paint the canvas ▲ ╏ reserve'hour.


welcome to paint the canvas roleplay.

hello there roleplayer. Want to help color this black & white world? Well. You're in the right place. Here at paint the canvas roleplay, we spread the love, warmth, and happiness with others out there. We will color this black & white world and you, my dear friend, will help us do that. Are you by chance any interested making this world more interesting? If you are, please keep reading this. Thank you. but if you're not, exit this story.


rules to follow before painting ▲.

three warnings and you're out of this roleplay, permanently.

0 ╏ must subcribe before anything else to know updates, etc.
1 ╏ never add anyone outside this roleplay. It's confusing.
2 ╏ add; 'Painter & Artist ╏ paint the canvas rp' in about me.
3 ╏ isn't allowed in this roleplay, but relationships are.

4 ╏ no bashing, cursing, drama or whatsoever. We hate it.
5 ╏ you will have all week to make your reserved account.


help paint faster using this directory ▲.

chapters which are not bolded or linked are still under construction.

 introduction, rules & all those other stuff;
boy groups, boy soloists, and boy actors.
girl groups, girl soloists, and girl actresses.
girl and boy ulzzangs, jpop & cpop singers.
our wishlist, relationship statuses, etc.
admin announcements, check this daily.



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may i reserve exo-m's luhan?