
Dirty Secrets

The room was filled with close friends and family. I was celebrating my 24 birthday. My best friends; Ana, Nat, and Kikki had surprised me with a party. The food was amazing especially the desserts. I had no complaints. I was enjoying every minute of it. Everyone was dancing and of course I was excited to find out he came. My boyfriend of two and half years came home with the guys from Japan. Dong Young Bae was his name. I was absolutely happy to have find out that they were able to be done with all of their projects in Japan. I knew they were coming home on the 12 of this month. Had a feeling the girls and the guys planned this. I missed Bae. Even though our relationship requires for us to be apart from each other. I have no problem with it. He loves what he is doing and I will not stop him. Like he doesn't stop me from my dream in becoming a chef.

Before falling in love with Bae, I fell in love with his best friend, Ji Yong. He was such a flirt and is a very funny guy to be around with. Although, I have never said anything. Till this day no one knows and I still have a little thing for Ji Yong. After blowing out my candles on my birthday cake, I had a slow dance from my Baebe. We danced to one of my favorite songs, N'Sync's "God Must Have Spent A Little Time On You" We just smiled and stared into each others eyes. Once it was over, Bae got on his knee and everyone had their eyes on us. We were the only ones on the dance floor. "Will you be mine forever?" he asked me while holding a diamond ring. I was in total shock.

Before I could answer Baebe, Ji Young came from behind Bae and looked at me. "Please hear me out before you can answer him." Bae got up and looked at his best friend of nearly 13 years with a confused look. "Before, I felt this feeling was nothing and that I could ignore it. Mae Ri, I am deeply in love with you. Mianhae for waiting for this long to say it to you." I looked at Ji, who was ignoring his best friend's reaction.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. All I heard were people saying "What will she say?" and a lot of "shhhhhhh" all around me. "Ji you are too late and I will say YES to becoming Mrs. Dong Young Bae. Mianhae." Bae's face was filled with joy and had the biggest smile on his face. But before getting the embrace I was wanting from Baebe, TOP came to t center of the dance floor where the three, now four, of us were standing. "Are you sure you want to say ne to Young Bae-ah?" he said while staring at Bae. "Yes, Waeyo?" I said in reply. I looked at all three guys. Now I have random things running through my head. "Mae Ri, do you remember last month Ana left Korea to go to the Philippines for a mini vacation?"

Why is TOP bringing Ana into this??? I searched for Ana in the party room. At the corner of my eye I saw her got up and left the room. What in the world is going on? "Ne, I remember. But why are you bringing her up TOP Oppa???" Bae's face seemed angry and seemed like he wanted to kill someone. Next thing I knew, TOP had his hands cupped on my face. "She's pregnant and the man you just agreed to marry is the father." How in the world can I marry a man who had slept with someone else and promised me he'll wait till we are both married to each other. Even though we tried only once, 2 months ago when he surprised visited me. Though I stopped it all. I was speechless and I needed to be alone. As I was about to walk out, Bae grabbed my arm. I turned to him and slapped his beautiful face. "How could you?!?"

Tears started to fall down my face. I wanted to get away and I ran out of the place, Teddy Oppa and Sanjangnim were holding Bae back from trying to get to me. Everyone knew me well enough that I wanted to be alone. Nat, Kikki, and Ana were no where to be seen in the party room. Got to my car and drove off. I just needed to think. Why did Baebe and Ana do this to me? My first and only love and one of my best friends betrayed me and my trust on them. It started to rain hard. The speed dial on my car was rising once I saw the familiar White BMW M1 appearing on my rear view. It was Baebe. With the rain falling down hard, I started to swerve and loose control of the car.


I felt weak and there was so much pain all over my body. "Mae Ri!!!!" was all I can hear from an angelic familiar voice. "Stay with me please!!!" he said. I can hear sirens from a far. "I'mm so sorry . Please don't leave me. I love you so much." Everything was a blur through my eyes and I felt his hand holding on to mine. As much as I wanted to say how much I loved him and tell him I just wanted to be in his arms, all I can say was . . . "Bae, I'm 2 months pregnant." Then everything went blank.

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Chapter 1: omggggg~~ this is a cool story. i mean i didn't expect it at all. good job!!!