

"Yah, you lost the bet! So you should suffer the consequences too!" Junsu said to a reluctant Hyukjae.
"I didn't even want to participate in this stupid game!"
"Hyuk...don't be such a child right now. Just go up to that fish and do it." Siwon replied.
"We all know you've always wanted to." Kyuhyun added smirking.

Damn he had me there. I glanced over to the other side of the cafeteria where he sat, nipping his vanilla flavoured milkshake while reading a magazine. My eyes wandered from his hand with his long, elegant fingers leafing through the pages, along his muscled arms to his broad shoulders and chest. Up along his neck and perfect jawline my gaze went until it stopped at his eyes. God, I loves those eyes. I seemed to drown in them, everytime I looked directly into them. They really where the mirrors of his emotions. I turned back and sighed.

"But I don't think it's fair towards him." I tried again.
"Like we CARE!"Junsu and Kyuhyun exclaimed in unison. Siwon shook his head annoyed.
"Look, we got your back. Lunch is over in about 5 minutes. You've got to do this now."

I sighed once more, seeing there was no escaping it now and walked in his direction.
I became more nervous with every step I took, with every step that brought me closer to him.
I had already liked him for so long. Hell, If I would have believed in it, I'd have thought it was love at first sight. Of course such a thing doesn't exist, but still.
My heart began to beat faster, accelerated by my nervousness that was also fueled by the snickering and teasing remarks behind me.

Finally I stood before him, or rather behind him. I only had to reach out and he would turn around. If only it was that easy.
"Taking to damn long!" I heard someone say behind me and I was pushed forward. As I fell I reached forward and grabbed what was before me:Him.
Oh, god no. Please let me die right now.

"Eunhyuk! Are you alright?"I heard him ask. He was keeping me upright with those strong arms of his. I could almost faint by the thought of it. But I didn't, I still had a mission to accomplish.

"D-Do-Donghae?" "Yes" He looked at me with his mirrors full of worry.
It was now or never.

I crashed my lips onto his. At first he stood frozen in place, like a statue.
Then he pulled back and whispered huskily "You have no idea how long I've waited for this."
He crashed his lips back on mine while shoving his tongue into my mouth and circling around my waist. At first it was my turn to stand there, nailed to the ground. But then as he began to explore my cavern, all I could do was circle my arms around his neck and kiss him back feverishly.

I heard someone gasping behind me, but I didn't care. I imagined it was Siwon and that his eyes were almost popping out of their caskets, like they tend to do.
My thoughts returned to where they belonged as he began to my tongue. We broke our kiss due to lack of air and he smirked "Finally you're mine.".




Yay another oneshot^^ This just poofed up in my head yesterday.

I'm still working on another, but I started that on in November>.> that one won't be finished anytime soon, I'm afraid.

Please comment^^ 

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Chapter 1: it's soooo cute! echt schattig! ^_^
Chapter 1: Soooooo cute!!!!!!!! x3
Weronika #3
Nawww so cute xD Loved it!!
Ugh why I felt butterfly inside my stomach when I read this story? omg, did I ate something wrong? And why did I blushing when I read this? Is my AC broke down? /fanning my self/
mewlexi #5
THAT WAS THE BEST SHORTEST EUNHAE FIC EVER!!!! If it was any longer than it would have lost it's touch :D

No ignore what i said, I WANT MORE!!!! <3
Trololo14 #6
that was nice and cute and awwwww so sweet :3
Wah! So sweet! I liked it!
Yaaay first subscriber and commenter *partyhard*