Of Coffees and Lucky Charms


Lee Jinki confesses the day he met her. He stained their uniforms with coffee, he has no money, he forgot his textbooks on his locker and he went out on a cold day without any coat on. Clearly, he was having a bad day so what better chances of him not getting a rejection?


It happened during a windy day.

She was on her way home from school.

She was cold, no, literally cold. The merciless wind keeps blowing and hitting the ground making her sneeze and sniff out in the cold road without her scarf to make her warm. You would know snow was coming as you feel the wind carrying some sort of shattered little pieces of ice that hits straight to your face.

She sneezed one last time before she decided to buy coffee at a nearby Starbucks.


He dashed right out of their door, running and just… running. That’s all he ever thinks about that time, to run as fast as he can because he forgot his textbooks inside his locker. It was funny, really, how he kept running and he suddenly slows down after some meters away. He cursed himself, slapping his face and just, Why wasn’t I smart enough to take the cab? Oh he was in a hurry alright.

With hands on his pockets, he decided he might as well finish walking to school. After he took his first sure steps the wind blew hard making him squint his eyes and oh god, no coat, no scarf, no gloves...

He frowned.

He can’t even take a cab now. He could feel it, his pockets are empty.


Kicking stones and pebbles, she walks with her hands cupping the coffee she brought, it was warm but obviously not enough to keep her from freezing (well unless she showers all those hot liquid to herself). The wind blew and out came another sneeze, and at the time the wind strikes again she swore she probably kicked some pebble into her eye. She closed her eyes on reflex, blinking and tearing up at the sting of pain that dust just brought her. She rubs her eyes and blinks another time and before she knows it, she collided with someone’s shoulder with a hard bump.


“Are you okay? I’m so sorry!” She gasped, hands covering her open mouth. She panicked for a while before extending her arm to the poor guy groaning in pain.

“H-Here, let me help you.” She frowned, obviously not happy with how careless she was. She thought of reminding to slap herself at home in front of the mirror later on.

The guy knows he needed a hand, so he took it gently and careful enough not to bring the both of them down. Oh but this isn’t his lucky day, or hers as well… okay, so, neither of them is feeling a bit lucky,

You would’ve guessed what happened.


“I’m sorry,” it was his turn to frown this time.

“Why you keep blaming yourself, it was my entire fault.” She released an exasperating sigh. She frowned when her eyes met the hot coffee on the table. “It was bad enough I stained your uniform.”

“Well it was bad enough for me to let us both get stained.” He retorted, sipping from his coffee. “You don’t have to treat me, my bones are still intact.” He smiled but frowned when he realized he already drank up the coffee she offered him.”And uhh, I’ll pay for this!” He added.

“But I thought you don’t have money with you?”

“Yea, I um forgot it at home, maybe you could just wait for me here and…” he smacked his head on the table, completely overwhelmed at how forgetful he’s becoming.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yea, I’m fine just--oww… I just needed to physically smack myself.” He said, completely feeling like an idiot.

“I’m sorry, it was really my fault.”

“No no no, it was me; it’s not your fault. I’m—“

“It’s just the wind and I was feeling cold and then…”

“I’m just— it’s just there was something…”

“Something got caught in my eye!” They both exclaimed in unison. They paused for a second before the guy started to laugh and so came another noise of laughter from the girl. They continue to laugh and laugh, until a tear escaped from the eye of the girl while the latter was in pain, clutching his stomach.

“It’s really windy don’t you think? We probably had trouble with those stupid dusts on our eyes.” She smiled and finally sipped on her coffee.

“Yea, seems like it.” He smiled back. And he carefully put his coffee down, avoiding it getting spilled at him for the second time. “But in my case, it wasn’t really a dust.”

“Oh, what was it? Some bug? Oh gross, sorry, that would really make your eye swell isn’t it? If it was really a bug, I mean. But then your eyes look perfectly fine, to me. So I guess… I hope I’m not grossing you out or anything.” He chuckled a bit at how talkative she’s becoming. And he thought she was so shy she’d run away from him.

“Nope. It’s not really a bug.” He said, scratching the back of his neck.

“Oh, could it be a… a…” She narrowed her eyes in space, thinking of what other possible things that would fly in there.

“Would you believe me…” he started, turning his gaze to his coffee.

“…if it was you?”


a/n: idea came out of nowhere... err well something really got caught in my eye when i was walking home, but it was not a bug. i swear. that's where i got the idea though. and lee jinki is in lead this time. >:D i um hope you guys like it. it's un-beta-ed /runs away


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candytofuu #1
gosh. i can't find time to type the next chapter rn, but i have it all written in my notebook. can someone type it for me? LOL.<br />
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@unjinx this isn't a one-shot. although i was planning on leaving it like this. keke. before i typed this, my very purpose is to make this a one-shot but idk, ideas came popping out so maybe i should put more chapters (probably 5 more or sth).<br />
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dude, that was such a nice comment. ;A; i don't even know i balanced his personality /sobs. and yea, 3rd pov ftw! \^o^/
unjinx #2
WAH! I'm so happy to find this here! Onew fics are seriously lacking T T but I found this~! Just wondering, is this a one-shot? Or are you writing more? Sorry, it kind of sounds like a one-shot but it also seems like there's going to be more of this?<br />
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Anyways, this was really cute. It felt mature but captured the cute side of Onew really well. Most of the time he's written as this immature character and although sometimes I find it adorable, there's that other side of him I want to see. You balanced his childish personality with his adult personality nicely. I love how bold and spontaneous he is. And the girl! They've only just met but I feel the chemistry already! I really do hope it works out.<br />
<br />
Btw, 3rd pov ftw. XD
candytofuu #3
lmao. well aren't you cute. XD <br />
tbh i just wrote this last night, there are vague scenes of what will happen in the story playing at the back of my mind but clearly, i am not sure where this is leading to. it's like, this came out of spontaneity. i'm terrible, i know. but i am willing to finish this. i'm so glad this made you feel romantic, and your message made me feel motivated. thank you! :D
Sooo romantic! I've been trying to find a FF like this for soooo loooong.<br />
I feel like crying~ and it's even better with Jinki as main character!<br />
I'm not overreacting! Waaah~~~<br />
Sigh, promise me that you'll update this until the end! Pleaseee? <br />
So weird! I was actually feeling really romantic and BANG there it was waiting for me to read it!!!<br />