chapter four.

Perfect Man (Sequel of Dream Boy)

"Uh-oh..." Sehun said.
Chaemi, Sehun, and Baekhyun stood straightly. "Hello Auntie," Chaemi and Sehun said, and bowed.
Baekhyun gave a small bow. "Hello umma..." he said. Your eyes rounded. *Umma?*
Baekhyun's mom walked up to him, and glanced at you from head to toe. "Who is she?" she asked, almost impolitely.
"She's the one I told you about," Baekhyun said and grabbed your hand. "My fiancée..."

His mother had no smile or any sign of approval and kindness. "How come she doesn't match the description you told me over the phone," she said. Baekhyun didn't respond. She looked at the house. "You live here?" Baekhyun nodded. She glanced at you and Baekhyun. "You two. Come with me," she said as she walked towards her car. She tossed her car keys at Baekhyun who caught it in mid-air. She turned to Chaemi. "You, go home now, before I tell your parents what you're up to." She stepped inside the car of the passenger side. You sat in the back as Baekhyun went to the driver's side. "The usual place. Where we used to eat," she said. Without hesitation, Baekhyun started the car and sped down the street.

You, Baekhyun, and his mother were at a 5 star restaurant. You and Baekhyun sat together, across from his mother. She glanced at the both of you. "So you're Hyemi? The girl that my Baekhyun is going to marry? When's the wedding?" she asked.
Baekhyun answered, "Yes, she's Hyemi and I'm going to marry her. And the wedding date is uncertain at the moment..." he said.

She raised a brow. "No date, no invitations, no dress, no reservations and a rehearsal? Are you sure you want to get married, Baekhyun? It seems a little early for you. You're still young. Take another time to rethink about this marriage. Make sure you have the correct girl." The last part you heard sounded a bit rude, but you stayed silent.
Baekhyun nodded. "Yes. She's the one..." he said.

She shifted her gaze to you. "How old are you?" she asked. Baekhyun opened his mouth to answer for you, but she stopped him. "You've done enough talking. Let her speak for herself," she said and waited for your answer.
You cleared your throat and looked at her. "Just a year younger..." you said.
"Then you should be in college," she said, her tone was less rude. She smiled.
"Actually, I quit college..." you said.

Baekhyun's mother's smile fell. "You quit college?" She shook her head in disapproval. "What are your future plans?" she asked, her tone was back to rude.
You hesitated. "Well, I haven't thought of my future yet..." you replied.
She let out what seemed to be a half chuckle and scoff. "Unbelievable..." she muttered. 
You frowned. *Now I can see where Baekhyun got his rudeness from...*
"Is there anything that you two planned?" she asked. You and Baekhyun shook heads. "I can see a wonderful family that you two are going to have," she said sourly.

Baekhyun abruptly stood up. "I'm sorry umma, but we have to go." He grabbed your hand and the both of you left the restaurant.

Once you and Baekhyun were out of sight from his mother, Baekhyun stopped walking and sighed. He looked at you. "Sorry about that... My mom is just really picky about the girls I date," he said.
You raised a brow. "And she approved of Hyuna?"
He sighed and nodded. "I don't know why... When I mentioned you over the phone with her, she seemed completely fine with you. But now that she met you..." He exhaled. "I think she was expecting more from you..."
You smiled. "It's okay... Let's just go home and forget that this all happened," you said and hugged his arm. You and Baekhyun walked home.

"Unnie! Oppa! What happened?!" Chaemi asked as soon as you entered Chanyeol's house. "You didn't say anything stupid did you?" she asked you.
"Chaemi, let's not talk about this right now," Baekhyun said and dragged you upstairs.
"No buts. We'll talk tomorrow. We'll all talk tomorrow!" he said.

"I'm guessing their meeting went okay," D.O said. All eyes shot death glares at him. "What?"
"It's impossible to have a meeting with Auntie and come back and everything's okay," Chaemi explained.
"Then how did she approve of Baekhyun being with Hyuna?" Chanyeol asked.
"She was the one who introduced Baekhyun to Hyuna. Baekhyun oppa was the idiot who believed in love at first sight.

Sehun looked at his girlfriend. "Wait... So that means that I'm not really in love with you?" he asked.
"Depends. Did you fall in love with me when you first met me?" she asked.
"Then you do love me," she said and beamed. Sehun smiled as the others just ignored their presence.

I'm having a hard time again. >.> I think writers block is slowly coming back to me. ;A;
I'll try to do another update! ouo
OTL OKAY. AFTER THIS FANFIC, I'M WORKING ON A SUHO FF! >< The idea for his story has been haunting me forever!
Yeah, I know. The song doesn't match. ;A;

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okay, I'm just going to say, I at writing wedding things. xD I've only been to 3 and I hardly paid attention to most of the ceremony, so ish update. D:


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mmyramos2004 #1
Chapter 17: this made me cry.It broke my heart
Chapter 19: Do your job author-nim~~
Chapter 6: Welcome to OHMYGOD!!!! >.< that one was hilarious. ROFL
KookieSeo5 #4
Chapter 18: The fanfic was good but I really want to whack Jihae in the face
Exofangurl1274 #5
I really ship bawerp alot..lolol...
one of the shipping i can never forget
Chapter 28: I ship Bawerp so much couldnt stop reading this since Dream boy gahhh <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic is so adorable!
I've been reading the prequel and this for the past few days. It's so good!

I love Bawerp!

I'll be reading your third installment~
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 27: Perfect Fanfiction! The Bawerp couple is so adorable! I love the plot of this fanfic!
But most of all I love Baekhyun!!!!!! <3