Telling you my feelings: part 2

When love over spills


Hankyung left crying Heechul with Siwon and Kibum. And he followed their maknae out of the room. Because Hankyung`s korean wasn`t really that good he didn`t really talk that much but he was a very good observer and he knew why Kyuhyun was so freaked out and angry. He knew that their cute evil little maknae loved their tourtle loving member.

Hankyung walked to the waiting room where he found Kyuhyun sitting down with his head bowed down and crying. He came closer to him and kneeled infront of him so he could see his face. Hankyung gently lifted his chin so they were looking into each other`s eyes. Kyu`s eyes were red and puffy because he was crying so hard even before and now was even worse. Tears were runing down his cheeks like waterfall with no sign of stoping anytime soon.

» Kyuhyun-ah…«

He said quietly, cupping his face and wiping away his tears.

»Hyung…I…I thought…I was gonna…lose him…«

Kyu said while even more tears started spilling out. Now Hankyung stood up and sat next to Kyuhyun pulling him into a tight hug.

»Don`t worry Kyuhyun-ah he`s gonna be fine…everything is gonna be ok now, ok?«

He reassured him while gently his back. But Kyuhyun was still crying like crazy because the tears just wouldn`t stop.

»I was just…so…so scared hyung…when he…c-collapsed like that…infront of me…i…i really thought i was gonna lose him…«

Kyu started crying even harder than before.

»There, there…just calm down Kyu, ok?«

»And…why didn`t… he tell us his leg was hurting from the fall and that he was runing a fever even before the concert began?... Doesn`t he trust us?«

Kyuhyun kept on saying all that as Hankyung was still holding him tightly so he would calm down.

»And right now was the…same, his leg started hurting but he didn`t tell Donghae-hyung to stop clinging on to him.«

Kyuhyun said a bit pissed off and still tears runing down his face.

»Look Kyu, I know that you were worried…we all were a lot. And I know that Yesung should tell us that he wasn`t feeling well and that his leg was hurting…but still you should listen to what he has to say not just scold him for not saying anything.«

Hankyung said looking directly into Kyuhyun`s eyes and still gently pating him on the back. Kyu seemed to have calmed down a little so Hankyung started talking again.

»You know he just didn`t want to let down his fans and…us.«

Kyuhyun  looked a little confused at the word ˝us˝ and Hankyung noticed that.

»Us?...But why? We all love him…he should know that we won`t be angry if he said he can`t do the concert because his leg was hurting…I mean he only made us more worried.«

»We all know that…it`s just that he`s a little dense when it comes to him you know.«

Kyu was looking a little confused at his hyung not really knowing what to make of everything that his chinese hyung has told him.

»Go to him and tell him how you feel about him.«

Hankyung said with a sweet smile but it was still strong.

»But…what if he doesn`t feel the same…no he defenetly doesn`t feel the same.«

Kyuhyun-ah you are never going to know if you don`t ask him…and i am pretty sure he does feel the same way as you…trust me.«


»Look Kyu, Yesung is a sensitive guy. He loves his tourtle like family, he knows some of us probably better than we know our self`s and he never shows us his weak side, because he is one of the older hyungs so he has to be strong for everyone else. And that idiot always hide`s it behind that smile of his and it works untill he comes back to his room and the problems all come back. That`s why he needs someone to be there for him and as much as i or any other member would like to be that person he won`t let us. That`s why go and tell him how you feel, ok?«

Kyu was looking at Hankyung like he fell from heaven, but he finally understond what he meant. And Kyu decidet he would be there for their tourtle loving friend from now on, now hej ust needs to go and tell him how he fells.

»Ok, I`ll tell him.«

He said, determend he stood up and wiping away his tears. They got up and went back to the room where everyone else was still fussing over Yesung and Donghae was still crying, but now Eunhyuk was comforting him. They entered and everyone was looking at them. Kyu didn`t move from where Hankyung put him, he became so nervous the moment he steped back in, so Hankyung had to move him. Hankyung then went to Heechul whose eyes were puffy and red he took his face in his hands and kissed him on the forehead, he then looked back at their maknae and then to their leader. Leeteuk cought on with Hankyung`s clue.

»Ok guys, let`s leave Yesung to rest so he can get better.«

Donghae wanted to protest but Eunhyuk shut him up before he could and then he draged him out of the room, everyone else followed exept Kyuhyun who stayed still in the same place as Hankyung left him. Yesung was feeling a bit awkward from before so he was just looking down and not saying anything. Kyuhyun finally got back to his senses and slowly moved towards Yesung. He sat on the bed next to Yesung and facing him head on. Kyu gently lifted his head up and they were looking in to each other`s eyes. Yesung`s eyes were red and puffy because he was crying before and Kyu felt guilty because he was the one who made him cry.


Kyuhyun said that with sad eyes and Yesung was totally shocked. Their maknae was never the type to apologise even if he did something wrong and right now he was looking at him apologising and Yesung didn`t even know for what Kyu was apologising to him. When actually Yesung should be the one to apologise, because he realised he should have told them that he was hurt and not make them worry even more.

»I`m…sorry…for making you cry…I never meant too…it`s just that i was hurt that you didn`t tell us hurt and then it all got even worse…«

Kyuhyun said with a sad voice. And Yesung was still not saying anything he was just staring at Kyu with those dark eyes of his.

»But it`s just that…I-I got so scared when i saw you collapse like that infront of me…I thought i was gonna lose you hyung…I was really terrafide…«

»I`m sorry Kyu…for making you worry like that…i won`t do it again…I promise.«

Yesung finally said that with a loving smile. Kyu then presed their foreheads together and just stared at Yesung`s eyes and Yesung didn`t move because even thou they were closer than they should be he was it wasn`t awkward in was nice and comforting. Then slowly Kyu pressed their lips together softly. They both closed their eyes and Yesung kissed him back. After a few seconds they parted away their foreheads still tuching.

»I love you Yesung-hyung and you better like me too or else I am gonna start crying right now.«

He said with a smile on his lips because he knew from the kiss that the older man infront of him feels the same way.

»Well you don`t have to cry because i love you too, Kyuhyun-ah«

And they kissed again. But then BOOM the door flew open and all the guys fell in one on top of the other like a pyramide. Hankyung was the first one to get up, pulling Heechul up with him.

»Ups…Sorry for interupting.«

He said with a small smirk on his lips. And after that was said all of the other members snaped back into reality.

»Yah, Cho Kyuhyun what the hell was that? First you make him cry and now you tell him you love him? If you love him then don`t make him cry in the first place!«

»Don`t worry Kangin-hyung I won`t do it again.«

Kyu said witha smile on his face looking into Yesung`s eyes, who was totaly emmbaresed that the other members just saw them kissing. Well he will just have to get used to that because living with 13 people isn`t that easy. But the good thing is everything ended well.


This is it for YesungxKyuhyun story it took a bit long but i`ve finished it…but i still have to write the others plus the other story which is in a bit of hiatus right now……well i hope you enjoy reading comment and subscribe ^^

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sapphirewing #1
please update ASAP!!! I wanna know what happen >.<
yay! i loved it!<br />
i really like all the emotion portrayed in it. =)<br />
please write another! =D<br />
MeLart #3
yay!!! i loved this!!<br />
ahh i dont know where to start!!<br />
felt sad for yesung but then i felt bad for kyuhyun but then it all turned out okay!!!<br />
and i loved the ending too! :D<br />