

- Kiwoon – Smiles & Silence
His eyes squeezed together in a smile that was far more endearing than any other normal smile could be. His sparkling ochre eyes were hidden from sight as the feeling of pure joy took control of his expression. Smiling was when he was most beautiful. Smiling was when he was most vulnerable. Smiling was when Dongwoon wanted to protect that fragile happiness that was encased in those taught lips and barely visible eyes. When Kikwang smiles; Dongwoon can’t help but smile too.
When one asks Kikwang why it is he loves the maknae so much he finds it near impossible to answer. It’s even harder when they ask what he likes best about the boy. Each time the question arises he sinks into a silence as his usually bright expression scrunches up into one of concentration. It’s a silence that’s always misinterpreted. A silence people view with dismay. However they don’t understand the truth behind the confused expression and wordless answer. It’s just that it’s too hard for Kikwang to say what he likes about Dongwoon when he has so much to say. No one would believe the truth if he voiced it. He just loves everything about him.

- Junseung - Doctor & Dictionary
Junhyung is moody; it doesn’t take a genius to understand that. The fans know he’s moody, the management knows he’s moody and the members know he’s moody. They know it the best since they have to live with it every day. But there’s something only Hyunseung can understand. It’s a secret that nobody – not even the rapper’s parents have figured out yet. He knows why he will suddenly become like a girl with PMS for no seemingly apparent reason. He can see the causes that seem tiny in the perspectives of anyone besides Junhyung himself. He can see the cause and he can fix it – he’s like Junhyung’s personal doctor. It’s a job he will never give up.
Hyunseung is profound. Well no one is sure if that’s the truth or if he’s just plain insane. The nonsense that comes out of his mind is an alien language to everyone else’s ears. Some have even gone so far as to wonder if he really is an extraterrestrial being. It would answer a lot of questions. All through his life people joked about how Hyunseung should have a dictionary available that would explain his speech to the normal human being. Then one day they no longer had to ask. One day the much needed dictionary appeared on its own accord. That dictionary is Junhyung. Right from the start he could see the true meaning behind the words. He translated those words into understandable Korean much to the gratitude of the rest of the group. However every once in a while he would leave sentences in their original form. He’d leave the other members in the dark and keep the hidden meaning to himself. Every time this happened a small smile would appear on his lips. There were just some things he just didn’t want to share.

- Dooseob – Hear & Hurt
When he sings it’s as if his voice is the only thing that matters in the world. Anyone would tell you this. When one hears the intricate melodies sound through the air with such a spine chilling beautiful voice to project them it’s hard not to agree. Doojoon is no exception. When Yoseob sings the overwhelming sincerity and emotion envelops Doojoon as it does any other. But there’s one way in which he differs from the others. When Yoseob speaks he feels the same effect as with the songs. When he speaks that’s all that matters; he hears nothing else but the words uttered from the boy’s mouth. Everything else is just a background noise.
Yoseob has always taken it upon himself to care for others. No matter how much he may be hurting he ensures that everyone else feels included. He does it because he knows how it feels to fall apart so much that the pieces are no longer able to fit back together. They’ve each worn away so much it’s hard to believe they once belonged together. So he smiles for others, laughs for others, jokes for others; but on the inside he’s crying, he’s screaming, he’s breaking. That’s just the way it is. That’s the way it always will be. Well until he came along that is. When he came he brought everything that Yoseob had always given away to others and gave it to Yoseob. He replenished everything that had been willingly lost. He came and made all new pieces for Yoseob to build himself from. Doojoon came; that’s all he ever needed.

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pinkhamsters #1
This is really sweet <3 loving Junseung the most!
SHINee4ever5 #2
Nawwwwwwww~ it's really beautiful ^^
Awwww <3 That was so cute and adorable and just jblawkjerlajblkewjr
Btw, perfect song for this would be 'The Way It's Now' by Yoo Hee :D
Keys_Girl #4
This was absolutely adorable, I LOVED it :)