On the Steps of Infinity

Sealed with a Love Song


It was late at night and the chilly breeze was hitting against your skin.  You didn't know where you were going but you knew you had to get away as soon as possible.  They say to never turn back but you just couldn't help it.  You turned and looked over your shoulder, quickly facing forward when you saw the chaser behind you from a far distance.  There were some trash cans in a corner.  You kicked them down before running off once again.
After what seemed like an eternity, you finally decided to stop.  Silence now embarked over you.  No footsteps.  No shouting.  No grunting.  Just the silent wind blowing against the trees.  The running made you lightheaded and dizzy.  You felt your back pockets and pulled out your phone.  2 in the morning...  
The world suddenly seemed heavy to you.  Next thing you know, you shut your eyes and fell into a black pitch.
SungGyu heaved a rough sigh and turned up the volume of his music to block out the maknae's whining.  WooHyun joined in, adding his touch of 'namaegyo' to annoy the leader.  SungGyu cautiously turned his head when he felt something on his shoulder.  Of course, WooHyun had rested his chin on him.  WooGyu shippers would have loved to catch their accidental moment when SungGyu turned a little too fast last time.
"Whaaaat?!", the eldest snapped.  WooHyun pouted and leaned back against the car seat, crossing his arms.  SungJong blinked, staring at his hyung, and mimicking the same position.  But SungGyu simply rolled his eyes and reverted his attention to the front.
The car stopped at their destination and the members bursted out to breathe in the cool air.  "Mmm, it feels niceeee~" DongWoo stretched his arms and smiled to finally be released from a cramped space with six of s.
"Uhmm.. guys...?"
They turned their heads toward SungYeol, who pointed at an unfamiliar lump on their doorstep.  They followed his gaze to see a girl laying there, seemingly unconscious.  SungGyu glanced at Hoya, who tossed him the baseball bat.  They cautiously approached her, crouching down to keep their balance.  When she came in full view, they straightened up and looked at her.  DongWoo stuck his foot out and lightly kicked her leg.
No response.
"Is it a UFO?", SungJong whispered, still inspecting her with wide eyes.  The members gave him a look.  "Maknae", L muttered.  "I'm pretty sure she's a girl that can't fly.."
"Is she dead?", Hoya questioned.  He leaned closer to her lips and heard faint puffs of breathing.  He shook his head.  "Still alive..."
"Let's just take her in", L suggested, holding her hand and studying her face and arms.  "She looks completely worn out.."
"Dude!  For all we know, she can be faking and is actually a crazy fangirl!", WooHyun pointed out, flailing his arms.  SungGyu smacked the boy upside his head.  "She's covered in blood and bruises.  She's not faking."
DongWoo held up a half-empty bottle.  "Let's just pour water on her and see if she wakes up!", he suggested.
He shrunk back after getting yelled at simultaneously by them.
L slid his arms under her legs and shoulders and swiftly lifted her up.  SungGyu unlocked the door and made way for them to come in.  "Wow, I didn't know you had such strength, MyungSoo..", SungYeol said in awe.  The called boy gave him a cold glare.  "Wanna see what I can do to your face with this strength, hyung?"
SungYeol immediately shook his head, even though he wasn't afraid of his beloved dongsaeng.  
MyungSoo set her down on the couch.  He brushed her messy, brittle bangs out of her eyes.  Huh.. she doesn't look half-bad...
"What are we going to do when she wakes up?", Hoya interrogated, scratching the back of his neck.  "We don't have any clothes for her and she looks pretty beat up..."
Heads snapped towards SungGyu's direction.  He glanced at everyone and held his hands up.  "What?  Just cause I'm the oldest doesn't mean I know what to do next..!"
"Let's just go freshen up and see if she'll wake up when we're done", WooHyun suggested.  They nodded and disperted to their rooms.
Your eyes fluttered open.  The unfamiliar surroundings woke you up.  You sat up and rubbed your eyes, inspecting the area.  It wasn't your home, nor was it your best friend's house.  You didn't know where you were and began to panic.  D-Did they find me?!  Did someone kidnap me?!  You felt around your pants and scouted the couch for your phone.  Where is it?!  You stopped looking when you saw your phone lying on the counter.  Okay good.. I can get my phone and get the hell out of here before something bad happens...
You stood up and felt a sharp pain between your legs.  F-.. it hurts..  You clutched your stomach and hung your head low, biting your lip to endure the affliction down there.
The first member to finish was L.  He skipped downstairs and jolted when he saw you were awake.  "Gah!"
His reaction caused you to jump and turn around, making the pain even more apparent.  He rushed over to you and held you up to keep you steady on your feet.  "H-Hey, are you alright?"  You nodded your head, not giving him a verbal answer.  He didn't know what to do next but keep you steady in his arms until he saw another member pass by.
"Ayeee, L!  Whatcha tryin' to do to her, yo?", DongWoo strolled in, trolling.  L passed him his death glare, beckoning him to come over.  "Get your over here."
"Is that a way to talk to your hyung?"  DongWoo wiggled his brow to tease the younger one, and he knew how much it ticked the boy off.  L was about to charge after him like a bull.  Seeing how much pain you were in, he exhaled a sigh and gritted his teeth to control his temper.  "Just help me.  I don't know what to do with her.."
DongWoo leaned down to take a look at your face but you hid yourself with your arms.  "Don't worry, sweetie.. We won't hurt you..", he cooed, gently bringing your hands down.  You stared at him with intimidated eyes.  He warmly smiled back at you.  L cleared his throat to interrupt the moment, causing the elder to glare at him.  "Well.. at least I won't hurt you."
"Oh hey hyung, there's something on your face", L pointed out.  DongWoo smacked his cheek.  "What?  Where?!"
"There."  L grabbed a pillow and smacked him with it.  Even though it was quite humorous to see his hyung on the floor, he kept his usual poker face.  But he couldn't resist smirking just a little.  DongWoo scrambled up to his feet and growled.  "You little..." 
He stopped when he saw you staring at them.  "Dang, you look terrible.."
", you're not supposed to say that to a girl", L scolded him, scoring his face with the pillow again.  He shook his head.  "You should've been extinct centuries ago..."
"Hey, I'm too gorgeous to be extinct."
"Can you two just shut up with the yelling?!"  SungGyu's voice rambled through their dispute as he exited his room.  "One of you just take the girl to go wash up."
You flared your nostrils, taking offense at being called 'the girl'.  Some respect he has...
The two younger boys quickly shot their arms up.  "I will." "I will!"
They faced each other and slowly engaged in a glaring contest.  "No, I will.." "No, I will!"
"Dinosaurs bite!", L hissed, flicking DongWoo's forehead.
"Ice princes are cold!"
"Naw duh, they're the burning rays of the sun", L sarcastically implied.
"JUST GO!", SungGyu hollered, pointing up the stairs.  You flinched at the volume of his voice and ran up the stairs to avoid any more scoldings.  The glares were now directed at the leader.  "Aw hyung, you scared her!", DongWoo frowned, running after you.  "I was with her first!"  L quickly tried to outrun DongWoo.
I don't wanna be here..
You hid in one of the bathrooms and closed your eyes to relax.
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I like. Please update more. IMO who's gonna get her lol