Chapter 21

Come Again .. For once..


"HEY!____  whats up!" a Voice suddenly talked. and your eyes widened in shock.

"wha-wha- what's that?" you suddenly back off and look around you, you went to the door to look if someone but no one is in your house beside you. you went to the window to check and there's still no one. YOUR ALONE! you went to back to your bed and sat. facing the bouquet.

"omo~ what's that!" you poke the bouquet of flower and a voice talked again.

"aish~ this is hard.. oww! it's already on!" the voice said.

"I know that voice." you said. you went to search for a recorder in the bouqeut of rose and there you found a small tape recorder.

"woohyun!" you soflty said.

"hey! ___ you heard me?? hahahaha.. i was thinking of if you can go out with me tomorrow it's our 2nd anniversary if we are still together but I have something to clear things with you so can you met me tomorrow. hahahaha i know it's awkward after what happen to us but please let me talk to you seriously without any interruption, without any kinds of bad feelings with each other I want to talk to you. PRIVATELY. I wish you can give me a chance. to tell you what I want please.... aish~ is it done?? ow! it's still not... ahmmm... _____ please meet me tomorrow. at the same place at the Coffee house.. hahah in front only beacause I'm going with my car so don't worry about the fans.... don't forget 10:00 am at the Coffee house. I'm going to wait there until you come. even it takes FOREVER!

BYE! see yah! I hoped you like the roses. *psssssssssssssshhhhhhh*


you felt tears streaming down your cheeks.

"is he enjoying playing around with me???" you asked yourserlf as you can't stop crying that night.

what will I do???

"maybe we will end this relationship in a good way unlike what happened last time " you said.

woohyun-ah please ... I can't take this anymore . please don't torture me. Let us end this. and maybe I can give chance to others too.

You keep on blabbering any kind of good thoughts as you didn't notice that you fell to asleep already.





"I'm back!"

"hyung where did you go?" sungyeol said while there eating at the living room watching some movies.

"Just taking a walk around." woohyun replied."why are you still awake?? huh??"

"We have no schedules tomorrow so we're just enjoying this time." sungyeol said. sungjong, dongwoo, L, and hoya nodded.

"aaah!! do what you want!" woohyun said as he went to the kitchen for some refreshment and walk to his bedroom


"yah! sunggyu! your going to hjelp me whether you like it or not! hahah!!" woohyun declare and go straightly to the bathroom.


"aish! hell! not! again!" sunggyu cursed. while he tries to sleep.


"I;m not going to help you! you PABO! I once regret helping you and I'm not going to taste the regret agin. it's too painful thta I can die." sunggyu thought and didn't mind woohyun. and sleep.



UPDATE!! LOL! too short! mianhe!

thanks for reading!

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mauranapitupulu #1
Chapter 28: Seriouslyy,I really curious about the crash!!continue soon pleasee TT_TT
sungrin06 #2
sungrin06 #3
Chapter 3: omo, i just cant stop smiling while reading this fanfiction ><
4everJjonglover #4
Chapter 26: I love GIF! of woohyung throwing hearts! :D
update soon! FIGHTING!
update soon! please! ^o^
KimSuYeon #6
Chapter 24: update soon author-nim

Chapter 22: UPDATE SOON AUTHOR-NIM <3 <3
4everJjonglover #8
Chapter 22: hey! what the! what! the! omo! i want to read it more!please update soon!
what's with the teaser!!
you tease me a lot AUTHOR-NIM!
i hate teaser! because I'm going crazy! hahah xD
KimSuYeon #9
Chapter 20: can't wait for the actual story :)
Chapter 19: omo! no way! what the!? hey! author-nim updaete soon please!please!