Rewording a Classic


Siwon could be a knight in shining armor or a weirdo stalker; either way, Jongwoon stays dry.


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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: OMG! YEWON! Really really REALLY need this >____<
Chapter 1: I have an umbrella in my bag.
I know.

Whaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttt is this!? The feeeeels! Ughhh.. I'm squaling like a adhool girl omo ai love this.l but it's too short. I hoped that there's a sequel somewhere gosh darn.. It's super sweet! Love it
Chapter 1: Wahhh~ this was absolutely ADORABLE! <3
So short but so darn cute. ^^
Chapter 1: too bad its too short... but anyway i love it ^^
Chapter 1: I'm in love with your writing
KcuLL22 #6
Not long but truly a good story :D
Yaaaaawwwwwww aw aw aw aw awwww awwwww.... Sorry, I can't stop awe '^^ That was really so cute!!! *O*
hehe they were both in love with each other and Yesung shy like he is didn't really wanted to say anything but he acted! kind of! ;)
He would just let my perfect gentlemen do the first step ne? :o I mean talking about this! About them!!! awww they are so cute!!! *O*
I love your story! It's so sweet! :)
Thank you so much for writing an sharing it! ;)

Hope you can write more YeWon fictions! And longer longer for the next! :p Fighting sweety! <3
yuyumunaw #8
Aw! How sweet >w<
Thank you <3
cloudy_28 #9
I feel like i've watch a movie which have the same story but couldnt remember kekekeke..anyway,it's sweet n cute
why this fic so beautiful... :')