When Things Changed Pt. 1

Family & Secrets

Hello again~ so I tried & I did it another chapter this week, yay me. So, this is just part one,  sort of a prequeal to the incident that caused everything to change between Eunhyuk & Donghae. So not too much Hyukkie in this chapter more just mentioning but a lot of brotherly love between Sungmin & Donghae. Oh yeah I think I might of forgotten to mention that Donghae is older in this fic, so he is the oldest. Ok, I'm writing part two now, in between getting stuff done at work, so you will definitely get another chapter next week. Ok so happy reading~!




Sungmin sighed heavily, his brother wasn't home yet, this worried him extremely not because he was worried about where his brother might be but because he knew exactly where his brother was.


"Hyung," called out Sungmin as his brother walked into the house.


"Sungmin-ah" said Donghae very stone faced, Sungmin knew that something had happened.


"What's wrong Hyung?" asked Sungmin, very curious, usually when his Hyung got home he was quite but in a daze, like he was in deep thought.


"Nothing, nothing" said Donghae as he continued to walk toward his room now.


"Did you maybe see something you didn't like?" asked Sungmin, he knew something that he saw Eunhyuk do must have upset him, Yes he knew all about Donghae & his little hobby or obsession with the other. So, he knew that Donghae was late coming home because he was most likely following Eunhyuk home, making sure that no harm came to the other, Sungmin would have thought it was sweet if he didn't know what he knew, a secret that only he knew.  


"Sungmin-ah, where were you today?" asked Donghae all of a sudden.


"I met up with some people from my music class, they wanted to discuss some stuff about the upcoming assembly that we are going to be playing. Why, hyung?" asked Sungmin, though he knew what his brother was going to tell him.


"Nothing, it's just that you should be careful, next time don't go walking home alone, ok? Even if you have to wait around for me or somebody else to finish what they are doing, don't walk home along & you know vice versa" said Donghae scratching the back of his neck.


"Ok Hyung," said Sungmin, he wanted to roll his eyes at his brother, he knew what he really meant was to have Eunhyuk wait for him next time so that Eunhyuk didn't have to walk home alone.


"Ok then, I'm going up to my room" said Donghae


And Sungmin watched him leave upstairs to his room. Sungmin quietly followed behind the latter, something was differnt about his Hyung today & he wanted to know what it was.


Sungmin watched as Donghae went into his room & luckily for him he didn't close the door all the way & was able to watch his brother. He saw Donghae plop himself down on his bed & sigh heavily. Then he saw his brother grab his hair, & grunt, in what Sungmin could only assume was exasperation. And then Sungmin saw Donghae reach over to one of his pillows & pull out a picture. Right away Sungmin knew, without even having to look at the photo, what the picture was of, & which photo it was exactly. He knew Donghae was looking at the photo of the three of them, the last photo ever taken of the three of them, because a week after that everything changed.


"Hyung, I want to go already~" whined little Sungmin, he was very impatient he wanted to go racing on his new bike.


"Wait a little Sungminnie, Hyukkie's not here yet" said little Donghae as he looked around for a certain skinny, gummy smiled boy.


"Hyukkie, Hyukkie, Hyukkie, all you ever talk about is Hyukkie" said Sungmin as he pouted, even though Eunhyuk was his best friend he still couldn't help getting a little jealous of the latter, sometimes it seemed like his brother rather spend time with Hyukkie than with him.   


"Minnie, stop it, that's not true & you're not being very nice, what if Hyukkie heard you, you'd hurt his feelings & make him think that we don't want him around" said little Donghae.


"Hmp" pouted Sungmin, he was a stubborn little boy, he knew his brother was making sense & he didn't want to hurt his friends feeling but still he felt upset.


"Of course we wouldn't want to hurt your Hyukkie's feelings. Sometimes I think you like him better than me!", 'that you wish he was your little brother not me!' Sungmin thought the last part.


"Minnie, that's not true, I just like you both in different ways, I ne-"


"But he is your Hyukkie right, I heard you the other day in your room saying 'My Hyukkie'" said Sungmin with a smirk on his face.


"Sungmin! I told you not to peek in my room" shouted Donghae, losing his cool, calm demeanor.


"Oh my Hyukkie, my Hyukkie, my Hyukkie" started to tease Sungmin as he started to run around in a circle as Donghae chased him around.


"Hi guys!" yelled out a skinny red head.


"Oh my, Hyukkie" Sungmin greeted Eunhyuk & teased Donghae.


“Sungmin, enough” said Donghae as he gave his little brother a knowing look, that if he didn’t stop that he’d be in big trouble with him later.


“Sorry I kept you all waiting” said little Eunhyuk quietly as he put his head down, he saw the look Donghae gave Sungmin & he knew that Donghae is annoyed with Sungmin & Eunhyuk hoped that the same didn’t apply to him.


“It’s ok Hyukkie, we weren’t waiting long” said Donghae as he put his arm around the cute red head.


Sungmin gave his brother a teasing look before he said, “Yeah Hyukkie, its ok, Hyung here would probably would have waited all day for his Hyukkie” said Sungmin & ran away from his Hyung before he could do any bodily harm.


Eunhyuk blushed at Sungmin’s statement & giggled as he saw the two brothers chase each other.


“Ok, sorry Hyung” said Sungmin as Donghae had him in a headlock & didn’t want to let him go.


“Hae, can we play now, my mommy says I have to be home early today” said Eunhyuk as he pouted, in reality Eunhyuk knew that Donghae couldn’t resist granting any favor that he asked of the older, he didn’t want Sungmin to get hurt or end up crying.


“Sure” smiled Donghae as he let go of Sungmin & went over to where he & Sungmin had dropped their bikes on the ground. “Let’s go for a ride~”


Sungmin & Eunhyuk smiled widely at the idea, they both idolized Donghae & they both thought he looked so cool, whenever he got on his bike & did tricks or even when he just went really fast. Sungmin & Eunhyuk were still fairly new riders so they weren’t able to do most of the stuff that Donghae knew how to do.


“Let’s go down the big hill,” said Donghae excitedly, he really loved going fast & he was a bit of a show off.


“Ok” said Sungmin happily as he hopped onto his bike, he was a little afraid but mostly excited, he’d never gone down the big hill by their house, his daddy always told them that it was too steep & dangerous for him to go down, but his Hyung was with them &  nothing bad could happen to them right?



So, I think that  some people can take a guess to where I'm going with this kinda, right, well you think you know but you have no idea~! Hehehe, I'll be back soon with another update. Comments=Love, Love=Haehyuk & Haehyuk= my motivation



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Chapter 3: I really wonder what happan after that for donghae to hate and push hyukkie away?? hyukkie doesn't seem to remember what happen and only remembers the painful memory of donghae's hate.. please update soon
Chapter 3: I hope you update this fic soon too.. I really want to know what happen?? why did donghae have to stay away from hyukkie?? what does minnie know that will definitely hurt hyukkie if he finds out?? why did donghae change?? please update soon
ionlytoldthemoon #3
Chapter 3: ooohh this is very interesting! Will you continue writing this? its really good ^^
differentworld #4
I am now commenting to give u motivation. Love it please keep writing lol
MrsBrightside #5
I actually have no idea how this is going to turn out. Does this make me stupid? X)
aigoo update soon, u always left me curious what will going to happend
HaeHyuk!! Wahaha :)) I love what you said there "HaeHyuk=my motivation" LOL it goes the same for me XD haha
Thanks for the update! Fighting! :D
OH WHYYY... I really like your fanfic author-nim.. But.. WHY IS HAE THE MAAN? //sadness// Thank you for posting anyhow...
So Sungmin will get hurt somehow in this?
Update soon seriously <333