


Dear Diary,

Or should I say, Jung Ah? Sorry Diary, but this is for Jung Ah, not for you.


It felt like yesterday... Jung Ah, how are you? I miss you so much. I made many wrong choices in my life that I've regretted. But the one thing that I'll never get over is leaving you... We were young and I was foolish. I wasn't ready for a long-term commitment yet. Jung Ah, I've been thinking every about you single day. It may be too late now but, I'm ready now. Are you still waiting for me like you said you would be? It's been 3 whole years and you were always the patient one. You've probably found someone new but, I still want you to hear me out. Are you still working at that cafe? I heard that you moved in with your parents again. Is it the same house? Jung Ah, I'm really nervous. Please don't make it any worse.. Please be there...

~ Park Jiyoung ~


Wow, I wasted a whole lot of time writing such a short entry. Oh well, that's good. Less waiting time for me to do. I read it one last time before, I got dressed. Oh man.. I'm still nervous. I thought writing down your thoughts on paper would calm things down, I guess it only works for some people. I hope Jung Ah will still be working the same shifts as always because going to her house is just too much for me. Ugh, still another hour to go.. I might as well start walking even though the coffee shop is only a 15 minute walk from my place. I wonder if she is going to be surprised when or if she sees me at all? I hope I find her first before she finds me...




I walked as slow as I possibly could but there is still some time before she gets here huh. I ordered my coffee and took a seat near the window. I look through my phone as I wait for the waitress to bring my order to me.


"Here's your frap and cheese cake."


"Thanks, just leave it there" I didn't bother looking at the waitress. I had my eyes glued on my watch.




7 more minutes before her shift starts. My heart is beating so fast, oh my gosh. I feel as if it's going to jump out of my body at any moment now. I took a sip of my coffee and realized that the waitress was still there. I looked up, asking her what she needs.


“Why are you just stan-” I froze.


"Do you remember me? K-kahi, it's me Jung Ah.”




The clock struck 8:00


“A-ah. If you don't remember me, it's fine. I'll just leave you alone. Sorry for bothering you!” She nervously laughed it off but clearly her eyes showed pain.


“W-wait! Jung Ah!” I snapped out of my trance. I tried to grab her hand but, she ran off into the staff's lounge. I tried to follow after her but, a co-worker intervened.


“Sorry but, no customers are allowed back there.” She said coldly.


“Please, let me through. I have to talk to her.”


“Are you her stalker or what?” She scoffed.


“Jung Ah, please come out!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.


“Please do not yell, you'll disturb the other customers.” She raised her voice.


“Jung Ah, please! I have to talk to you. No, I need to.” Jung Ah probably didn't want me screaming any louder than I already had so she finally decided to come out.


Jung Ah, if you want me to call the cops, I will.” The co-worker said.


“No Jooyeon, please don't.” Jung Ah weakly said.


“Are you sure? Isn't she bothering you?” Jooyeon said worriedly.


“It's fine. She's just a friend of mine...”


“What a freaking lie...” She stood in front of Jung Ah, glaring at me.


“Fine, fine..I'll let you two talk.” Jooyeon scoffed walking away after Jung Ah whispered something into her ears.


“What made you get her away?” I asked curiously.


“I said I'd never cook for her ever again.” Jung Ah said proudly.


“So she's a shikshin like you too?” I smiled.


“Neh.....” Jung Ah remembered who she was talking to.


“Ah, sorry. I came here because I wanted to talk to you ab-”


“It's too late, Kahi.” Jung Ah said frowning.


“...Is it really?”


“Yes.. Now I have to work, please leave.”


“Is your phone number still the same? Even if it is too late, I still need to talk to you and I would like to do it where that girl isn't around.” I pointed at Jooyeon who was glaring at me from afar.


“It is..” Jung Ah walked off to Jooyeon.


“Then please expect a call from me later!” I grabbed my coffee and left the cafe. I didn't know where to go so, I just headed to the park. There weren't any kids around because it was a school day. I took the advantage to grab myself a swing and finished my coffee. I sat there, getting lost, deep into my thoughts. I was probably sitting on the same swing for like 2 hours..




“I wonder if Jung Ah's on her lunch break...I want to call her” I mumbled to myself.


I tried to resist but, I gave up and took out my cellphone.


“Hello?” Jung Ah answered after the 5th ring.


“Hi! It's me, Kahi.” I said happily as I heard her voice.


“What do you want?” I heard a hint of pain in her words.


“I just wanted to know if you were on your break now.. So we can talk.. you know?” I started to lose my confidence.


“My break starts in an hour.. If you still want to talk, pick me up at the cafe.”


“R-really!?” I was so excited, I jumped off from my swing.


“Yes.” She cut me short and hung up right after.


“But one hour... That's a really long wait.” I got up and paced back and forth around the swing thinking of what to do.


“I guess I'll just head back to the cafe for more coffee.” I started walking back to the cafe as slowly as I could. Hopefully wishing an hour would pass by the time I get there.




“Damn it, 15 more minutes.” I frowned before walking in.


“And what the hell are you doing back here?”


“Look, Jooyeon or whatever your name is. I'm only here to confess to Jung Ah. I don't understand why you're hating on me so much. And for your information, Jung Ah and I were once madly in love with each other.”


“And if you two were so madly in love with each other, why are you confessing? Or did you screw up somehow?”


“Well obviously? Or I wouldn't be here right now. I'm only here to let my heart be heard by her. As you saw earlier, she's not very open to that and you're definitely not making it any bet-”




“Kahi, what are you doing here so early?” Jung Ah came out of the staff's room after chainging into normal clothing.


“You told me to be here within an hour so, I'm here. I didn't wan to be late so, being early was the better option.” I softened up upon seeing her walking towards me.


“Well you're lucky because my break just started.” She smiled.


“Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?” I raised a brow at her.


“Because we're in front of the public eye and I'm a waitress here, if you forgot. I don't need my reputation geting ruined any more.”


“Any more? What do you mean by that?”


“It's your fault.” She walked out of the cafe and I just followed her.


“Where are you going, Jung Ah?”


“To eat, duh. I'm going to the fast food right down there.” She pointed.


“You're going to get fat if you keep eating there...” I wanted to ease the heavy atmosphere.


“Oh please, I thought you said that I never get fat no matter how much you eat.” She poked at my joke.


“Oh that's right, I forgot. It's been a long time since we last talked if you forgot.”




I frowned upon the fact that I ruined the nice mood. The rest of our walk there was filled with nothing but cars honking through traffic. We headed inside to order our meals. Once we got her food, Jung Ah immediately found a table and we sat. We didn't talk at all throughout our mini lunch.




“I'll be right back...” Jung Ah said, getting up.


“W-where you going!?” I panicked a little.


“I'm just going to the bathroom, calm down.” She sighed.


“W-wait, I'll come with you.” I got up as fast as I could to follow.


“I'm not going to run away if that's what you're thinking.. Only you'd do something stupid like that.” She wasn't even looking at me as she spoke.


“...Well I'm glad you remember something I told you.”


“What's that supposed to mean?” She made a 180 and glared at me.


“Did you forget all of the 'I love you's' that I've told you?” My heart sank a bit.


“Why would I want to remember lies?” I saw nothing but an empty shell when I looked into her eyes.


“But they were not lies...”


She turned around and walked into a bathroom stall, doing her business. I didn't have to go, I just wanted to talk to her. I looked through each stall to see if anyone was in there. Luckily there was no one so, I decided to lock the bathroom door from the inside. I really needed to get through to Jung Ah before things get worse. She came out washing her hands not caring about the fact that I was watching her. She headed towards the door but, I grabbed her arm before her hand reached the knob.




“W-what?” She widened her eyes from my sudden action.


“Jung Ah.. We really need to talk.” I looked at her with all seriousness.


“We're talking aren't we?”


“Please, just hear me out...”




"Jung Ah.. I was stupid back then. I was still young, I didn't know what I was doing. I'm sorry if I gave you a permanent scar. I'm sorry if I made you wait too long but I'm here now, aren't I? I love you, Jung Ah. I always have and I was too stupid to realize it until recently... Will you please be mine again?"




"I-I don't kn-..."


"...It's okay, I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore. We can just pretend I never said anything and you can get back to work and..and I'm going to stop bother you. I-I-I'll leave y-you alone..” I forced words out of my mouth even though I was on the verge of crying.




"Kahi.. Please, just shut up." She smiled and I was confused.




"You've made me wait long enough, so please don't keep me waiting any longer." Jung Ah's eyes started to build tears and before I knew it, our lips were touching and we were kissing... She tried backing away but, I didn't let her. I wanted to take in this moment for as long as I possibly could. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and Jung Ah pushed me away without fail this time. She wiped my tear-stained cheeks with her fingers.




"I'm s-sorry for making you wait so long." I sniffed and held her in my arms.


I'll never let go of you ever again, I promise..."


Few Months Later


“Kahi!” Jung Ah yelled into my ears.


“W-WHAT!?” I got up immediately thinking there was a murderer in the house.


“Ugh, you're finally up! Do you know how many times I've called you!?” Jung Ah pouted.


“Well if there was someone to blame, it'd be you! You kept me up late last night.” I smirked.


“Yah! That's not my fault, you were tempting me the whole entire day.” She blushed like crazy.


“True true.” I nodded in agreement.


“Whatever.. Good morning.” She kissed my cheek.


“Good morning, Jung Ah. What's for breakfast?” I smiled.


“I didn't make any yet because of your bad sleeping habits.” She poked my cheeks.


“What!? Not waking up to already made breakfast by my wife!?” I fake-fainted dramatically.


“Stop being an idiot and help me cook then.” She dragged me out of bed.


“Yeah, yeah.” I smiled seeing that we were holding hands.


When we got to the kitchen, I decided to slither my arms around her waist.


“You know, I can't cook like this.”


“That's a lie. I do this almost everyday, you should be used to this by now.” I kissed her neck.


She didn't say anything because she knew it was true. I let go because she obviously needed to go from fridge to stove and I didn't want to be a nuisance to her. I decided to just go to the living room to watch some TV while she prepared.


“Who would have thought...” I said to myself out loud.


“Thought what?” Jung Ah came from the kitchen wrapping her arms around my neck from behind the couch.


“Who would have thought I'd be able to share such happiness with a woman like you.” I smiled and leaned back into her.


“Why are you getting all mushy?” She giggled.


Because I love you, duh.”

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Chapter 1: Cute (= ̄ω ̄=):(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
Chapter 1: it was pretty great, even tho it's a bit short that I expected :)
Chapter 1: hey it's too short....just when i started to enjoyed it ends that fast...please do care to make another good work of urs ;)