This Is My Life


Christina Smith: A young energetic women at 19yrs. of age who lives with her parents. You can say Christina was living a decent life, going to college without any problems, and a pretty good social life. Untill one mistake that  drastically led to life changing decisions.                                



Lee Jinki: An optimistic 21 yr. old man who lives alone leading, from what he likes to think a good life. But in reality Jinki is struggling. Trying to balance a job and school, Jinki still finds time to hang with his friends. Then when he makes the wrong choice it leaves him helpless.



Anger,fear,weak,confused, my emotions were going on a roller coaster ride. Why me? How could I let this happen? I wish that I can take back that night where it all happen if only I knew. I keep looking down at this paper and hoping that  these bold letters will be arranged differently. What will my parents  say? Would they throw me out, or yell at me saying  how stupid and foolish I was and can never forgive me? As I walk I can see it in their eyes, they know. Judging me as I keep walking by, no, no Christina what are you thinking no one knows but you, and only least for now. And it keeps re-appearing in head that simple word that will forever alter my life: Positive



I thought I had time. Maybe this is just another one of those nightmares,and I will wake up where I should be in my bed. Huh who am I kidding this isnt a nightmare this nothing more than a mere smack on the face of how cruel reality could be. If only I could have done things better  I would'nt be in this predicament. Now what am I'm going to do?

Hello ^=^..I Hope my story catches your interest.


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