chapter thirteen.

Perfect Man (Sequel of Dream Boy)

Baekhyun blinked and glanced over Mr. Ryu's shoulder and found her smiling and waved at him. Baekhyun kept his poker face on. "Ryu Jihae?" Baekhyun asked. They both nodded. Baekhyun turned around and found that his mother had left. He sighed and turned back to his bosses.
Jihae smiled and grabbed his arm. "Come, I'll show you your office," she said and pulled him down the hall. She led him to her office and opened the sliding double doors. "This is my office," she said. She dragged him to the office next door and opened the door. "And this is yours."
Instead of plain walls on all 4 sides, there were 2 walls that were replaced with windows that showed the 15th floor's view outside.

Baekhyun looked around. "Is this an office or house?" he mumbled to himself.
Jihae looked at him. "You don't like it?" she asked.
Baekhyun shook his head. "No, it's fine." He walked inside the office and looked around.

Jihae followed him with a smile. "You're lucky to be working for me," she said. "With me, you hardly have to do any work. All you have to do is follow me around and do whatever I tell you to do." She sat on his desk and crossed her long legs, she looked at Baekhyun from head to toe. "According to the way you're dress, you don't seem like the person who wears suits often." Baekhyun looked at her with his usual cold, piercing eyes. "First day on the job, I have work for you already." She grabbed his arm and tugged his arm. "I'll take you out for shopping," she said.

Baekhyun stood there and glared at her. "I came here to work. Not to be out shopping," he said.
Jihae looked at him. "If you have forgotten, I'm the daughter of Mr. Ryu. And if you don't listen to me, you'll be fired," she whispered the last 3 words in his ear. She smirked and dragged him out of the building.

You sat down at the cafe with your laptop opened. D.O sat beside you, with his lunchbox opened. "Did Baekhyun call you?" he suddenly asked.
You shook your head. "No. Was he suppose to?"
D.O shrugged and ate another spoonful of rice. "He said he would." At that moment, your phone screen lit up. "I guess that's him," he said and took a gulp of his water.
You unlocked your phone and found a text message from him. 'Ahh~ Save me, my Twerp~ My boss turns out to be a girl that's only a year younger than I am. And all she wants me to do is to take her shopping. I wish I was with you right now. o(ㅠ_ㅠ)o' You giggled and replied to him. Just as you set your phone down, your screen lit up again. 'Hey Hyemi! It's Jihae~ Mind if I copy your notes tomorrow? I had to leave because of a family emergency. Thanks! -Jihae' You texted back to her.

D.O looked at you. "Was that him?" he asked as he ate his food.
You nodded. "He said that his boss is a girl who's younger than him and makes him take her shopping. And--"
"That he really wants to be with you at the moment. Got it," D.O finished your sentence.
"Why do you even ask when you know the answer?" you mumbled as you brought your attention back to your assignment on your laptop.
"Because. Then I feel like I know everything," he said.

Short chappie.
OTL Yeah, I don't know any song that goes with this. >.>
I think I can do one more update. ouo
Just for those who are confused, Baekhyun hasn't told Hyemi who he works for yet.


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okay, I'm just going to say, I at writing wedding things. xD I've only been to 3 and I hardly paid attention to most of the ceremony, so ish update. D:


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mmyramos2004 #1
Chapter 17: this made me cry.It broke my heart
Chapter 19: Do your job author-nim~~
Chapter 6: Welcome to OHMYGOD!!!! >.< that one was hilarious. ROFL
KookieSeo5 #4
Chapter 18: The fanfic was good but I really want to whack Jihae in the face
Exofangurl1274 #5
I really ship bawerp alot..lolol...
one of the shipping i can never forget
Chapter 28: I ship Bawerp so much couldnt stop reading this since Dream boy gahhh <3
Chapter 28: This fanfic is so adorable!
I've been reading the prequel and this for the past few days. It's so good!

I love Bawerp!

I'll be reading your third installment~
Lovely0303 #8
Chapter 27: Perfect Fanfiction! The Bawerp couple is so adorable! I love the plot of this fanfic!
But most of all I love Baekhyun!!!!!! <3