It's a hamster



Suhyun's POV

I walked down the corridors, heading towards the cafeteria for lunch. I made my way to into the jam-packed cafeteria. Ugh. I hated this so much.  As I ate my food, I heard some of my classmates, GIRLS to be exact, talking about, “Hey, did you hear? We have a new classmate,” “Really?” “I hope it’s a cute boy!” And then they giggled. I sighed in annoyance. I don’t exactly hate them but I hate this kind of girl talk. I was basically eating alone. Mi Young, my best friend, moved to California and left me. Great.

I finished my food and went to the library. At least, I can read there in peace or sleep there. I read books like those in mystery genre. I don’t know why but I like them. Time passed by and the rest of the classes were all boring. They always were. Dismissal came pretty slow which was so irritating. I don’t get it. When you’re having fun, time passes by so fast but when you’re bored, time is torturing you.

I went straight to my apartment. I went in and saw the empty room. I don’t exactly live alone. My mom would always come home late so don’t talk to each other a lot was on her business trip for 3 weeks. My dad… well, he slept with another woman so my mom kicked him out, literally. Mom kicked him in his bum. It was funny but sad, I know.

I locked the door since I wouldn’t be expecting one. I went to my room and threw my bag across the room. I changed into more comfortable clothes. I plopped down on my bed and slept. I woke up by 9. Time for dinner. I went to the kitchen and cooked instant noodles. Healthy lifestyle, I know. I took the bowl to my room and opened my laptop to see what was up in the cyber world.

I had a video chat with Mi Young. “Yah-what the . You look like an ajhumma!” Mi Yong exclaimed. I checked myself. My hair was tied into a messy bun and I was completely like an ajhumma. More to that, I was eating noodles. We talked more before Miyoung said she had to go. Bye bye.

I sighed as she went off. Suddenly, out of nowhere, out of the blue, I remembered him, my childhood friend. I wonder what he’s doing now. He moved to States but he said he would come back and tell me his deepest darkest secret. Even though it had been a long time, I was still looking forward in knowing it.

I went on my bed after finishing my ramen. I didn’t bother go out and wash the bowl. I placed it on top of my bedside table and would just wash it the next day. I didn’t forget to text my mom good night. That was my habit. That was probably our only communication for the day.


The next day, I woke up as my alarm kicked me in the face. I got myself ready and ate breakfast, washed the dishes, including the bowl from last night, locked the door and left. I put on my earphones and ignored the world. On my way, I passed by a pet shop which made me cringed. They were selling hamsters and let me tell you, I couldn’t stand the sight of them. I don’t hate hamsters, I am afraid of them.

This phobia started when my mom brought home a hamster. It was placed in a box with holes. We were still looking for a cage so it remained in the box. One day, I tried to play with it. Since it was placed in a box with holes, I inserted my finer with one of the holes. The hamster my finger at first, which made my happy. But then, it bit me hard. When I took out my finger, it was already bleeding and it wouldn’t stop.

Yes, a lame phobia, I know. I reached the school gate but then, something hard collided with my shoulder. When I checked who that daredevil was, I swear I could have died. That guy… looked like… a hamster. I mean, come on. How could a guy resemble a hamster?! Rude.

He continued his way to his group of friends also known as Infinite. Infinite is the school kingkas. They’re just good-looking people. But this Hamster Guy, I’ve never seen him before with Infinite. Could he be the new student? What if he would be in my class? NO. FREAKING. WAY. I shook those disturbing thoughts away. He could be in the other class. Yes, That’s right.

I got my things from my locker and went to the classroom. Girls chatting about boys and boys talking about girls; Fan girls talking about their favorite boy bands and girl groups; Otaku boys and girls talking about the anime they have watched and the manga they have read; Some studious boys and girls glued their eyes on their books. It was a usual sight to see, nothing new.

I sat down on my seat, and waited for the bell to ring as I rested my cheek on the table and slept. Sooner, the bell rang and so I got myself ready. The teacher entered with that annoying familiar face… HAMSTER GUY. We greeted the teacher but most of the class’ eyes were on that guy. “Class, this is your new classmate,” the teacher introduced him.

“Hello, my name is Kim Sunggyu. Please treat me well,” Hamster guy introduced his stupid self. His name sounds so familiar, though.”Okay. Kim Sunggyu, Sit beside Suhyun,” the teacher said. Hold up. I heard my very, very, very, very beautiful name. Oh . NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. HELL TO THE ING NO! TRY SITTING DOWN THERE AND I WILL KILL YOU.

And there, BAM, he sat beside me. I will stab you with my Hello Kitty pencil later in my dreams. He was sitting on my best friend’s seat! ing . “Hello,” he spoke to me. What the hell. You are a hamster; I don’t want to talk to you. I turned my head and looked at him with a bored expression. OHHe really looks like a mothering hamster! I apologize for the language. “Yo,” I said and turned away.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw him shift his attention from me to the teacher. The whole morning, we didn’t talk, as to much of my delight. Yes. That is tight, Hamster Guy. Do not talk to me ‘cause I don’t want to talk to you. I thought he would never talk to me but then, “Hey, do you have someone to eat with you?”

Mister Hamster, I know where this is going. I don’t want to talk nor eat with you because you look like a hamster! I never planned to answer but it seemed like he wouldn’t leave without getting a proper answer from me. Shoo, Hamster. SHOO! But he wouldn’t leave. Fortunately, I was saved by his friends.

“Oi, hyung!” a diva boy called him. Taking that as an opportunity, I quickly grabbed my things and left the room, completely escaping him.


Narrator’s POV

Sunggyu sighed as he saw Suhyun walking away. “Hyung!” Sungjong called him again. Could she really not remember me? He thought as he went to the others. “Yah, I saw you talking to that Ice Chic,” Woohyun nudged him. “Ice Chic?” Sunggyu asked. How did his childhood friend get that nickname? “She’s not interested in boys and when you stare into her eyes, you’ll freeze to death. When you talk to her, she’ll give you nothing or one-word answer plus the ice cubes!” Woohyun explained, which made Sunggyu think for awhile.

“So… why were you talking to her?” Woohyun asked. “I asked her if she has someone to eat with,” “Oh… you like her, huh?” “I’m not like you. She’s a childhood friend,” Sunggyu answered. “Introduce us to her, hyung,” Sungjon butted in.

“I can but…” Sunggyu answered, hesitating. “But what?” the six boys asked altogether. “She doesn’t remember me,” Sunggyu answered, looking down. There was a moment of silence for the 6 guys to sympathize with their older friend. “Don’t cry, she’ll remember you. Come on, let’s eat. I’m hungry already,” L spoke, breaking the silence then, walked ahead with the others.

“Yah! I’m not crying!” Sunggyu shouted as he caught up with them. “You were going to,” L answered back. “What? No!” “It’s okay, hyung. It’s okay to cry in front of us. We won’t judge you,” “What the hell? I wasn’t going to cry! YAH!” “Stop being so defensive, hyung,” And that was how he was killed by L. The 6 guys laughed and L did a high-five with Sungyeol.

They arrived at the cafeteria and the girls’ eyes were glued on the 7 guys. Who wouldn’t notice and contemplate the 7 gorgeous guys walking with their images shining, as if they’re gods? Jung Sunghyun would. She doesn’t care about anybody else, she got an earpiece plugged both to her ears with music blasting.

The first thing Sunggyu did was look for Suhyun and found her eating alone. “Why is she eating alone? Does she have any friends?” Sunggyu asked his friends as they sat down on their places. “She does but her only friend moved to California this year. This girl was always with her. They were like total opposites. This girl is always smiling. She’s the heat and Suhyun is the cold,” Hoya explained.

“Are you serious? How did she become so cold and distant to others?” Sunggyu asked. “We don’t know. Some said she was that since the start,” Dongwoo answered him. “Sungjong was pale after approaching her,” Woohyun said, laughing.

“It’s not funny! If you stared into her eyes, you could feel like your soul being out of you!” Sungjong defended himself. Sunggyu sighed, “Is she mad at me or she just couldn’t recognize me?” “Ey, maybe she just couldn’t recognize you. You’ve changed so much,” Woohyun comforted him. “I hope so,”

“Oh!” Dongwoo spoke. “What? Why?” Sunggyu asked. “She’s leaving,” Dongwoo answered. They watched her stand up and leave the cafeteria, with her hands in her pocket. She turned her head to the 7 boys and glanced at them before leaving. “Did she just look at us?” Hoya asked. “Aigoo, she’s so scary!” Sungjong whined.


Suhyun’s POV

I finished my lunch and then stood up. I felt multiple holes burning on me. I turned my head and saw Hamster Guy and his friends staring at me. I know his name is Sunggyu but come on, I think Hamster Guy is much suitable.

I went to one of my sanctuaries in my school, the library. I wasn’t a nerd or a geek. I just love the silence in there. Rooftop was in my list but some idiots claimed it to be theirs. By idiots, I meant those boys who wanted to cut classes and smoke. I almost got into a fight thanks to them but I knew better. I simply got up and went out, closing the door for them. I locked the door with my spare key.

A janitor, an old good friend of mine gave me that key. I helped him once with the gardening. So, he gave me a spare key to the rooftop. He knew I like that place and I can go there anytime I wanted. Going back, I locked them up and went home. The janitor would probably open the door for them. The next day, I went to the rooftop, only to see they were gone. I don’t know but I felt relief for them not to be there.

But locking them up didn’t do me any good. They bullied me… if that’s the term you call it. But, I didn’t succumb to their wishes. The people that can only order me around are my mom and Mi Young. The idiots that I locked up started to make fun of me. I did an amazing thing, I ignored them.

I wouldn’t fight back because they were absolutely not worth it. What would I get if I fight back? Would I win? Yes, of course. My mom enrolled me and my childhood friend in a Taekwondo class. Would they leave me alone? Probably but I’ll get in trouble and stain my good reputation, as if I have one. I don’t like things, I would not benefit from.

I often get into fights because of my eyes. I was being called ‘Ice Chic’ because of my eyes. It’s absolutely not my fault if I was born with these eyes.


The bell rang, signaling that this lunch had come to an end. Just in time, I had finished the book, Boneman’s daughter. It was a good suspense story. I returned the book to its proper place and went back to the classroom. I sighed as I saw that guy again. I guess I have to endure this for more months.

He would ask me questions and I would only answer him with a nod, a shrug or my head shaking or a one word. Sooner, dismissal came. Finally. The teacher finally dismissed us. I quickly placed my things in my bag and went out of the room, leaving all of my classmates still inside the room. Yes, I was in a hurry. Hamstergyu would talk to me again. I was then calling him Hamstergyu. He's a hamster and a Sunggyu... combine them together, his name is HamsterGyu. TADA!

I heard him call out my name but I ignored it. I sound mean, don’t I? Well, I don’t care. I was about to go straight home but I passed by a convenience store. I went in and bought a gallon of strawberry ice cream. Yes, I would be the only one eating that. Yes, I eat a lot. No, I don’t care what you say and think about me.


Narrator’s POV:

“Dear, how are you?” Sunggyu’s mom asked. Sunggyu was seated in front of a screen. “I’m fine, mom,” he answered. His parents were in the States. He went home for a purpose but it seemed like it would be hard to fulfill. She couldn’t remember him. How would he be able to do it? Anyway, he was up for a challenge… so his stay here would be fun.

The next days of Suhyun were full of Sunggyu trying talking to her. She was still cold to him. He tried giving her chocolates but she wouldn’t accept it. She hates chocolates unless they were Ice cream. Of course, he wouldn’t know that.

He wouldn’t give up, nevertheless. He thought that sooner, she will soon warm up to him and probably remember him. Fortunately for him, the teacher asked them to do a project. This project needed to be done by 2, which meant she has to do the project with her seatmate... Sunggyu.


Suhyun’s POV:

The girls in my class turned around and glared at me. I knew what those glares meant. If you want him, I will gladly give him to you. Hamstergyu looked at me but I sighed and raised my hand. “Yes, Suhyun?” the teacher acknowledged me. “I would like to do the project alone,” I said. At the corner of my eyes, I could see Hamstergyu’s sadness. I’m sorry, Mr. Hamster. I don’t want to work you. At his expression, I felt sorry. BUT I DIDN’T CARE. HA!

Unfortunately, “I’m sorry but you can’t. This project aims to establish good relationship with your seatmate for you to enjoy his or her accompany the whole semester,” she said. Good relationship, my . I sighed in annoyance. Grr. I could feel Hamstergyu dancing his victory dance. You mothering hamster.

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Chapter 1: HAHAHA lolol!!
HAHAHA! I like the plot:) It seems like its going to be funny! Can't wait<3