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tigerlily98 #1
Is there any chance of you translating this story?? i really want to read it.
Trish_hotaru #2
Oh my! 74 comments! Im so so glad tat my story had so much feedback. I knew this is a mostly eng fanfic website but Im nt good in Eng expression, so i think will continue to update on chinese story...many thanks for those who read, want to read...every comment, every view, subscribe means a lot to me! Thank u sooo much!
cherryboice #3
Chapter 16: 真是个美丽的故事:') Looking forward to your update:D
iamgodokay #4
nice story
onyuuu #5
I wish i could read this augh the writing is so beautiful *-*
NiniiexX #6
congratulation!! :)
Congratulations on the feature ^^
turtlepanda22 #8
congrats on bein featured! i wished i culd read this 但是我的阅读中文能力特别差!
my chinese is horrible but is the title Love Communications? and the characters i can read is Wang Zi and had to search the other character and found she is Xiao Xun from Hey Girl