Our Memorable Camp Experience

Literally Love Stories



Suki Yong's POV

"Okay class! I have a surprise for you guys," Onew, a part of my class' committee announced before the school bell rang. "The class commitee has decided that we should have a memorable time together as it is our last year in high school." He cleared his throat. "Sooo," He continued, keeping all of us in useless suspense. "We would like you guys to decide where and when we should go." Onew said, smiling.

"Lets go to that new shopping mall!" I shouted. Everyone turned to each other and rolled their eyes.

"She's such a shopaholic." Taemin leaned across to whisper to Jonghyun, his best friend.

"Yeah, its totally expected from her." He whispered back grinning. I, whom sat a row away from them, eyed the duo evilly.

"Lets go camping!" Taemin suggested suddenly.

"I wanna go camping in the woods behind our school." Someone from the back added.

"Yeah, its near our school so when we see pictures of our old school days we will remember it!" Jonghyun said excitedly.

There were murmers in the class and then a united shout of "WE TOTALLY AGREE!" from the other classmates. Taemin stood up and said " Kamsahamnida everyone!" and smiled cutely.

"KYAAAAA~!" All the girls in class screamed. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. 

"No girl pays attention to me," Jonghyun said, in a fake-pissed off kinda way.

"This will be fun, eh, Yuki?" Taemin said to me, over the excited chattering of the classmates. He smiled mischeviously.

"A perfect opportunity for us to spend time together." I replied, smacking him playfully. Taemin, a cute mushroom haired best friend of mine. " You wish," I muttered under my breath. Soft, but loud enough for him to hear.

Taemin glared at me and started poking at my sides. "WAHAHAHAHA!!! St--stoppit Taemin!" I said while convulsing on my chair in laughter. He stopped and I said: "Taemin!! Told ya' not to do that!" I shot daggers at him while pouting.

When he saw I was upset, he kissed me on the forehead. In immediate response, I blushed looking down.

"Not angry anymore?" Taemin asked.

"I'm still angry," I  said and cheekily pecked him on the cheek before turning away to discuss with Hye Yong what I'm wearing to camp.


Lee Taemin's P.O.V.

"Listen to my why-y-y-y-y-y-y y..." I hummed to myself. It was now 6 in the evening and here I am, sitting on a rock at the campsite, while absolutely no one but MinHo and I are here. Somewhat in a mysterious dramatic way, I heard a Japanese flute playing off somewhere and a wind howled through the air.

"They were supposed to start turning up, like, 15 minutes ago," I grumbled, annoyed. "Cool down Taeminnie," MinHo use the girlish nickname on me. I shot daggers at him. "Its just 15 minutes," He shrugged. " Don't forget: Girls will pack like they're moving houses, not camping." MinHo warned, grinning.

Just then, Jonghyun, Key and Onew came walking onto the campsite, chatting animatedly bags filled with clothes just enough for 2 days 1 night, slung over their shoulder.

"Finally, more company." I said sarcastically.

The girls arrive, finally, with MORE stuff than MinHo and I'd expected. And the committee finally got the camp started.

"Ok guys!" MinHo, another class committee, announced, grinning like how Onew was. " You'll be divided into pairs. So here are the pairings: Yuri and Jonghyun -"

"Aw no, man! My luck is gone." Jonghyun groaned interrupting MinHo.

"Believe me, he deserves it," Onew whispered to me. We started laughing at the back together.


While they were laughing together, " Taemin and Yuki..." was suddenly announced through the dramatic silence.. Yuki was busy talking excitedly to Hye Yong.

"So now we are going to play hide and seek in the dark. Teams must stick together!" MinHo said after he'd finish with the pairs.

"WHOA, WHOA, JAMKAMAN!! Onew, who is my partner?" Taemin asked.

" I think it's Yuki. Gotta go!" Onew replied, running off with Yoona, his partner.

"Yuki..." Taemin whispered looking around, the wind whoosh-ing around the clearing making it eerie. Taemin spun around a couple of times more. "There's no one here already. Dammit!" He sulked, trudging off into the forest, hands in his pocket, to find Yuki.

Meanwhile on the other side of camp with the drama queens..

"YUUKI! Come guard our belongings!" Yuri screeched.

"YAH, you better guard them or else we'll leave you in the forest to sleep later on!" One of her evil followers added.

"Fine." Yuki said, rolling her eyes. 'It's better staying here than playing with you es." She thought to herself.

Once the girls went off, Yuki sighed, plopping down on her luggage. "I wish Taemin was my partner... Wait a sec, who IS my partner?!" She exclaimed.

Sung Yuki's P.O.V.

Just then, Taemin popped out of the trees behind the girls tents.

"You missed me?" Taemin said with his y voice, hugging me from behind. I gasped involuntarily, from shock, and leaned against his chest for support.

"LEE TAEMIN! DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" I screeched as loud as Yuri had. A couple of crows form the trees flew off.

"Done ranting?" Taemin calmly asked me, a grin on his face.

"Yep." I replied, taking a deep breath and puffing out my cheeks.

"Come with me. I know a secret place where we can see something really beautiful, and most probably not get caught," Taemin said mysteriously. 

" This better be good." I warned him darkly, following him.

While we were walking in awkward silence as usual, two guys started shouting: "YAH! MUSHROOM KID! "

" SHADDUP! THAT'S LEE TAEMIN!! HE'LL KILL YOU. " The other fought back. 

" WHATEVER! CATCH HIM!!!!!!!! " And they started charging towards us.

"Excuse me?! MUSHROOM HEAD?! WHAT?! " Taemin started yelling.

"Let's just go!" I whispered urgently. His grip on my hand tightened and we ran through the forest.. Taemin pulling me forward.

-huff-huff- I tried my best to catch my breath.

"Are-they -huff- gone?" I said, panting heavily, looking around like an owl. " Whoever invented this game is a -huff- complete ."

"Sure...they are." Taemin winced, hands on his knees. Then, my legs gave in and I crumpled to the ground, laying flat on my back, panting. Taemin fell beside me.

Taemin's P.O.V.

"I'm..sorry about that, running...too..fast." I whispered through deep breaths. The forest seemed way too quiet for a normal voice.

"It's okay, Taeminnie." I heard Yuki whisper back, adding the girlish nickname. "Look at the sky..." She continued. I opened my eyes and saw a sky of stars and the moon, hidden between clouds.

"This is even better than my secret place!" I said loudly, gasping, turning to face Yuki.

"Sure is..." She said and she turned to face me.

I looked in to her eyes..

Looking into her deep...brown eyes....

Looking into her beautiful brown eyes...

We slowly moved in... And kissed.

I savored her sweet lucious lips...

"I love you." We said at the same time after pulling away. Laughing quietly, we looked back at the sky, just in time to see a shooting star.

'This is the best camp ever...I wish...that we can be together forever, Yuki and me.' I thought to myself as I heard Yuki say a wish under her breath.. I'll find out that wish someday.. We have plentiful time.. Together.



SHINEElf : Nope it isn't, you should take some self confidence from me :D

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swimchic #1
Not to be a bother... but ive been waiting for .... lik 10 monthes for part 2 of my story...update soon!
Girl x Boy <br />
<br />
Name: Park Sung Rin<br />
Partner: Thunder (MBLAQ)<br />
How does the Partner act: Cold, Mysterious, cool, but does have a sensitive side.<br />
Title: What is Your Problem?<br />
I'm okay with , up to you<br />
Plot: I'm back in Korea after 5 years in America. I'm new at school and I meet my childhood friend - Cheondoong who is now known as Thunder by others. When I tried to say hi to him, he just looks at me coldly and ignores me as if he never knew me. I knew he did because we were the bestest of friends. Why is he acting like that?<br />
Genre: Angst, Sad, Cute<br />
Whose Point of View: Switching around<br />
Author: lawlietKEY
Girl x Boy <br />
<br />
Name: Han Hye Soo<br />
Partner: Chunji<br />
How does the Partner act: cold outward appearance<br />
Title: Have you ever heard of a nice kingka?<br />
please no .<br />
Plot: When I entered the school, we had a certain misunderstanding that turned into a big fuss.<br />
Since then,we were known as the no. 1 worst rivals in school. We are always nagging with each other and always think opposite. In short, we NEVER get along. Until one time, we were forced to be partners...and that means...WORKING TOGETHER.<br />
After some quite time, we started to develop feelings for each other.<br />
<br />
Genre: romance<br />
Whose Point of View: switching around<br />
Author: lawlietKEY -
Girl x Boy <br />
<br />
Name: Woo Jinri<br />
Partner: SHINee Lee Onew<br />
How does the Partner act: sweet, dork, sometimes can be serious, playfull, & easy going<br />
Title: Dont Act Like Chicken, Chicken lover!<br />
Plot: Jinri love Onew, but Onew never showed his feeling towards her, so always feeling oneside, so she decide to test Onew feeling to her, and so it on<br />
Genre: Cute, romance,drama, & comedy<br />
Whose Point of View: My partners<br />
Girl x Boy <br />
<br />
Name: Minjoo Choi<br />
Partner: Jonghyun from SHINee<br />
How does the Partner act: idiotic 50% of the time, cute with aegyo, and romantic<br />
<br />
Title: Struggling To Fall Out Of Love....But Failing Miserably<br />
<br />
Kissing, hugging, do whatever you feel like doing. ;)<br />
<br />
Plot: A clumsy yet cute and talented girl name Minjoo stumbles upon a graveyard and finds a vampire named Jonghyun hanging around the area. She had many opportunities to either kill him or run away and never see him again, but she ends up having too much fun with him to stay away from him.<br />
<br />
Genre: Cute, funny, romance, mystery,vampires<br />
Whose Point of View: my POV then to Jonghyun's POV<br />
Author: lawlietKEY
AmethystCat #6
GirlxBoy <br />
Name: Kang Cassie<br />
<br />
Partner: Thunder(MBLAQ)<br />
<br />
How does the partner act:Cold outwardly,calculating,cool but underneath caring and loving and VERY stubborn<br />
<br />
Title: When You Walked Through That Door<br />
<br />
Just the average hugging and kissing!^^<br />
<br />
PLOT: MBLAQ found Cassie, a broken,sad and not to mention suicidal girl.They brought her home and she's been living there for a week but the minute she walked through the door Thunder had fallen for her...hard.He is not the kind to fall in love but he loves her so much but he doesn't know what to do.She's broken..but will his love fix her?<br />
<br />
GENRE:Sad,Angst,Romance and fluff!^^<br />
<br />
WHOSE POINT OF VIEW: Switched around.<br />
<br />
Author:Shineelf<br />
<br />
LeeRose #7
Oops I'm so sorry! I forgot to mention it's boy x girl!
LeeRose #8
Name: Seung MiHi<br />
<br />
Partner: HeeChul, SuJu<br />
<br />
How does the Partner act: Cold & mysterious but shows his love in the end ^-^<br />
<br />
Title: My First Time Trully Loving Someone<br />
<br />
-Kisses don't belong in right!? xD-<br />
<br />
Plot: Hee & MiHi, top students of school. Everyone considers them as nerds although their not. HeeChul starts falling for her after they couple for the final show. She also likes him but thinks she wont have a chance so she tries not even to get close to him. Anonymously, both ask one another to prom and meet outside the school at the prom day when they share their first kiss~<br />
<br />
Genre: School Life, cute & funny<br />
<br />
Whose Point of View: Switching around is the best, isn't it? :P<br />
<br />
Author: Shineelf<br />
<br />
<br />
Thank you, sooooo much! :*
Girl x Boy<br />
Name: Choi Eunhye<br />
Partner: Kikwang of BEAST<br />
How does the Partner act: He is very shy around her but he loves to alot! He drops hits to her about his feelings and is always trying to show off his dance moves in front of her in an attempt to get her to like him(though she already does like him). Kikwang is also very sweet and caring towards her :)<br />
Title: May I Have This Dance?<br />
NO , okay slightly or not at all:<br />
Please include a kiss!<br />
Plot: Eunhye is a new transfer student to CUBE Arts High and she dances extremely well. Kikwang fell in love with her at first sight because she was so pretty, and he was simply mesmerized after seeing her dance! He then goes all out to get to know Eunhye and then ask her out and finally to get her to be his girlfriend! Here's a link to a song that kinda explains Kikwang's feelings for Eunhye; http://cnbluestorm.com/2010/05/10/c-n-blue-“love-light”-hangeulromanized-lyrics-with-translations/<br />
Genre: Comedy with fluff romance!(do your thang, girl!)<br />
Whose Point of View: Kikwang's<br />
Author: shineelf<br />
<br />
please and thank you!
KUKEYaijou #10
Girl x Boy<br />
<br />
Name: Park Ji Young-nickname:SUSHI<br />
Partner: Key -- SHINee<br />
How does the Partner act: cold, but actually sweet in the inside, <br />
Title: My Only Sushi<br />
NO , <br />
Plot: I dont know what plot does :P so.. song: STAND BY ME - SHINee <br />
Genre: comdey romance drama<br />
Whose Point of View: Switching around<br />
Author: (Either lawlietKEY or shineelf) you decide!:D<br />
<br />
...yeas, new to AFF ..And I just saw `SHINee`:P<br />
and the ..description