►Will You Marry Me? [Apply Open]


In a world where Korea is still ruled under a monarch, there are six ungrateful princes who have not yet wed.  The queen sobs every night as she sees her sons turning down every single marriage offer that comes to their door.  And once the crown prince turns down his 100th offer, she goes berserk.  She kicks them out of the palace and makes them live in an apartment.  And if they haven't found their princess in a span of one year, she swears to the former king that she will disown every single one of them.


The Princes

Kim Jaehyo (24) - A selfish good for nothing bastard who is called the crown prince.  Or atleast that's what all the girls call him.  He has this cold and mysterious aura around him that seems to attract women wherever he goes.  He's a man that wants no problems in his life and if he could give up the position of crown prince, he most definitely would.  He will hold the responsibility of millions once his mother decides to retire.   



Kim Kiseop (21) - There's a devil inside this angel.  He may be the most mischeivous of his hyungs but the fact that he can hide it behind that innocent and adorable face of his gets him out of trouble for the most part.  He's also easy to be around and quite easy going.  However, the fact that these princes were never allowed to step foot into the real world makes him very inexperienced with others.



 Zhang  Kim Yixing (20) - He's the prince that was adopted by the royal family a few years back when he was around four or five.  He's very quiet but as one gets to know him more they find that he's really sweet.  He can be loyal but he also has this habit of ratting his hyungs and dongsaengs out.  He knows every little secret about them and it just happens to slip out of his mouth.  He's the only one that has first hand experience about how life is outside the castle.




[Prince 4]

[Prince 5]

[Prince 6]

►[Prince 7] 

Their 'Princesses'


Song Jaeri(22) - The country bumpkin from a metro.  She's extremely easygoing and doesn't seem to care about her appearance.  Unlike her much more gorgeous twin sister whose shadow she hides behind.  She has a really hot temper and it's best one doesn't cross her path once she's pissed off.




Alessia Wyss(20) - The strong willed girl who adapts to her surroundings really quickly.  She is Chinese-Swiss and her family moved to South Korea when she was around fourteen, making her fluent in quite some languages.  German,Mandarin,and Korean are a few to name.  But beware, she can be accident prone.




Kim Yoo Jin(18) - Imaginative and Cheerful, she seems to be the epitome of innocence.  Until one realizes her adventurous side.  She likes risks and thrills.  On top of that she came from London, England, and was born in a wealthy family.  What will this little princess have in store for us?




[Princess 4]

[Princess 5]

[Princess 6]

►[Princess 7]


Make a blog post and PM it to me.


1.Don't piss me off by writing up somegirl that sounds like a unicorn threw up on her.

2.I am awesome 'kay?  That's your password.

3.Don't make your character too young and don't make the guy too old.  Maximum age for the guy is 25. 

4. Don't push me off a cliff if I respond late.

5.I'll warn you twice if your application needs editing.  Three times, and you won't get picked.

6.  As you can see le gorgeous Ahn Jaehyo from Block B is taken by moi.

7. Ulzzang Ban Yoon Hee also is taken by moi.

8.  Pick any kpop guy whose age is from 18-25 and he should be close to your age also.  Plus his surname will be replaced with KIm.

Coauthor: For those of you who commented your app in, please read the rules again.


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are you not gonna update this anymore? :'c
this one is like my most favorite apply fic ever </3
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Alessia Wyss's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
[deleted my comment]
ups. just re-read the rules x_x
and congratz to the girls! i thought Lay and Kiseop just makes appearances throughout the story xDDD
LOLOL kinda slow hehehe
Congaratolationsto u girls!!!!!
Never thought that they really never saw a cat!!! Lol if I was a cat I would be like venus if someone nevr saw a cat XD
lookig forward to the next chapter!! Keep it up with your nice writing :)
XxKay-NiixX #6
Congratulations to bunnyxwarrior & -BlackDress!! XD OMG~ It's like they've never seen a cat up close before... How adorable =D Anyway congrats again~~ XD
Ooh, Gratz to the two new girls! :D Lol, wow, these guys are really silly~ I can't believe he'd inspect Venus. Well, I guess he's never seen a cat up close before. If he had he'd obviously not attempt grabbing her paw unless he wanted to get bitten, scratched, or scare it away. :P Wow, their brothers were really rude to just leave them there. D: Then again they're all getting thrown out for a reason... You know, not revealing these princes out to the public was probably a really smart move on the royal family's part. :o I wonder if the guys will be able to find their way alright. Luckily Yixing's with them, since he's the only one who's ever left home before. I can't wait to see what the their two girls are like~! :D
-Blackdress #8
Thank you very much for choosing me! I'm looking forward to your story~ I'm really excited ^w^