

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” Kyuhyun says as Jongwoon slips plastic bracelets on his wrists. All are bright renditions of colors and in slightly uncomfortable shapes to slide on anyone’s wrist over the age of five.

Zhou Mi is sifting through the closet for a suitable hat for Kyuhyun to wear for the tea party. He isn’t sure any of Zhou Mi’s floppy hats are suitable in any instance, but he’s smart enough to let that one go. Jongwoon straightens his wig for him, combing down the long strands that frame his face. He kisses Kyuhyun’s cheek before stating matter-of-factly, “You’re the one that said tea parties are for girls. We are just playing the part.”

“That’s right, Kyuhyun. This is all your fault,” Zhou Mi concurs as he places a pastel pink hat on him that reminds him of an Easter egg.

Jongwoon claps his hands together and helps Zhou Mi set the table. Kyuhyun looks around the table at the other “guests”. There is a Hello Kitty, a trio of Care Bears in obnoxiously cute colors, a huge turtle with glasses on, and a shaggy brown dog that looks almost as scared as Kyuhyun is. Each attendant is wearing long strands of shiny plastic beads in colors only Zhou Mi can identify. 

Zhou Mi starts to pour the tea, and Jongwoon sets out the finger sandwiches and cupcakes. Zhou Mi brings a hand under Jongwoon’s chin, tilting it upward. He mouths a thank you before pressing his lips fully against the shorter male’s. Kyuhyun starts to wonder exactly what kind of tea party this is, but when he hears a low moan from Jongwoon, he decides it doesn’t matter. He anxiously shifts around on the carpet, mindful of the unsteady table in front of him.

The kiss lingers on for minutes; Kyuhyun’s eyes linger for much longer. He is handed a yellow plate full of bite-sized cucumber sandwiches while his cup of tea is placed on his saucer, but he isn’t really thinking about food. However, he does watch Jongwoon bring each bite to those full lips. Zhou Mi his fingers slowly; Kyuhyun may die at this party. That might dampen the atmosphere a little. He doesn’t think his jeans can get any tighter, but then Jongwoon hums his satisfaction and Zhou Mi makes tiny sounds of delight. 

“So you do this often?” he finally clears his throat enough to ask. 

Zhou Mi smiles and casually answers, “We do this as often as we can. The jewelry is new, as are the guests. We don’t usually have an audience, but I think an exception can be made for you. Especially when you look so cute.”

Jongwoon winks and begins to move the breakable tea set off the table. He looks over at Kyuhyun, who probably looks like one of the animals from the shock. “You really should eat, Kyuhyun. You’re going to need your strength.”

Before he can get his fingers close enough to touch a feather-light sandwich, Zhou Mi kisses his cheek softly. Jongwoon wanders closer and places a hand on Kyuhyun’s thigh. Kyuhyun supposes there’s always time for food, but a man should have his priorities in order. 

Zhou Mi breaks the comfortable silence with a question he expected while raking his long fingers through Kyuhyun’s hair. “Do you still think tea parties are just for girls?” 

Jongwoon lifts a chocolate cupcake up to his lips, and Kyuhyun thinks maybe he could handle all of the dress up if the parties always end with kisses and light touches. He isn’t too greedy. It’s really all he needs, but he can’t say he wouldn’t be thrilled with a little more. 

Zhou Mi’s fingers are running down his chest; Jongwoon is whispering something sweet in his ears. He guesses now’s as good of a time for an answer as any. He might be distracted later.

“I hope they’re not just for girls,” he answers confidently. Why should girls get all the fun anyway?

Jongwoon murmurs some type of approval to his statement, and Zhou Mi’s hand on the inseam of his jeans hint at a new party for later. Kyuhyun reaches for his teacup. He could definitely get used to this.

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394 streak #1
Chapter 1: I really want a sequel T^T
fatimakys #2
Chapter 1: uuh? idk ? i liked kyu with wig , and all this cuteness mixed with hot stuffs , the thing?
Chapter 1: Oh wow~ now this is an interesting . :P
I like it. ^^
This was cute yet actually really hot. :3
I only wish that it would have continued further. ;)
o.m.g..... my feels... please a sequel!!!!
Bahahahaha!! Oh my imagination has nos taken over. And do I need to mention how good Kyuhyun looks in a wig? It's not fair, really. And Zhou Mi and Yesung? Huh, never thought of them doing anything together before...not sure how I feel about that. But this was so silly and cute and if you'll excuse me my fluff tolerance is low so I am off to find some angst.
carolina #6
wahh, that's so cute.. can you make a sequel?
This is screaming for a sequel!